Netflix Appreciation thread!

okay fine. u can have him and i’ll have dylan o brien.

good :slightly_smiling_face:

I love you netflix bro

I love netflix!

Netflix is rad ngl

I love you Netflix, you’ve saved my life

Netflix is such a lifesaver. I am constantly watching shows on Netflix, and sometimes rewatching shows and movies I’ve seen already thanks to Netflix having them available!

Netflix I love you

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I don’t have Netflix but…

@ScreenSloths Come and appreciate Netflix!

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OMG! I’m addicted to just sitting down and binging stuff on Netflix. HAHA.

Also, guys, join the @NetflixJunkies if you’re a fan!

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Thanks to Netflix, I discovered the Go! Argentinian musical series that inspired me to write again. I’ve watched plenty of other series and a few movies on there, but the Go! series was the one that impacted me the most. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

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