Most played song or artist on your Spotify right now?

Yesss!!! :black_heart:

It’s a shame he died so young tho :pensive:

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That hurts. Anyways, surprise!

My most listened playlist was my TØP one. Shocker.

Angèle (young Begian singer who sings in French) - Fave songs are “Balance Ton Quoi,” “La Thune,” “La loi de Murphy”
Vulfpeck (really fun/funky band) - Fave songs are “1612,” “Back pocket,” “Animal Spirits”
Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue (the song & album name, also love her band Rilo Kiley)
Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna Are You the Destroyer (album)
Rosalía (young Spanish singer who incorporates flamenco-ish stuff into her pop music) - fave songs “Malimente” and “Baghdad”

Idk if anyone else has heard of/likes these things. But it’s a good mix of what I listened to in HS/college and newer things that I’ve had on repeat…


Good :slightly_smiling_face: that’s what I like to hear

I don’t have spotify I buy my music individually but I know the song I listen to the most is probably the diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin :joy:

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Never heard of that one :thinking::thinking:

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Added “music” tag to thread. :heart:

I don’t really like Spotify but when I used to have it, it was Daniel Caesar that I would have played. But only about two songs by him.

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