October Art Competition: Monsters

Time to vote for your favorite pieces! :sparkles:

(The piece that is blurred is blurred for mildly disturbing imagery)

blurred image because poll won't let me blur it



Congratulations to our winner @GlitterFist! :partying_face:

Do you have a theme you’d like to suggest for the next contest? And are you okay with your art being used on Instagram to promote the forums? :eyes:


Yay, I won! A huge shout out to the other contestants, though, who had great art too and were brave enough to share it!

I’m okay with my art being shared, though unfortunately I don’t have any social media you can tag.:sweat_smile: For November’s theme… Hmm, maybe Family for Thanksgiving?

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Sounds like a good theme, congratulations again on winning!

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Thank you!:heart::heart::heart:

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I meant it, you know.

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I appreciate it. It means a lot. I had kinda a bad day today, so this makes me feel good. I honestly don’t like it, but I’m glad you do.

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We’re always so much harder on our own art than we need to be. The curse of all creative types.

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Oh, definitely. I see people like you, who are amazing artists and I feel like everyone is so much Meter than me. I do quite like one or two of my pieces, though. It depends on the day.

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Same with singing. :joy:

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We are our harshest critics.

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I am the same way. That’s one of the (many) reasons I don’t browse DeviantArt anymore. So many great artists on there.

But I’ve practiced any become comfortable with my style, and I hope one day you will, too! If love to see you be more confident in your work.

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So true!

Nope. Not going to cry for the fifth time.

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Thank you so much! I’m honestly pretty happy with my Marble Hornets drawing.

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Contest is over :two_hearts: