Mine are all submitted
(All that would do it)
all my characters did … but @novella the first oh my dollar valentine I sent then name is Jackie, not LunaticLeviTheSecond … so I made a mistake and didn’t realize until I sent it …
I just finished the last one
okay @NewBlood it’s probaby about time for a timeskip lol
this next one will be a free day however with an update on the New Bloods list
so PLEASE send over any completed tasks from halloween or in general because i have no time to also check the whole RP thread for completed tasks, and so they won’t be counted
okay when are we ready for this skip ?
- Friday 29th
- Saturday 30th
- Sunday 31st
- Monday 1st
- Tuesday 2nd
- Wednesday 3rd
- Thursday 4th
Okay sorry to those who voted longer but i will be making the timeskip Wednesday 3rd @NewBlood
with potential fallback of thursday if i take too long to be sending out BR PMs and posting the list
hey guys so from adding necessary halloween points, the new blood list has not changed very much but i do still want there to be an update for the timeskip, but the next set of tasks will be the valentine/prom set which isn’t until after the timeskip
reintroduction of the vote to add and takeaway points
this will be the first of… probably just two times this is used - if that - and for those who only joined in New Blood, this is a form for each character to fill out to choose three different characters to add 5 points to, and then three more characters to take 5 points from
in terms of timeline, this form would have come out the day before the timeskip day, and so it can probably be brought into posts that the day before they had to vote amongst themselves
okay so that’s it
i’m off now
Can people who aren’t playing vote tho or no
Why does it say Laurel Parker and not Laurel Lucas
Why do all my chars hate Mason
I’m sorry
Why do all my chars lowkey hate fin
Only a part
Dw they dislike Elio more than fin
good good
Did I take points off my own characters tho
Yes I did
Do I like it
No I do not