The Danish pancakes look good. Maybe I should try to make ones someday…
Waffles are better
You are hilarious
Well, I never tried Belgian waffles.
Nah man, pancakes are just flat waffles
hilarious and correct
Nah man, pancakes are just flat waffles
Which is why waffles are better. Waffles holes are supreme
Pancakes are easier to eat!
Duckling: itsjenn_a:Say “” if waffles aren’t better
liyahsdiamond:Waffles are just pancakes with holes
Which is why pancakes are better. Waffles holes are awful
Pancakes are easier to eat!
Eat waffles with a knife and fork. Easy peasy.
Agreed that pancakes are trash
Ikr, waffles suck
Duckling: itsjenn_a:Say “” if you support the waffle agenda
liyahsdiamond:Nah man, waffles have a better shape and pancakes are basic
Which is why waffles are better than pancakes. Thank you for coming to my TED-talk
Ikr, pancakes suck
I can send you a recipe if it is. I have a good one we also sometimes use for dinner pancakes
: =