Lime Grove // Official Thread

Welcome to Lime Grove,
a secluded part of the town only for the wealthy and famous. With pools and private gyms to mansions with rooms you can’t even count, this is the place not many can afford to live in. If you do, congratulations but don’t get too comfortable; it seems like Lime Grove is getting under a lockdown and you can’t leave.

Lime Grove is a secluded part of the town surrounded by fences and guards. Only the most influential and powerful people live here in their mansions with everything they wish for. Young adults living alone or with their parents that are never home, found their peace here.

Due to political issues, Lime Grove goes under a lockdown without giving the people a possibility to leave or enter, only for the safety of everyone. Young adults that are now all alone with only the people they might not like have no other choice but to hang out with those in the same situation as them. Is this a good time to make friends or reconnect with someone? With a coffee shop, parks, one restaurant even a club, will they take advantage of this situation and have some fun or can something else go wrong? A few days later a site pops up with a main and only purpose of exposing these influential people and you have a choice; believe everything you see, use it for your advantage or even expose those closest to you yourself, just to keep your status?

Later in the RP I will be introducing an “exposing page”. It will be a page where everyone can post whatever they want and “expose” people in this town. It will be anonymous. You will get more details when that happens!

  • Nothing explicit. If clothes come off timeskip or continue in PM
  • Please blue or c*nsor any curse words
  • Each post must be longer than five sentences
  • Keep all ORP posts without a character post in the official chat
  • Please be respectful of everyone in the role-play and be kind to each other!

Places / Map
Social media
Exposing site


@Madilnel @CerealKiller @raviola @sofia @dearest @jaytastic @Littlefeets @angelic @BlackBlood @aesthetic @Caticorn @MeghanWrites @sunfaults @katabasis @L.C.R @Daunt @Maddy @Yomama @Kbail @anon93806337 @Quinn @Mouschi @ForeverAngel @Kate


Its a sunny morning, around 9 am and people are slowly waking up or are already awake. Turning on the TV or picking up their phones the first thing they can hear about is Lime Grove going under a lockdown due to political issues. What are they going to do?



My face scrunched up for a moment before my eyes opened. I closed them again, then rolled over with a groan. I rubbed my eyes after a bit, then opened them once again and yawned. My head is f-cking killing me. The feeling was all-too-familiar. I had probably gotten wasted the night before and since I was in Seth’s room and wearing nothing, I had most likely hooked up with him. I yawned once again and closed my eyes, nuzzling my head into the pillow. However, my head was killing me and I couldn’t go back to sleep because of it. Time for some Advil. I slowly got out of bed, but walked to Seth’s closet first, grabbing one of his t-shirts and putting it on. I was confident in my body, but I wasn’t just going to strut out there naked. After I had Seth’s t-shirt on, I walked out of the room, making my way to the bathroom. I look like sh-t. I sighed, then combed through my hair to make myself look at least decent. I then decided to actually use the bathroom since I was already there and after I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, I looked back at myself in the mirror and bit my lip. Didn’t I keep some makeup in here? I had a friends with benefits thing going on with Seth, so I did spend the night at his place quite often. After some time of that, I decided to bring some makeup over, just so I wouldn’t look like a mess in the morning. I rummaged through the cabinet, before finding a makeup bag filled with some of my products. After about ten minutes, I put the bag away and left the room, making sure to take one final look at myself before doing so. I then made my way to the kitchen to find some Advil, when I saw Seth and Henry, along with several pizza boxes. “Morning.” I said as I looked for the medicine or just something to help me.

Seth's t-shirt that she's wearing




Ever since the not so happy ending of his engagement his days have become monotone in a way. There were things keeping him preoccupied but were they making him fulfilled? Not really. He had friends, he had girls he can turn to, he had his bike he could drive whenever he wants since it’s something he enjoys more than anything but it was all slowly becoming meaningless. No matter how much he tried to keep his positivity it wasn’t that easy. For a long time he wanted to just go away for a few weeks and work on himself, leaving the hotels to his dad but there was always something making him stay in the same place. He did find some relaxation in Lime Grove over the last few months, a good friend and sports. If there was something that could help him clear his mind that was basketball and to his luck there were courts not far away from his house.

Having a few drinks the night before didn’t stop him from having an early start on the day. He often wakes up early and tries to use that time as productively as he can, be it working out or just finishing up his work from the day before. Adjusting his eyes to the bright light, he sat up resting his elbows on his knees as he looked to the other, darker side of the room. As much as he likes mornings he hates waking up to such a bright light, turns out he wasn’t bother pulling the blinds down the nigh before. Turning his head to rest his forehead in the palms of his hands, he tangled his fingers in his bangs that were once again getting too long for his liking. Taking a deep breath, he threw the sheets to an empty side of his bed before getting up and going to the bathroom. Turning the faucet he let the water run as he put his hands on the sink, leaning over it and looking down. At times he would get this flashback of some happier times, his life 2/3 years ago and even if they were supposed to make him happy they do the complete opposite. Wasted five years of his life he couldn’t take back. But would he even want to do that? Tightening his grip on the sink he looked up at his own reflection in the mirror taking a few second to calm down before washing his face with cold water.
Switching into his workout clothes, well only shorts, he grabbed a towel and a bottle of water before going to the well equipped gym he had in his house. It was one of his favourite parts of the house, he would spend his whole mornings there, working out with the music blasting and without a care in the world. It did help him a lot over the past few months so there is nothing he’d rather be doing at the moment.

Afterwards he took a shower and went downstairs in his shorts and a towel around his shoulders since his hairs was still damp, heading straight to the kitchen to make breakfast. On his way he swiftly picked up the remote control, turning on his TV. He doesn’t really watch it, he just uses it as a background noise while cooking and usually pays attention to the news, for some reason. It’s good to know what’s happening in the world, especially when you have a successful business. As he was about to go to the kitchen he heard a knock on his door, walking over to it with a confused look on his face. It was early, not many people are awake at this time, and not to talk about leaving their house at this time. Opening them as he ran his hand through his damp hair a smile appeared on his face once he noticed who It was. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

@CerealKiller - Noelle


I never minded a chill morning, I was off work for a while now, which leaves me time to relax and enjoy my time.
I went down the stairs partly dressed, wearing a pair of trunk shorts. As I headed towards the kitchen, my eyes landed on the newspaper on the floor by the counter, all chewed up by the dog. I sighed lightly and picked up the newspaper and throwing it in the bin, there are no interesting news in this place anyway.
As much as lime grove was small and not too interesting, on some levels I liked my life here, the place, the people… A lot better than before I came here.
I brewed myself a good coffee assuming Noelle was still asleep, a coffee not too intense but not too bland. I took my mug and sipped my coffee, it was hot touching my lips but it isn’t anything I couldn’t handle.
I looked out the huge floor to ceiling windows of our living room, and my eyes settled on the pool, how do I always end up going to the pool every time I come down
I finished my coffee and put the mug in the dishwasher.
I took myself a small drink and stretched my legs a bit before going out to the pool, a but day drinking didn’t kill anyone.
I always enjoyed the pool, although the hot tub truly had my heart.
I turned on the speakers and put on some music, a Drake album. only makes things better.
I dipped my toea in the water to check, and as I saw the temperature was alright, I jumped in head first and swam around the pool.



The only con for having floor to ceiling windows in my room is that sometimes I’m too tired and I forget to close the curtains.
The sun burning in my face woke me up, it wasn’t too early which was good, but I still wasn’t planning on getting up.
I stayed in bed for a while, scrolling through my Instagram and checking texts.
Eventually, looking out the window it seemed like a nice day so I decided to get up and go for a nice walk. I took a nice long shower, taking my time and enjoying the feel of the hot water run down my skin.
I covered myself in a towel and opened the door back to my room and stood in front of the mirror for a while, brushing my hair. I turned and went into my closet looking for something to wear, I was only going for a walk I had no reason to really make an effort, but who knows. It’s always better not to look like sh*t.
I picked out an outfit and threw the towel on my bed getting dressed. I took a glance in the mirror, that’s alright I guess…
I grabbed my phone and AirPods and headed out. As I went to the door I noticed miles out at the pool, he seemed to be enjoying.
I went out and walked down the street, it really was a nice day like I expected it would be.
After a while, I found myself in front of Leo’s house. How do I always end up finding myself here?
I smiled lightly and shook my head,
I fixed my hair, took off my airpods and went to the door and knocked on it.
After a while he opened the door, I smiled “hey stranger” I said
To what do I owe this pleasure?
“Do you really need a reason to see me?” I chuckled, he looked good. Like always.




𝒯𝒶𝓅 𝑀𝑒

Hestia’s awakening was nothing less than tranquil and calm, it was quiet and the sun filtered into her room, blinding in her face. She sat up in her bed, and yawned before getting on her knees and opening the curtains to let the light brighten up the room. She stepped out of the bed, she stepped into her bathroom, large and simple. She picked up a candle, it smelled like vanilla but was burned down until there was nothing left of the original candle, she opened the trash can with the tip of her foot and tossed it in. She reached for the glass doors on the wall and yanked them open, pulling out a towel and lotions and soaps of different kinds. She closed the bathroom door, and the sound of water echoed throughout the room from the tile on the bathroom floor.

Hestia stepped into her walk-in closet, water dripping and falling as she pushed her hair back away from her face, the rest of her wrapped in a bathrobe. She stepped into her closet and surveyed the outfits before choosing one, and about fifteen minutes later she exited the closet in a suitible attire. She had only sat down in the kitchen, with a bowl of cereal when her phone went off, a crystal clear from her phone beeped 3 times, a pause between each one. She sighed and pulled out her phone to see three text from a contact in her phone known as “Bories”, or rather Aries. A small smile curved her lips upward as she read the text messages, Mmhm, birthday, sure. She thought to herself, chuckling slightly before setting down her spoon and tapping her keyboard with her bloodred painted nails. She finished her food shortly and stood up, dropping the ceramic bowl into the sink and picking up her purse. She closed her phone and dropped it in the purse before walking out the door of her elaborate mansion’s hallway and continuing to walk down the pathway to the park. Surprisingly, for once it was empty. She ended up walking into the large house shaped tower that at the very top was a green slide swirling until it reached, touching the woodchips, colored a faint red. She sat down, bringing her knees to her chest in the small space as she waited for her partner in crime

𝒯𝑒𝓍𝓉 𝓂𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓈




@jaytastic ~ ahhhh sorry this is bad


𝒯𝒶𝓅 𝑀𝑒

Sera woke up in her bed, alone which in itself was an interesting occurence but that didn’t stop her at all from swinging her legs over her bed as she stretched her arms above her head as she sat up. She looked down to see her cat, Angel, meowing softly before standing up and walking in a circle, her tail raised and sitting back on her lap.”C’mon, Angel,” Serafina yawned as she picked up her cat and moved it to another spot on the pink bed. She stood up and walked down the stairs of the empty mansion, so large but no one to share it with. Coming back from Italy, having traveled to France the year before, going to South Korea in the spring this summer, she had everything she ever wanted It only bothered her a tiny bit that it would most likely remain just her. She saw a package on the staircase, a case of wine with a note on it. Serafina ripped it off and it read:

A new type of wine we’ve brewed, tell me what you think!

Serafina sat on the stairs and ripped up the note into tiny pieces, her mother missed her birthday last year by 2 weeks but remebered to let her daughter promote her wine brand. She opened the case, pulled out a bottle and popped the cork and took a rather large swing. Her lips curved slightly, it was sweet, her favorite type. It took her a bit, but she managed to, still in her pajamas, lug the wine case to the wine cellar filled with hundreds of bottles of different wines, new, aged. She shelved the bottles neatly and kicked the box under the table, and yawned once more as she walked up the steps. She walked into the elegant bathroom and began to get ready for her day before getting dressed. She had already planned to visit Amélie already before, she slipped on her shoes before heading out the front door. It took about ten minutes, as she enjoyed the weather outside before she reached her friend’s house. She gave three short knocks on the door, waiting outside, tugging on her yellow shirt and looking around her.



@sofia ~ hope this works, apologies if it’s bad!


The light peeking through the curtains woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and opened the window letting the sunlight wash the room.
I didn’t have any plans for the day, but it doesn’t mean I have to sit around and do nothing.
I changed out of my pyjamas and put on some clothes, nothing too fancy just comfortable. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone anyway.
I wasn’t planning on going anywhere but that can’t hurt, I might as well get a coffee and sit at the cafe instead of making it at home.
I grabbed my phone and went out to the cafe, it was a nice day outside, though a bit hot if you ask me…
I got to the cafe seeing Ian, and ordered myself a coffee, and sat in a chair by the window with him, the radio was playing in the background, …




A strange feeling woke me up and I moved my face over, groaning once I still felt something slobbery on me. I soon opened my eyes, immediately seeing one of my dogs who was just licking my face. Although the feeling wasn’t pleasant, I chuckled softly, then lightly grabbed my dog’s face and kissed her forehead.

“Good morning, Coco.”

I tried to give her a hug, but she just decided to leap off my bed and leave the room. Then with a yawn, I sat up. Although I was still a bit tired, I was ready to start my day. I got out of bed and made my way toward one of my walk-in closets, passing the bodyguards who were just standing in my room.

After looking through all my options, I ended up choosing I light green top with long sleeves, along with some blue jeans that flared out a little at the bottom. I put on a pair on white heels and grabbed some accessories. Once I was done changing into my outfit for the day, I looked at myself and fixed my hair, then left the room and made my way to the kitchen, deciding not to put any makeup on today. I usually went makeup-free, I wasn’t a fan of heavy makeup.

I smiled at my personal chef, who was ready in the kitchen, waiting for me to tell him what I wanted for breakfast. Although I did like cooking, sometimes it was nice to have someone do it for me, especially in the mornings. “Good morning, Maxim. May I just have a simple omelette for breakfast?” I asked him. He nodded and began making the food that I requested. While I waited for the food, I decided to head to the stable to check on my two horses, Julien and Emeraude.

“Bonjour, mes jolies.” I smiled as I got closer to the hoses and began petting Julien. I then walked over to a closet where food for the two horses was kept. I grabbed some of it, then made my way to Emeraude and giggled as I saw how excited she got for it. After I fed Emeraude, I fed Julien, then waved goodbye. “I’ll come by later.”

Before returning to the kitchen, I made sure to stop by a bathroom and wash my hands since I had pet the two horses and fed them some food with my hands. I also made sure to wash my face while I was at it, remembering that Coco had licked my face this morning. Once I was done, I left the bathroom and headed back to the kitchen, where a plate was waiting for me with something over it to keep it hot. “Merci.” I smiled, then took my plate into a different room and sat down. I began to eat, but it wasn’t too long before I heard three knocks at the door. That must be Seraphina. I gently set down my fork, then made my way over to the door, my bodyguards following me. Once I reached the door, I noticed that Coco had already beat me to it and was sitting by the door, waiting to see who it was. Thankfully she was trained well, so she didn’t bark every time she heard someone at the door.

“Hi, Seraphina. It’s nice to see you.” I told her with a genuine smile. “Come in,“ I told her motioning with my hand for her to come in. “Have you eaten breakfast yet? I was just eating mine but if you haven’t had anything, Maxim can make something for you.”

Her outfit



“Freddy! Get up! There’s something on TV!”

Freddy Clovers groaned. “And the floor is made out of floor. Don’t bother me!”
“But it’s important, Freddy! Come!” James’ voice rang through the house.”
Freddy quickly tossed on some pants, grabbed his toothbrush, and went into his bathroom. Then he ran across the hallway, tripped over his own feet at the head of the stairway, and fell down the stairs.
James laughed, then pointed at the screen. “Look!”
On the TV, a reporter was talking about a lockdown. Melody Clovers went up to the TV and turned it off.
Melody!” Freddy groaned as he turned on the TV and set her on his lap.
“-due to political issues. We don’t have much info on it yet, but stay tuned for more.”
“What?” James looked at the TV, astonished. “Why? Has the mayor gotten shot or something? Gosh!”
“I’m sure that’s not the reason why, James,” said Freddy, putting Melody onto the ground and going upstairs to wake up Gabe.
Freddy entered, and he saw Gabe underneath the blanket. Gabe groaned as Freddy tossed the blanket aside. “Can I have like, five more minutes?”
“Nope. Not get out or I’ll drag you. Also, there’s a lockdown. So don’t leave Lime Grove.”
“Why would I?” Gabe grunted as he stomped noisily upstairs.
Freddy shrugged, and got some coffee for himself and James.




Flashback to last night

“Did you really order ten boxes of pizza for two of us, mate?” I said, stumbling into Seth’s living room after a night at his club. We were fully drunk and kept laughing at stupid sh*t. “There’s gonna be three of us, don’t worry mannn…” I looked to him with my eyebrows furrowed, letting out a laugh and finding a seat on the floor. “Please tell me they aren’t a prostitute,” I muttered. Though, I really wouldn’t mind. That’s when we heard a knock on the door, the third person. A girl that I’ve seen before came waltzing in, probably drunk too. I saw her at the club. Though, it was hard for me to recognize her face from all the alcohol. After some more partying of our own, Seth took her back to his room, but he came back shortly after for God knows what reason. We both crashed onto the couch within seconds, his living room a beer bottle and pizza box mess.


My eyes fluttered open slowly, squinting because of the d*mn blinding lights in this living room. I sat up slowly from the floor with ringing in my ears. Massive hangover… Bloody hell. Suddenly my head cocked over to the hall, hearing a toilet flush and door close. I looked to Seth and raised a sleepy brow. “What happened?” I whispered groggily, seeing a small glimpse of a girl walking down the hall. Morning was all I heard when she started to search Seth’s kitchen for what I’m assuming was a pain reliever. I raised my brows when I noticed Seth’s shirt, giving him a cheeky smirk. “Looks like yours…” I teased. I turned the tv on, but the programs were being blocked by an announcement. We were on lockdown. “Bloody hell…” I grumbled. “Do you see this?” I asked them.



If there is something that’s better than sleeping like a normal person would do than it’s watching Rebelde all night long with your favorite person. This wasn’t something they’ve never done before, it’s slowly becoming something she really enjoys even if she might be sleepy. With her fuzzy blankets over them, snuggled up against Vincent with his strong arms tightly wrapped around her she never felt safer than at this very moment. He did change her life in so many ways and is the only thing making her happy at this point. With her head resting on his chest and her legs wrapped around his, she gently stroked his arm smiling to herself as she kept her eyes on the screen. She didn’t have to, she easily understood everything they were saying so at one moment she sweetly looked up at him, moving her hand up to his cheek. “I’ll go grab us a lemonade quickly.” With gentle words, she softly kissed his cheek before pulling the blanket off of her and walking to the kitchen. She is really healthy. Or is just trying to be. Over the years she learned what to eat and easily replaced every drink with lemonade, drinking it more than water. Of course, that’s not the case when she is going out but that’s a whole other story.
Grabbing two glasses, she poured in some lemonade she had prepared in a glass pitcher that’s just sitting on her table, with most random fruits around it. Besides what was on the TV the only noise you could hear at this time was the sound of her fuzzy, white slippers as she made her way back to the living room. “Don’t tell me they are still fighting.” She made a little comment, chuckling and subtly rolling her eyes as she left the glasses on the table in front of them, sitting down. Right as she put the blanket over her their show was interrupted with the sudden news. Not a pleasant news. “What-” Confused, she straightened up, slightly leaning forward as she was trying to comprehend what was happening. And she didn’t know how to react but look at Vinnie.


@raviola - Vinnie




After sleeping for a long time after my nightly tea, I woke up to a brightly lit room. The sun was shining through the curtains as I stretched, ready for the new day. I quickly did my morning routine and put on my comfortable dress. After I made my tea, I sat down and turned on the tv. But what I saw shocked me. I sat frozen with my tea in my hand. Lime grove was actually under lock down? And what kind of political issues? I guess today wasn’t going to be as relaxing as I thought.



After being jolted awake from a nightmare, Heather woke up from the sun shining in through her windows. "Ugh, what the heck, I forgot to close the curtains last night. She quickly got up and closed them. She moved her hair from her face and did her morning routine. She never usually got dressed slow but she was tired. After getting dressed she sat down and painted her nails black as usual. She honestly wanted to stay in her room and sleep in but she didn’t want to be that lazy. She went to the living room and layed on the couch, scrolling through her phone.

Lime Grove is in a lockdown due to Political issues. Please stay inside!

Heather had to look twice at the message she just saw on her phone. " Wait, what the heck?" She thought.



As Evan opened his eyes, he realized that his room was messy with books and drawings all over the floor. The tv had “He’s just not that into you.” replaying on the tv. “Oh god.” He said as he groaned trying to get out of his messy bed. He stumbled in the kitchen to make himself a coffee before he decided to freshen up. Or maybe he would just stay in the house today. After drinking the coffee and sitting down in front of the tv, he turned it on sort of as background noise.

Lime Grove is in a lockdown due to Political issues. Please stay inside!

“This has got to be some kind of joke.” Evan thought. He honestly didn’t want to believe it but after the coronavirus thing he really cpuldn’t get surprised by anything anymore.


I opened my eyes to be face to face with the stack of wood by fireplace. A few were actually out of their little cubby. I squinted and rubbed my eyes. Having this many windows in my living room wasn’t a good idea when I woke up like this. The sun was shining in and caused my head to throb even more than it would’ve if I was in my darkroom. I did make myself sit up though, lean in my elbows and looking at my surroundings. Henry was in the room with me also, along with a few pizza boxes and discarded empty bottle from last night. I remember making it back to my house after the club closed but the rest is a blur. If my dad could see this place right now, well he probably wouldn’t care. Luckily, it was my own home now. He was here maybe three nights of the month otherwise he was always at the loft in LA. I leaned back for a little bit, looking at the ceiling and hoping to fall back asleep. “Morning” “SHHH” I shushed the female voice. I thought it was just Andrea, the cleaning lady who has worked for our family as long as I can remember. Basically family. But when she didn’t make a joke about us having a crazy night like usual I shot up. It was Melina, in one of my shirts. “Uh…” I rubbed my head and ran a hand through my hair. Sitting up made me more aware of my cracking headache. Once I made it to my feet the room swayed a little, causing me to lose my balance. a little as I made my way to ger in the kitchen and reached for the counter. I heard Henry talk to. “Looks like yours…” I looked over my shoulder at him with a smirk. This feeling I was experiencing meant we definitely had some fun last night. I walked past Melina to the fridge. I looked at it for a while, just staring at everything. Nothing sounding good at all. “Did I text you?” I asked her with a raised brow. I heard the TV turn on from behind me and I groaned at the noise. “Bloody hell…Do you see this?” I closed the door to the fridge immediately and walked over. “what the f*ck…”
@sofia @aesthetic



Serafina walked into the beautiful house, a smile lighting up her face as she saw her friend, Amélie de La Marnierre. “Likewise,” Serafina responded as she stepped into the house, her eyes sweeping over her bodyguards. But it was rather expected, Amélie was the child of a French President, it was close to royalty and she most definitely had to be protected. Serafina returned back to the present, and had to stifle a small laugh, her “breakfast” was a bottle of wine but she didn’t quite feel like eating quite yet, she felt that way some mornings. “It’s no worries, I’m alright.” Serafina responded as her phone went off. She reached into her pocket, and saw an angry notification flashing at her in Portugese, her native tongue. It was also the reason, Serafina’s words could be interpreted as formal, she was taught a formal way of speaking English, and she was quite used to it, especially in the professional settings she often frequented. She paused as she read the notification: Lime Grove está preso devido a questões políticas. Toque para ler mais. Her face twisted into one of surprise as she passed the phone lightly to her friend after switching the settings to English, “Take a look at this, Lime Grove is on lock down.” She spoke, baffled. Two years in Lime Grove and things like this haven’t happened before. “Wow, no going in or out of here,” she laughed slightly. “Well, at least we have a bunch of attractions here…”



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I tossed over and groaned, lying half awake half sleeping for about 6-7 minutes, after deciding I should finally get up I stood going straight to the bathroom, I splashed some lukewarm water on my face to wake me up and then I started my daily-ish routine, switching between washing my face and checking my phone. I finished and started brushing my teeth. I got dressed and went downstairs, greeting and petting my dog Allie " Hey girl. " Hmm. Something feels off. I can’t put my finger on it though. Eh. I continued my day, turning the TV on but not really paying much attention to it. I slouched on the sofa with Allie and went back on my phone.

I opened my text messages and texted Addy, ’ hey can u come over to have a puppy playdate? ’ I hit send and then got up.



“Looks like yours.” I looked over my shoulder once I heard Henry make a comment, then looked back in front of me, trying to find the d-mn Advil. “Did I text you?" My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at Seth, who had just passed me and was looking into the fridge. “Last night? How the f-ck am I supposed to know? I was probably as wasted as you were, I don’t remember much from last night.” I sighed, then finally found the Advil. I groaned once the TV was turned on, wondering why the hell Henry would want it on since we were hungover. “Bloody hell…Do you see this?” My eyebrows furrowed and I walked over to the TV, leaving the bottle of Advil on the counter. “A lockdown? Political issues?” My eyebrows furrowed even more. “That makes no sense. What political issues? And why didn’t they warn us about anything before? This is bullsh-t.” I crossed my arms.




“Do you really need a reason to see me?”
Smiling cheekily he leaned against his half-open door glancing at the street behind her in case someone was passing, before opening the door completely. “I don’t even know why I asked.” With a chuckle, he gently lifted her chin up sweetly looking at her eyes before giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Lock the door please.” Throwing his towel to the side on his couch he made his way to the kitchen, leaving her to close the door and get comfy. This wasn’t strange, she did spend a lot of time with him here since they are… good friends. It was better than going to her house while Miles was there, he wouldn’t be happy to see him. There are a lot of things that happened over the past year and it’s mostly things he wasn’t proud of and would gladly take back, but couldn’t. So many things he couldn’t take back. Things Noelle didn’t know about and he’d like to keep it that way. “Right on time for breakfast. What do you want?” With a slight smirk on his face, he rested his elbow on the kitchen counter, leaning forward as he kept his eyes on her. But before he could say anything he heard something on the TV going to the living room almost right away just to check if what he heard was true. It can’t be, right?
“What the f-ck?” He muttered under his breath, running his hand through his hair as he quickly sat down on his couch. “You must be f***ing kidding me!” It was obvious how annoyed he was as he intertwined his fingers in a fist, resting his chin on his hands as his elbows rested on his knees. He was planning on leaving for a bit and now there was one more thing stopping him.




“Likewise,” I smiled, then made sure to shut the door behind Serafina. “It’s no worries, I’m alright." My eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Are you sure? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I want to make sure you’re staying healthy.” I told her. “Did you have wine for breakfast?” I asked, noticing a faint scent of wine. Serafina then took her phone off and checked it, a strange expression appearing on her face before she passed the phone to me. I looked down and I subconsciously held my breath as I read the words. “A lockdown?” I bit my lip, then looked back at the phone, before looking back at Seraphina and handing her back her phone. “What sort of political issues? Do you have an idea of how long this could last?” I took a deep breath, then pulled out my own phone and sent a quick text to my father. I then put my phone away and nodded at Seraphina’s words. “You’re right, there are several options of what to do here, but I don’t know… I don’t like the thought of being in a lockdown.” I rubbed my face. “This entire thing is very random too, I never saw this coming.”




I got up to do my morning workout around nine-ish this morning. I always worked out in the morning, only having a few exceptions to skip - which was hardly ever. Heading to my bathroom, I took a quick shower to wash away the sweat. When I got out and blowdried my hair, I got a text from Diego. I read it and typed my reply quickly, sending it to him with a smile. Lacey needed a play date anyways. She hated being cooped up inside of the house.

Sure, give me twenty! (:

I got dressed and picked up Lacey’s leash and a few other things, taking her out to my car. I took a stop to the cafe to pick up something for us to eat and drink. After a couple of minutes, we had made it to Diego’s house. I strapped Lacey to her leash and headed to the door with a tray holding two coffees and a bag of food. I knocked on the door and waited with a sweet smile. “Hey, good morning! Did you hear about the lockdown?” I asked him when he opened the door.


fit and fc