New Blood | Sign Ups

hey guyss @NewBlood

when do you want the first skip, to the free day, to be?

  • 6th July
  • 7-9th July
  • 10th-14th
  • 15th

0 voters

okay i’m saying timeskip 10th july @NewBlood


maybe before depending on how the pace is in july

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@Ouijaloveletters just a reminder to reply

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Oh, thank you! I’ll get it now.

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she also sent Mia to give it to people too-

like walk around and hand everyone a drink

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Oh, got it!

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yup so you might want to change it unles you want Mia to get yelled at again-
Which Ari would gladly do

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I changed it. She was just going to dispense the drinks when the bodyguard walked up to her.

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umm what the bodyguard didn’t say anything, he grunted at her to responde in a ‘probably’ way but never said anything.

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Ohhhh, ok! I’ll fix it.

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at least she knows that-

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She spotted the disgusted look and was like “crap.”

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playing reuben is hard :sob:

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ive completed the form !


hey, welcome to the forums !!

what was your characters name? i can’t seem to find it


i’m so sorry i forgot to respond to this, but i will do them tomorrow!!


hi @NewBlood so some characters who have joined recently have not been sent tasks even if it has been selected that they are in the game

mainly because … was not having the same task-writing inspo i nearly had at the beginning of the rp, but also i was thinking maybe give them tasks for the new day

so if you haven’t been sent tasks for your participating characters please let me know

^^^ i’ll also assume no response = no want/need for tasks lol so pls respond

also timeskip when?

  • Wednesday 7th
  • Thursday 8th
  • Friday 9th
  • Saturday 10th
  • Sunday 11th

0 voters

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I wanted to even the results out

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thanks for making it easier for me