Lime Grove // Official Thread



After sleeping for a long time after my nightly tea, I woke up to a brightly lit room. The sun was shining through the curtains as I stretched, ready for the new day. I quickly did my morning routine and put on my comfortable dress. After I made my tea, I sat down and turned on the tv. But what I saw shocked me. I sat frozen with my tea in my hand. Lime grove was actually under lock down? And what kind of political issues? I guess today wasn’t going to be as relaxing as I thought.



After being jolted awake from a nightmare, Heather woke up from the sun shining in through her windows. "Ugh, what the heck, I forgot to close the curtains last night. She quickly got up and closed them. She moved her hair from her face and did her morning routine. She never usually got dressed slow but she was tired. After getting dressed she sat down and painted her nails black as usual. She honestly wanted to stay in her room and sleep in but she didn’t want to be that lazy. She went to the living room and layed on the couch, scrolling through her phone.

Lime Grove is in a lockdown due to Political issues. Please stay inside!

Heather had to look twice at the message she just saw on her phone. " Wait, what the heck?" She thought.



As Evan opened his eyes, he realized that his room was messy with books and drawings all over the floor. The tv had “He’s just not that into you.” replaying on the tv. “Oh god.” He said as he groaned trying to get out of his messy bed. He stumbled in the kitchen to make himself a coffee before he decided to freshen up. Or maybe he would just stay in the house today. After drinking the coffee and sitting down in front of the tv, he turned it on sort of as background noise.

Lime Grove is in a lockdown due to Political issues. Please stay inside!

“This has got to be some kind of joke.” Evan thought. He honestly didn’t want to believe it but after the coronavirus thing he really cpuldn’t get surprised by anything anymore.


I opened my eyes to be face to face with the stack of wood by fireplace. A few were actually out of their little cubby. I squinted and rubbed my eyes. Having this many windows in my living room wasn’t a good idea when I woke up like this. The sun was shining in and caused my head to throb even more than it would’ve if I was in my darkroom. I did make myself sit up though, lean in my elbows and looking at my surroundings. Henry was in the room with me also, along with a few pizza boxes and discarded empty bottle from last night. I remember making it back to my house after the club closed but the rest is a blur. If my dad could see this place right now, well he probably wouldn’t care. Luckily, it was my own home now. He was here maybe three nights of the month otherwise he was always at the loft in LA. I leaned back for a little bit, looking at the ceiling and hoping to fall back asleep. “Morning” “SHHH” I shushed the female voice. I thought it was just Andrea, the cleaning lady who has worked for our family as long as I can remember. Basically family. But when she didn’t make a joke about us having a crazy night like usual I shot up. It was Melina, in one of my shirts. “Uh…” I rubbed my head and ran a hand through my hair. Sitting up made me more aware of my cracking headache. Once I made it to my feet the room swayed a little, causing me to lose my balance. a little as I made my way to ger in the kitchen and reached for the counter. I heard Henry talk to. “Looks like yours…” I looked over my shoulder at him with a smirk. This feeling I was experiencing meant we definitely had some fun last night. I walked past Melina to the fridge. I looked at it for a while, just staring at everything. Nothing sounding good at all. “Did I text you?” I asked her with a raised brow. I heard the TV turn on from behind me and I groaned at the noise. “Bloody hell…Do you see this?” I closed the door to the fridge immediately and walked over. “what the f*ck…”
@sofia @aesthetic



Serafina walked into the beautiful house, a smile lighting up her face as she saw her friend, Amélie de La Marnierre. “Likewise,” Serafina responded as she stepped into the house, her eyes sweeping over her bodyguards. But it was rather expected, Amélie was the child of a French President, it was close to royalty and she most definitely had to be protected. Serafina returned back to the present, and had to stifle a small laugh, her “breakfast” was a bottle of wine but she didn’t quite feel like eating quite yet, she felt that way some mornings. “It’s no worries, I’m alright.” Serafina responded as her phone went off. She reached into her pocket, and saw an angry notification flashing at her in Portugese, her native tongue. It was also the reason, Serafina’s words could be interpreted as formal, she was taught a formal way of speaking English, and she was quite used to it, especially in the professional settings she often frequented. She paused as she read the notification: Lime Grove está preso devido a questões políticas. Toque para ler mais. Her face twisted into one of surprise as she passed the phone lightly to her friend after switching the settings to English, “Take a look at this, Lime Grove is on lock down.” She spoke, baffled. Two years in Lime Grove and things like this haven’t happened before. “Wow, no going in or out of here,” she laughed slightly. “Well, at least we have a bunch of attractions here…”



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I tossed over and groaned, lying half awake half sleeping for about 6-7 minutes, after deciding I should finally get up I stood going straight to the bathroom, I splashed some lukewarm water on my face to wake me up and then I started my daily-ish routine, switching between washing my face and checking my phone. I finished and started brushing my teeth. I got dressed and went downstairs, greeting and petting my dog Allie " Hey girl. " Hmm. Something feels off. I can’t put my finger on it though. Eh. I continued my day, turning the TV on but not really paying much attention to it. I slouched on the sofa with Allie and went back on my phone.

I opened my text messages and texted Addy, ’ hey can u come over to have a puppy playdate? ’ I hit send and then got up.



“Looks like yours.” I looked over my shoulder once I heard Henry make a comment, then looked back in front of me, trying to find the d-mn Advil. “Did I text you?" My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at Seth, who had just passed me and was looking into the fridge. “Last night? How the f-ck am I supposed to know? I was probably as wasted as you were, I don’t remember much from last night.” I sighed, then finally found the Advil. I groaned once the TV was turned on, wondering why the hell Henry would want it on since we were hungover. “Bloody hell…Do you see this?” My eyebrows furrowed and I walked over to the TV, leaving the bottle of Advil on the counter. “A lockdown? Political issues?” My eyebrows furrowed even more. “That makes no sense. What political issues? And why didn’t they warn us about anything before? This is bullsh-t.” I crossed my arms.




“Do you really need a reason to see me?”
Smiling cheekily he leaned against his half-open door glancing at the street behind her in case someone was passing, before opening the door completely. “I don’t even know why I asked.” With a chuckle, he gently lifted her chin up sweetly looking at her eyes before giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Lock the door please.” Throwing his towel to the side on his couch he made his way to the kitchen, leaving her to close the door and get comfy. This wasn’t strange, she did spend a lot of time with him here since they are… good friends. It was better than going to her house while Miles was there, he wouldn’t be happy to see him. There are a lot of things that happened over the past year and it’s mostly things he wasn’t proud of and would gladly take back, but couldn’t. So many things he couldn’t take back. Things Noelle didn’t know about and he’d like to keep it that way. “Right on time for breakfast. What do you want?” With a slight smirk on his face, he rested his elbow on the kitchen counter, leaning forward as he kept his eyes on her. But before he could say anything he heard something on the TV going to the living room almost right away just to check if what he heard was true. It can’t be, right?
“What the f-ck?” He muttered under his breath, running his hand through his hair as he quickly sat down on his couch. “You must be f***ing kidding me!” It was obvious how annoyed he was as he intertwined his fingers in a fist, resting his chin on his hands as his elbows rested on his knees. He was planning on leaving for a bit and now there was one more thing stopping him.




“Likewise,” I smiled, then made sure to shut the door behind Serafina. “It’s no worries, I’m alright." My eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Are you sure? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I want to make sure you’re staying healthy.” I told her. “Did you have wine for breakfast?” I asked, noticing a faint scent of wine. Serafina then took her phone off and checked it, a strange expression appearing on her face before she passed the phone to me. I looked down and I subconsciously held my breath as I read the words. “A lockdown?” I bit my lip, then looked back at the phone, before looking back at Seraphina and handing her back her phone. “What sort of political issues? Do you have an idea of how long this could last?” I took a deep breath, then pulled out my own phone and sent a quick text to my father. I then put my phone away and nodded at Seraphina’s words. “You’re right, there are several options of what to do here, but I don’t know… I don’t like the thought of being in a lockdown.” I rubbed my face. “This entire thing is very random too, I never saw this coming.”




I got up to do my morning workout around nine-ish this morning. I always worked out in the morning, only having a few exceptions to skip - which was hardly ever. Heading to my bathroom, I took a quick shower to wash away the sweat. When I got out and blowdried my hair, I got a text from Diego. I read it and typed my reply quickly, sending it to him with a smile. Lacey needed a play date anyways. She hated being cooped up inside of the house.

Sure, give me twenty! (:

I got dressed and picked up Lacey’s leash and a few other things, taking her out to my car. I took a stop to the cafe to pick up something for us to eat and drink. After a couple of minutes, we had made it to Diego’s house. I strapped Lacey to her leash and headed to the door with a tray holding two coffees and a bag of food. I knocked on the door and waited with a sweet smile. “Hey, good morning! Did you hear about the lockdown?” I asked him when he opened the door.


fit and fc



I rolled over in my bed and could feel the dogs at the bottom of it next to my feet. This one only the second week sleeping in the house and I was starting to get more used to it. I don’t really know how I feel about being back in Lime Grove but when I was house hunting my mom kept saying that I would be happier if I just came back to Lime Grove so here I am. I sat up and leaned back against the backboard of my bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest and looked out the window. It was sunny already this morning and I loved waking up to the sun. After some time I got up and walked down to the kitchen, dodging all the unpacked boxes I have yet to get to. I heard Rachel and Ross running behind me. Their feet tapping on the hard wood floors. I opened the door for them to go outside while I poured myself some cold brew. I walked outside also and sat on one of my outdoor swings while I drank my coffee. The dogs were running around the yard together and it was sort of weird for me to still be living alone even after a year.




Last night was pretty awesome I went out with some college buddies to a club and danced the night away as well as danced with a lot of girls. I woke up in the morning and saw a text from Miles that said he was by his pool and to go over if I wanted. I got out of bed and took my shower and got my swim trunks in then headed to his house. Since Miles and I were friends I didn’t bother to knock or ring the door bell I just went inside and made it to his pool where o see Miles. “Sup Miles you enjoying this sunny day?” I said as I sat down in a chair.




"A lockdown? Political issues?”

I nodded slowly as I stood up, crossing my arms as I looked at the two, then back to the tv. “We already have tons of political issues… Why do they care all of a sudden now?” I asked, letting out an amused chuckle.

“That makes no sense. What political issues? And why didn’t they warn us about anything before? This is bullsh-t.”

I shrugged lightly. That just meant more parties, which meant more income for Seth’s club - which meant he would need more staff. Which included me… Although, I didn’t mind helping out. Also being on lockdown could mean more crime and people going crazy… and that’s what I wasn’t looking forward to. “I’m sensing something else is going on…” I said, raising a brow. “But what can you do,” I said, shrugging it off and not really caring.



I had really enjoyed doing this with her, giving eachother looks when we reacted to things with the same energy. I couldn’t directly understand all of the dialogue but I definitely knew what was going on.
I absentmindedly had my arms wrapped around her cute little body. I didn’t think about touching her much, it was just natural to be this way. When we’re together it’s just first instinct, like a default game before adding any mods, we just came this way and we can add whatever we want to being together.
I quickly shifted my gaze to her eyes when she told me she’d get lemonade and smiled softly. I was used to the drink now too, chuckling at her little comment when she got back, she’s so funny, and I know that wasn’t a joke but she always made me laugh for no apparent reason. I shifted myself to get comfortable with her again and then saw it, making eye contact with her and then looking back, “the f*ck” I finished her thought.
omg i actually really really like them AH HBU


I chuckled “It really is a silly question if you ask me” I said and squinted as he kiss my cheek.
close the door
“Sir yes sir” I joked and closed the door behind me while Leo went back inside the house and into the kitchen.
I liked spending time with Leo but for some reason my brother didn’t really like him, and that’s kind of an understatement to be honest. Which changes stuff a bit because that way he barely shows up at my house because we don’t really want Miles to flip at me being… good friends with Leo.
“I’m not really hungry but you go ahead” I said with a light smile and sat on the couch as he suggested breakfast.
The TV was on, I turned to see suddenly breaking news, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the screen
“WHAT?!” I looked at the screen in shock .
I slightly put my hand on my mouth. I didn’t know what to do or what to feel at this moment. Not that I’m complaining, I like lime grove. But a lockdown?? I’ll go crazy.
I sighed and looked over at Leo “so much for a good morning…” I said and rolled my eyes a bit


I enjoyed hanging around at the pool, I went to the other edge of the pool where Bentley was, and took a few sips of my drink that was there my the pool.
Sup Miles you enjoying this sunny day?
“There’s a sunny day, means I need to enjoy it.” I said with a light smile as I looked over at Bentley who showed up. “That’s the deal”
I wasn’t surprised he was here, after all I was the one who texted him.
I swam to the edge of the pool and lifted myself out of it “What’s up with you?” I asked him and ran a hand through my hair to move the water away from my eyes.
I grabbed a towel and dried myself a bit before sitting at one of the chairs too


“I-“ Keeping her eyes on him for a few more seconds she was visibly unhappy about this. That wasn’t too bad when you think about, there are many things they can do here and it’s not like they were doing something beyond that but realizing she’ll be stuck here with so many people that dislike her. It doesn’t sound that nice. If she didn’t have him by her side she’d go insane. “They didn’t even say how long this will last!” She whined as she leaned back on the couch, letting her head fall back. She was planning to go home for a week and help her family with some things but that’s not happening. It annoyed her, not having thing go the way she wanted them to go can really quickly out her in a not so nice mood but she is working on it. Not everything can be perfect. Taking a deep breath as she tried to calm down, she put on a smile and straightened up, pulling her legs up on the couch. “Looks like you’re stuck with me now.” Managing to giggle quietly she let her head rest down on his lap as she closed her eyes, not knowing what truly think of this situation. It just ruined Rebelde for her.




Victoria’s eyes fluttered open as she felt the warm sun rays beam down on her face. Squinting her eyes from the sun she groggily got out of bed with a small yawn.

Walking over to her pristine bathroom she stepped into the shower, Letting the hot water hit her skin as it soothed her aches due to her sleeping position.

After a good shower Victoria went over to her walk-in closet and swung open the doors. Granted she nearly smacked herself in the face- It was luxurious the paint was fresh and her latest fashion was up to date. Privileges of a fashion designer.

Victoria changed into her outfit of the day, A somewhat silk peach colored top with matching pants and slides equipped with an expensive bag and jewelry to accessorize.

After spraying on a few pumps of perfume she tossed her fresh curls behind her shoulder and took out her phone. Scrolling through the comments and liking a few posts until she noticed an alert in bright red text reading-

Good morning Residents! Unfortunately we are going on Lockdown. Due to political issues and for the safety of our community. No one will be able to leave or enter the town until further notice. Please don’t worry and take this time out to socialize with your fellow neighbors and enjoy the blooming park. - Lime Grove Mayor

Victoria mentally face palmed herself.

“Guess that show in Paris is cancelled huh Remy.” Victoria stated with a sigh while her white Pomeranian sat next to her.

“I refuse to waste this outfit, The local cafe it is.” Victoria gently picked up Remy and safety tucked him into her purse- Unlocking the door she stepped outside breathing in the fresh air. After locking it back she began walking to the cafe and soon enough arrived.



This morning I got ready in my-wholesome-healthy-feminine-classy-yet-sweet outfit and headed to the cafeteria with Aria. I loved doing casual homey things with her, it was fun because she contradicted it with her inspirational way of speaking. We walked out there and picked a table outside where we sat for just a little bit before she made a face. I heard my phone beep but thought it could wait since I was with her.
“What?” I ask bluntly,



Serafina smiled slightly before responding, “Yeah, absolutely, not that hungry anyways.” She had definitely lost her appetite reading that note from her mother and it’s connotations had definitely made her lose her appetite. “Just a little, my mother sent me some from the company,” Serafina replied laughing slightly brushing it off. If by a bit, she meant half of the 34 oz. bottle than Serafina had definitely only had a bit. Serafina took back her phone, switching it back to Portugese before placing the phone in the back pocket of her jeans. “I don’t have a clue, I only know my parents will be ringing up my phone when they find out. They’ll use this as more backing for me to go back in Brazil.” Serafina shook her head slightly, she had found somewhere she enjoyed in Lime Grove. There was no way in h-ll that she would be heading back to her parents in Brazil. She removed the issue from her mind before responding. “Same here,” Serafina agreed with the sentiment. “Exactly, what type of political issue could get an entire area shut down? It’s been completely fine for days…” Serafina mused on the thought before waving the idea away. "Well, looks like we’re going to have to work through it as it goes on, let’s not let it ruin our day. She turned to Amélie, excitement filling her once more. "Anyways, what’re our plans for today?



I liked spending time with Ian, we were very different but also very much alike. And I honestly don’t remember the last time I felt like I could trust someone with my life.
We sat at a table and I added a bit of sugar to my coffee, I don’t usually add sugar but I felt like it today.
I listened to the radio, and a news break stopped the music.
A news break was surprising enough, I honestly don’t remember when was the last time something interesting happened here.
The news reporter announced a lockdown, and I might have slightly choked in my coffee from the surprise. A what now?!
I was more shocked than actually bothered, I don’t think I really mind a lockdown, keeps me safer and anyway I don’t really have too much to look for in the outside world.
What the hell does political issues even mean, were not some Vatican city, it’s only a suburban neighborhood…
I frowned… and Ian noticed it obviously, not to hard to miss.
“The news” I simply said trying to make him listen to the reporter instead of explaining myself.
F*cking hell…” I mumbled


“So much for a good morning…”
He did hear what she said but it was almost like he didn’t. Keeping his eyes glued on the screen until he could see something else and not the obvious, huge announcement there were a lot of things going through his mind. Tightening his fists he tried to calm down but his tongue was faster than his mind. Saying one too many swear words, he got up rather angrily walking back to the kitchen and switching his breakfast with a glass of the most expensive scotch he owns. It’s know he has a short temper, especially when hearing something stupid like this. Tapping the glass that was in his hands he had his one elbow on the table as his forehead rested in the palm of his hand, closing his eyes for a few seconds. It wasn’t really about Lime Grove going under a lockdown, it was more than that, so many thinks not letting him be truly happy here where he is. Taking a deep breath he walked back to Noelle with a weak smile on his face and sat down next to her, keeping his eyes on the glass in his hand. “Sorry about that.” He muttered, putting his elbow up on the couch behind him as he looked the other side, towards the big glass window separating his living room for his backyard. “So much for a good morning.” He repeated what she said, chuckling as he slowly shifted his gaze to meet her eyes. “What now? What does this mean?” It was more of a statement and not a question. Yes, there were a lot of things they can do here but it didn’t make this situation any better.
