My Haunted Doll

Umm… so… Yeah I was the anonymous poster for the doll thing lol. I really need someone to talk to right now because I am insanely creeped out…

So, I have this creepy woody doll that I have had since I was little and it hasn’t creeped me out, until now. I thought I was being irrational and insane but I kept getting a bad vibe from it, but now… now I think I can prove it- kind of.

So I was trying to clear it with this thing that produces a sound that can clear stuff, and so it requires a mallet to produce the sound. Well, I tried to clear it a couple of times and then just wanted to calm down and then went online, well, the mallet thing went missing. I got freaked out, looked on my bed and just didn’t see it.

So I got freaked out and just gave the doll to my parents… but then when I came back I found the mallet… in the almost exact place the doll used to be.


Please help, my parents believe things up to a point but think I’m being ridiculous with this doll stuff!

I’m not afraid of haunted dolls or anything but if you’re really scared I suggest just getting rid of it.

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I would take the doll somewhere to be cleansed if your worried. Like a church or something like that. You might have to get rid of the doll though. Doesn’t sound like a good situation at all.

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I think you just have a very vivid imagination, just based on my observation. If you are that worried maybe just get rid of the doll.


Based on your principle of thought, the millions of times I put things down and happen to not see them the next time I look, then I have a multitude of haunted things in my home.
If it freaks you out that much… toss it in the bin? I mean you don’t seem that attached to it, and it’s not something you are in need of, so rather than continuing to freak out about it, get rid of it. I don’t see the need to cleanse it etc.
I’m not scared of haunted stuff, I believe in ghosts and spirits, have done since I was a child, based on several things, but as long as you don’t mess with stuff regarding them, and stuff you don’t understand, I believe that they mean no harm. There’s so much stuff that is in this world that we don’t see and don’t understand etc. So rather than messing with it, get rid of it, move on and just go back to life.


My many years of watchining supernatural have givin me the knowloge to know what to do in this kind of situsaions

throw some salt it .


Hey it’s a Woody doll! Maybe Toy Story is real!


Salt circle around the bed :100:


The creepy thing is that I thought that I was imagining things too, like, I wouldn’t just be creeped out by the doll I would like hear noises at night from the direction of the doll, and I thought that I was imaging stuff, until I told my brother and he said he heard the same things when he listened…
We have cats and a dog but the noises were like creaks and they sounded oddly human… and I have been staying up late at night for a while now and never heard them and have only heard them from the direction of where Woody is was being kept…
But hey, maybe toy story is real! Or maybe Woody is alive just to kill me

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I mean, I could have placed it down and not looked where I placed it, but it’s big and if I had placed it somehow under woody I would have seen that somehow… lol this makes me look extremely insane.

And another creepy thing, I had this nightmare about this and other things and so far all the things in it have come true…

Lol that’s a bright side!


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Well, i believe this and i’m scared of dolls, i have 2 porcelain dolls and they have this creepy look on their faces

short story time
Once i left the 2 dolls on a shelf and went shopping, when i came back one of them was leaning on the other doll…


Bump! Still need advice on this lol


How come you don’t just get rid of it? :sweat_smile:


I’ve had it for so long and if I get rid of it I want to give it to someone who wants it… but then I’d also have to tell them it might be haunted and stuff…


Ohhh fair enough then maybe you could just test to see if it’s a bad spirit or something?

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Ok, imma give ya a stupid advice but…

You can give it to someone who likes haunted dolls