Las Levendas: REBOOT Signups & Chat!

Hey guys.

So this really, really sucks. But as much as it pains me to say it, I think I’ll have to drop out of here. I’m just so, so busy with school and exams this week and I honestly have no inspiration to keep going. I hope you guys know that this isn’t personal and I still love this story and want to see this RP succeed. Good luck, guys! I’ll miss being here!

Please remove me from and tag lists and convos~


Can your character be adopted? Since we had some bigger plans with her?

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Of course!

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Alright! Thank you! I hope we will get to RP soon. Take care. :blue_heart:

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@unsungcheerio ~ reminder!

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oh and do you still want me to change the title of this to “& chat” or like is glitter doing that or

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Since Glitter left this RP, I think you can do it! :blush:

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K done and tags added~

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Thank you so much!

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Oh wow. (I didn’t see this reply lol)

Also, I’ve made my post on the official thread~

@bpalmer and @elixr it’s been 6 days and over… I just wanna send a reminder before I decide whenever or not to make my characters Approachable again.

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Ahhh I’m so sorryyy :pleading_face:
I’ve been procrastinating a lot!


Same, I have to still reply to @angelic - I’ll do it soon, I promise!


Np, but I just wait patiently but after 2 reminders I’ll transition on and make my characters Approachable also to keep the rp going.


I’m crying lmao

I meeeeeean Gaston can have children he doesn’t know about lmao


You should have Adrian and Lottie’s conversation lmao (Rot and Ruin RP)

illegitimate bastards

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Hmmm, I might check it out.

But honestly, Mill is my new OTP. For no apparent reason.

Ughhhh, poor children, tho.
Gaston is a b^stard in this situation lmao


Lmao, sameeee

Well, not exactly their conversation, but the way we tag each other…? It’s hard to explain smh.

Okok who is approchable?

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People who still haven’t posted yet…
