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thank so much

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Itā€™s the second day

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Uhhu I heard but wanted to make sure :wink:


Well I wrote something but Iā€™m tired and partially functional so lets see how it goes. It might just be rambling but you know oh well.

:smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:

Sorry couldnā€™t help it :rofl:

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I was hoping you took that like that

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I will, Genosta wonā€™t :wink: :yum: :rofl: :rofl:

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Lol oh dang

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just have him sleepwalk and hug him in his sleep :rofl:

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lol might just have to for Martha.

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haha yess.
bet letā€™s be honest, itā€™s not just for Martha, I love just shoving these boys together. :heart_eyes:

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Honestly yes Im loving this at this point they are pretty cute I have to admit.

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haha yes. :heart_eyes:
also warning, Genosta wonā€™t start any ā€˜family talkā€™ unless Archer starts it :wink:

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imagine the drama when one day Genosta has his mask off and Archer walks in without knowing he is in the bathroom :heart_eyes:


anyway, Iā€™m going to bed gn!

I got that but Archer doesnā€™t really have family. Also he will be so worried that Genosta is not ok when he sees him but he will love him regardless

oMg TheY wAnT cHiLdReN?!

Iā€™d like to read thatā€¦
But, how does he look like?

Ahem, anyway, anyone approachable?
I have Rapunzel & Mikhael.

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Meeekepeek wrote a little tidbit on it on the official today when he was in the bathroom showering

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yeah do you want me to find it for you @elixr

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