Las Levendas (Twisted Fairytales rp)- Planning and Chat Thread

Okay! I’m on holidays right now so my reply might take me a while


That’s cool, take your time and have fun~!


Alright, y’all, Snow’s about to make an announcement to the city, but would anyone like to talk to Hades or Tink?

Also, @liyahsdiamond, I swear I’m gonna get started on the Tin Man so that we can plan soon.

ALSO also, is there anyone with forum know-how who could help me in getting us a group tag? Y’know, so I don’t have to copy and paste a bunch of names every time?


Yeah there’s a form somewhere, I can link it for you if you want


Yes, please, thank you!


Here you are~:

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Thank you!

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As much as I’d like Hades and Wendy to talk, I think Tink and Wendy meeting would also be cool! Wendy is currently approachable!


Could Gothel talk to Hades?

Sounds good! Hades will approach Gothel (if she has a post, please tag me in it if she does so I can find it) and Tink will approach Wendy (again, could you tag me in her last post so I know what to write?).


Her last post is here! :wink:

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Awesome! Thanks! I’ll post asap.

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Actually, now thinking about it, would Tink know who Wendy was from her relationship with Peter?

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I assume he’d have talked about her at some point. We should ask @ForeverAngel, though.

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She probably would

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Where is everyone? :man_shrugging: So far as I saw only people who RPing in here are me, @Kbail and @unsungcheerio It’s not that I’m complaining or something like that, I just really like this RP and don’t want it to die. (I was thinking about creating something similar like that few weeks before this RP was created)


@ForeverAngel I was meaning to ask what does Gretel does for Maleficent, how does her role in there works and how much she is conected in all that. I was assuming that she just doing whatever she wants until Maleficent ask her for something, like some bounties to hunt or somethning like that. Or since she is the head bounty hunter, Gretel is giving orders to others imagining bounty hunters?

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I, for one, have been super busy, and I know that a lot of people haven’t finished their signups yet. But I think it’ll pick up eventually.


no, It’s okay, it’s totally understandable.

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