New Blood | Sign Ups


wrong thread lol


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lol i feel like levi and maddy

hello hello

wait @LunaticLeviTheSecond is levi ur real name? cos ur a girl
no disrespect just curious

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No Levi is a nickname because of my last name, which funnily enough my father and brother were both nickanmed Levi when they were younger, but the nickname Levi isn’t really a male nickanme where I live, Levi can be given to anybody

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And I know you probably pronounce Levi or Levy like Lee-vy, but in my case it’s pronounced like the la vie from c’est la vie, but la is le (not Lee)


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yeah le (french le) and the way you pronounce v on it’s own

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kinda confused but i think i got it :+1:

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hey guys !! pls vote below when u want a timeskip to the free day

  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Later
0 voters

ALSO pls remember any competed tasks please quote and send them to your character PM otherwise they will not count for the next Blue Blood update

thank youu


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Hi, hello, when is skip?
need to know if I can procrastinate

hey guys what about now

  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
0 voters


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someone pls give me a day for the timeskip why is everyone saying later ahhh @NewBlood


Do this upcoming Wednesday. We need to skip. Convos can move to misc - but Wednesday gives everyone 4 days to finish tasks they haven’t completed


i agree with beni that we do actually need to skip, but since people want more I would just stick with Sunday or actually jsut do a wheel between Wednesday- Sunday :woman_shrugging:t3:

yes please wednesday

weve been in halloween for a month, we gotta move on