Lime Grove // Official Thread

“You aren’t upset about this whole thing?” Come to think of it, I wasn’t. My business was here so that’s what I spent most of my time and effort on so it’s not like I would be missing my thing. It’s my baby. “Once this headache is gone, I’m calling whatever number I find.” I laughed a little at what she said. “I mean what is that going to do?” I asked with a raised brow and then walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. I followed suit and took two of the pills to relieve myself of my headache. My cabinet was always stocked because this feeling was a usual thing for me. I spent most of my nights at my club and came home very late. Not that I actually drank every time I was there though. I mean it is my job, I need to be responsible once in awhile. “I’m sure it’ll all blow over. There’s no need to be stressing over things you can’t control actually.” I was just speaking my mind. At this point, we didn’t have much information on what I going on and who even knows if we ever will. “I’m just going to keep living my life how I want to.”
@sofia @aesthetic


“That’s true. It might be nice for a few days but after that?” He tilted his head furrowing his brows for a moment before chuckling. “Yeah, it will suck.” Bringing one of his legs up on the couch he looked down at it playing with the glass in his hand. Having a certain someone back in town didn’t really make him happy, it was like a cherry on top of this bs. Downing his whole drink with such ease he put the glass down on the table in front of them, reaching for the remote to turn the TV off. Unnecessary noise would just make him angrier, quiet is what he needs now and someone’s company so he wouldn’t drink the whole bottle that was waiting for him in the kitchen. That was slowly becoming a not so easy task for him. It’s easy to fall back into old habits though he never really liked drinking that much, now it was almost necessary for him to properly function. “Didn’t expect you to be here this early.” He quickly added looking back at her with a slight smirk playing on his lips, just trying to switch the subject and forget about everything for a moment.



“Maybe… but it’ll be okay” I said “a bit annoying but nothing we can’t handle” I added trying to make him worry about it less. It obviously bothered me a lot, but I could see it was a lot worse for him. I didn’t really have too many reasons to get away from lime grove, overall my life here was fine.
Didn’t expect you to be here this early.
“Neither did I to be honest” I said “I went on a walk, but I found myself here…” I added with a light smile, changing the subject is definitely a good idea, try to at least not think about this whole lockdown.
“Why, are you complaining?” I smirked and playfully raised my brow at him



“I mean what is that going to do?” I shrugged. “I don’t know, possibly something. You never know until you try. And that’s exactly what I’m planning on doing, if I don’t like something, I’m not just going to sit around.” I sighed, then watched him go back into the kitchen. “I’m sure it’ll all blow over. There’s no need to be stressing over things you can’t control actually.” I shook my head, disagreeing. “Who says that you can’t control the situation?” I wasn’t totally sure if I could do anything about it, but things usually went my way and I was used to that. “I’m just going to keep living my life how I want to.” I nodded, then went on my phone again and found some email of whoever handled the affairs of Lime Grove. I started typing out something to send, but then sighed and shut my phone off. “I’ll get back to that later. What are you two going to do today?”



OOC: Ahh, sorry if this is bad, I was kind of distracted while typing this and got really tired out of nowhere.


I looked at the response and go into my backyard while getting a ball for Allie to play catch with, playing for a good 5 minutes. I heard my doorbell and opened the door. " Hey good morning! Did you hear about the lockdown? " " Hey Addison. Wait. Did you say lockdown? What do you mean?? "My jaw dropped. " There’s a lockdown?? " " Where? Here?? "

I invited her in, closed the door and sat her on the couch while our dogs greeted each other. I looked on my phone and looked up the lockdown in the search bar.
" So we can’t like get out of here? " I said looking up at Addy. I turned the TV on, flipping thru the channels to finally flip to the news. Thats crazy. I thought to myself while hearing the reporter talk on the television. I thought about the effects this might have on some people. " I don’t know how this is going to turn out! I mean do you even know how long the lockdown is going to continue like this? "

@aesthetic (ooc: also sorry for late reply! I was doing something important)

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The post

As the delicate beams of sunshine begin to illuminate her bedroom, the comforting warmth of the sun moderately heated the fabric of her blanket. Just as they broke precisely through the dark hue of her silk curtains, the shadow of darkness that consumed the room dispereses. She felt the tickling sensation of something gently brushing against her cheek, soon followed by the pleasant melody of a cat’s purr. ”Yubin-” she mumbles as she scratches the cat’s head, receiving a shortened ”Meow” in response. She sat upright in her bed, the soft pitter-patter of beaded water droplets trailed out of the bathroom and suffused into her bedroom. She starts for the bathroom, hauling Yubin off of her bed and placing her on the marble countertop adjacent to the sink.

As she stepped into the shower, the relatively sweltering heat of the water straightened her hair down to her ribs and cascaded effortlessly down the rest of her body. Meanwhile, a reasonably loud guitar riff was perceived over the sound of the running water generated by shower, one with a strikingly similar sound. As she recognizes monotone and sequence of lyrics, she begins to sing accordingly only slightly softer and gradually getting louder. ”Nal heundeureo jweo depaul chajajweo i angmong sogeseo. Soneul jabajweo bureul balkyeojweo kkaeeo nal su itge” she sang while generously lathering her hair with a coat of shampoo.

She encased her dripping wet hair in a smaller towel, hoping it would dry without her intervention as she fumbled through a few racks of clothing in an attempt to piece an outfit together. She placed three different outfit choices onto the floor and a snowy white bunny comes into view, ”Choose Yujin” she smiles. The bunny immediately walks towards outfit choice 2, sniffing it with its tiny, pink nose and inspecting the writing on the shirt. She sends another text to Calian before stumbling upon something she overlooked, ”A lockdown? Now?” she stares at the screen in bewilderment. An abundance of questions flooded her mind as she continued to get ready. She would have to go through extensive measures to cancel that business meeting she was scheduled to attend to in Taipei.

The Text

Minji - I’ll be leaving soon, should I wait outside for you? Just a heads up, I’m walking. : )

Her Outfit

Her skirt :arrow_down:

Her shirt :arrow_down:

Lol, is this Jay’s FC? :joy:

Yubin & Yujin

Yujin :wink:
Yubin :wink:


Sorry if the post doesn’t flow very well :eyes:. Also, I just realized that Calian and Minnie are neighbors.



“Once this headache is gone, I’m calling whatever number I find.” I raised a brow and smirked cockily. Yeah, right. “I mean what is that going to do?” I nodded slowly and let out a laugh through my nose. “Not everyone will give you your way, princess.” I said, a bit of arrogance in my tone. I was arrogant, it wasn’t new. People either loved me or hated me for it. “Those b-tches, thinking they can just call a lockdown out of nowhere.” I rolled my eyes and took a couple advils from the container she had opened on the counter, grabbing a drink and taking a sip. “I think they can- You know, being apart of the government and everything.” I stated. “I’m sure it’ll all blow over. There’s no need to be stressing over things you can’t control actually.” I nodded at that, agreeing with what Seth said. “Spot on, mate.” I told him. “I’ll get back to that later. What are you two going to do today?” I furrowed my brows and leaned against the counter, facing the two. “I’m pretty sure Seth and I were talking about some pj party at the club…” I said looking towards him.


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Bentley Richards

I nod my head as he says not many plans. I understand him completely I got nothing to do either. “Well man the bar sounds like fun just don’t get to carried away like me. Also to your other question about a drink yeah I’ll grab one, I know where things are man” I say and get a glass and a drink. “Man it stinks that we are locked in but at least there’s some things we can do. Dude we need to throw a party soon, would you be down for that?”


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Watching her expression made him get lost in his thoughts for a moment as he rested his head in his hand. Wouldn’t it be nice to get his mind off of things in some other ways? That wasn’t something that didn’t cross his mind, if you get a chance you can’t miss it. But instead, he got up picking up his glass from the table and walking back to the kitchen as he spoke up. “I’m not complaining, just asking.” Opening his glass cabinet he took out another glass for her before pouring them both a drink. Taking a few sips from his first, he had to fill it up again after. “I’ll start thinking you bring bad news.” He joked through a light laugh as he walked back to the living room with glasses in his hands. “What do you think others are doing now?” Handing her the glass with the same old smirk playing on his lips he sat down. “I imagine nothing smart but I can’t wait to see what comes out of this.” He quickly added, leaning back on the couch. This will not make anyone happy.


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“I don’t get drunk that easy man you know me” I said “but loosening up doesn’t hurt sometimes” I added and slightly raised my glass
yeah I’ll grab one, I know where things are man
“Yeah sure go ahead” I said and sipped my own drink as he went to get himself one.
“Wait what?” I asked slightly confused “locked where?” I asked. Did I miss something? I should probably start watching news…



“Hey Addison. Wait. Did you say lockdown? What do you mean??”

I watched as he slowly freaked out, making my brows raise. “Yeah, here, Lime Grove… Look at the news.” I said, biting my lip softly as he invited me in. I unhooked Lacey and followed behind of him as the two dogs started sniffing each other.

“So we can’t like get out of here?”

I shook my head and handed him a coffee and one of the bags of food. “There you go,” I said, laying some of my things on the coffee table. “Apparently not… But I’m sure we will be fine! Maybe it isn’t as bad as it seems…” I said, smiling reassuringly. He turned the tv on to the news and watched it, me standing next to him. I was totally one to stay chill in crazy situations - mostly.

“I don’t know how this is going to turn out! I mean do you even know how long the lockdown is going to continue like this?”

I shook my head slowly and took a sip of my coffee. “Yeah… I’m sure it won’t be too long… hopefully.” I said, letting out a small laugh as I rubbed the back of my neck. I’ve never experienced something like this, so it was all new to me. I didn’t know what to think. All I knew is that panicking wasn’t going to help me, or anyone else for that matter. “So, any plans for today?” I asked him with a sweet smile.



Vivia had woken up to the sound of her tv. She had tried blocking out the sound but it was just not going away and then in frustration she tossed two of her pillows in it’s general direction and as if in retaliation the volume increased. She all but screamed at the damn thing, that’s when it occurred to her that she had put of the tv in her room, so how was the bloody thing on. Her alarms bells were going off in her head, she jerked up ready to grab her lamp and thrust it at the intruder only to find one of her dogs, Vega, messing with the remote. All her previous fear and frustration ebbed away as she looked at the precious little puppy. She just picked Vega up when it was announced on the news that they were having a lockdown. What the hell? LOCKDOWN?! FOR SOME POLITICAL RUBBISH?! I was planning on seeing my parents, damnit! she thought to herself. *What an awful start to my day," she grumbled while setting Vega down. She got out of bed and went to the shower to have a bath. After getting cleaned up she got dressed in her grey sweatpants with it’s matching grey hoodie, slapped on some socks and any shoe she found. She didn’t even bother to get her hair into something presentable, just brushed it until it didn’t look like a bird’s nest. She was putting Vega and Orion into their cages when her phone buzzed. “What is it now?” she asked already frustrated and the day had not even begun yet. She looked to who had sent her a message and saw it was Naia. OMG! Finally something that has gone right this morning, she thought to herself. She picked up her keys, took the dogs and drove out her house.

Her drive that was usually pleasant was the most horrid thing ever. Her favourite track and been replaced, the dogs were barking and her head was swimming with what to tell her parents. She had been planning this trip for months and now it was just destroyed because of some political bulls-t. She pulled up at Naia’s house and took the dogs in with her. She opened the door to the house and spotted Naia. She walked over to her after taking the dogs out of their cages. She flipped down in the most unceremonious way possible int he couch. “Good morning Naia. You look pretty and I look like sadness,” she lamented dramatically. “Have you seen the news? We’re stuck here and they’re uncertain when we’ll be out.”



Fadil had woken up at six a.m. sharp, wanting to have an early start to his day. He had gone to gym and taken his cabbage, carrot and celery shake along with him. After spending about three hours in the gym he rushed home to get cleaned up. He had nothing planned for today and we’ll he wasn’t ready to submerge himself into technology today so he decided to go over to Freddy’s house. The little kid was for sure going to have a full house. So he grabbed his keys and coat and walked over to his house. Upon arrival he knocked on the door waiting for a reply.




“I’ll have to call them, I doubt they’ll be bothered to check what’s happening here."
I frowned hearing that lightly, Smiling at the next thing she said, sitting up on my lap. I was always a bit of a pessimist, but I wanted her to feel better so I asked, “What are we going to do that week then” With a slight smirk, looking down at her lips, breaking the eye contact ever so slightly.
why have my posts gotten shorter smh


I played with my hair while thinking, I could see he was slightly lost in thought, but still his eyes were piercing in a way. I sometimes wonder if her can read my thoughts or something.
I’m not complaining, just asking
I smiled playfully “good, got me worried there” I joked a bit
I watched him as he poured drinks,
I’ll start thinking you bring bad news.
I laughed a bit “yeah obviously, but that’s not new” I smirked jokingly
What do you think others are doing now?
“Probably freaking out” I said “we’re not known to be non dramatic people here” I chuckled and took the drink from him “thanks” I said and played with the glass twirling the liquid inside it.
“Having all of us stuck here in one place… it’s going to cause drama for sure, I don’t know how much patience I have for drama though” I said and sipped my drink



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I petted Allie while listening to Addison. “Yeah, here, Lime Grove… Look at the news”
I stared at the television watching it closely. I looked at Addison and took the food and coffee “There you go”
“Thanks. " I smiled at her, after immediately sipping my coffee. “Apparently not… But I’m sure we will be fine! Maybe it isn’t as bad as it seems…”
Okay… I thought. Maybe it isn’t as bad.
“Yeah… I’m sure it won’t be too long… hopefully.”
" Alright. I guess, it might not be. "
“So, any plans for today?” Huh… I thought, " No not really,” I said starting to smile with the smallest ounce of shame.


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Park || With Hestia

Aries stared blankly at his computer screen, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. He was all too aware of how frustrating this was as he finally let out a sigh and started furiously tapping away.
“Hey, are you even listening to me?!”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” he stated nonchalantly, adjusting the talk-piece so she was farther away from his precious eardrums.
“So? What do you think of that?”
Evidently, he hadn’t been listening. There was a 50/50 chance he’d answer correctly.
“Sounds good.”
“You’re not supposed to agree!”
Aries grit his teeth and landed his face in his hands, running them over his tired eyes.
“Steph, gimme a break here. Someone’s been trying to hack into our system for a week now and I’ve gotta deal with it-”
“Are you aware of what I’m dealing with on a daily basis A? Wedding preparations aren’t easy, and you’re not cooperating.”
He was quiet before leaning back in his chair and kicking his legs up onto the computer desk. “Tell you what. How about me and you go on a lovely trip, drink cocktails and martinis until the sun sets, and just-I don’t know-relax?” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling through his messages, clicking specifically on an ongoing conversation.
His fingers quickly typed in a message before hitting “send.”

She was quiet before finally sighing. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Great. It’s a date then.” He pushed himself away from the desk with his feet and stood up, loosening his tie with his index finger. “Well, I’m heading out to get some things done. I’ll see you tonight.” Placing his phone in his pocket, he bent over to shut off his computer and walked over to the door of his office, his hand moving up to his ear piece to disconnect.
“Hey…thanks A.”
Aries paused, running his tongue along his teeth before nodding to himself. “Don’t mention it sunshine.” he hung up, grabbed his jacket, and headed out the door, knowing Hestia’s response without even recieving it.

He parked his car along the curb of the park and stepped out, glancing around to see if any unsuspected kids or parents were out right now. He closed the door behind him and headed to their meeting place, muttering a curse underneath his breath as he climbed up the ladder. He reached the top and paused when his eyes met Hestia’s, her chin resting on her knees.
“So today would make you…63 right?”
He tilted his head and gave a cocksure grin, pulling himself into the tiny house and crouching just in front of her.
“You get to pick today. I’m generous like that.”


Tho I hate these shoes. So different shoes XD


~ @katabasis ~


Near entrance || With Mateo

She was going to be late for work. Again. Her mother warned her that if she hit strike three, she’d kick her out and look for someone else who was more responsible. Zooming down the street, she pulled her lip gloss out of her purse and grabbed her hand-held mirror, holding it up to apply it to her lips as she drove. She managed a glance to what was in front of her when her eyes widened. She screamed at the top of her lungs and shut them as if it would change the scene (something she probably should have kept open) and hit the brakes before it could hit the terrified-looking guy running across the street.
She peeked open one eye, her heat beating fast as she finally let out a breath. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she hurriedly stepped out of the car and rushed over to whoever was on the floor.
“I’m so so so so sorry-Mateo?”
She breathed out a sigh of relief. “My luck still works!”
She put her hair behind her ear and forcefully grabbed his face, examining it for identifiable wounds. “See? You’re completely fine!”
“Miss Foxx, the heck is going on here?!”
Adeline practically squeaked as the guard by the front gates rushed over.
“He-he wasn’t watching! But he’s fine! Right?” She looked over at Mateo, gritting her teeth and discreetly pinching his arm. “Right?”



~ @Daunt ~ - shush your mush. Twas beautiful.

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“What are we going to do that week then”
“Hmm…” She puckered her lips as she straightened up, intertwining her fingers behind his neck, hiding a slight smirk that was slowly forming on her lips. “We’ll figure out something, don’t worry.” Jokingly stroking his cheek she put on a reassuring smile before moving from his lap to grab her lemonade with a metal straw in it. It’s not wrong to say she is a tease, it has always been fun her to. Of course, she knew what he hinting at but she wouldn’t give him the answer he was probably expecting. Just yet.
Playing with the straw she was just sitting there next to him, keeping her eyes on him with a playful smile on her face. “You know what we could do?” Quietly speaking up she leaned in, placing her free hand on his chest as she lightly tapped her finger. “Go shopping!”




Evan decided that he didn’t want to stay in all day, besides he already did that yesterday and stayed up all night watching chick flicks. He went to the bathroom, got dressed and headed out to the coffee shop. I mean, at least he could still go to the coffee shop even though there was a lockdown. He opened the coffee shop door and was greeted by an amazing smell. “Wow…” He thought. He was going to go to the table in the far back of the room when he saw someone wqlking towards him. “Rough day today huh-” he accidentely slipped on some water on the floor and bumped into him. “oh sorry dude.” He said, with his face flushed with embarrassment.

@Littlefeets Orion Mentioned

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I looked at her intensely, you could read my intentions.
“We’ll figure out something, don’t worry.”
“What to do…” I played her game, sarcastically stroking my chin before looking back at her, just her existence is a turn on my god. I love when she teases me, it’s nice to have the spice and still know she’s mine.
“What?” I asked nonchalantly and then chuckled at her answer, shaking my head side to side, No. How could I even think about shopping when she was wearing that? Her legs are just :kissing_heart::ok_hand:They’re too powerful, i just want to separate them- “Before or after?” I ask suggestively, getting closer.
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“Not everyone will give you your way, princess.” I rolled my eyes. “Mhm, you don’t know about that.” If I wanted something, I would get it. “I think they can- You know, being apart of the government and everything.” I let out a frustrated sigh. “Henry, shut up, I know that they’re part of the government, I’m not dumb.” I walked back to the kitchen and looked around, trying to find something to mildly healthy to eat. Screw it. I gave up searching and looked back over at Henry and Seth. “Is there any pizza left?” I asked them. “I’m pretty sure Seth and I were talking about some PJ party at the club…” I raised my eyebrows. “PJ party? What are we? A bunch of nine-year-olds?” I rolled my eyes again. “But whatever, I’m listening.” If the idea had been suggested by some other people, I would’ve shut it down immediately and made fun of them for it, but since Seth was my friend and I…tolerated Henry, I decided not to. “What time?”

