Questions Thread - Eleanor_W-15

I dreamt I went through a Skyward Sword silent realm to collect chicken kievs

Night time usually

I don’t really like, have one


No clue

Crossing the road without looking right or left




Black Veil Brides
My Chemical Romance
Lilith Czar
Breaking Benjamin

To name a few


Scooby doo

I don’t have one


Pepsi max raspberry

Idk :joy: Keanu Reeves

The Seven Deadly Sins mobile game is quite good I just don’t play mobile games anymore

My rainbow necklace

Both! But cats




How bout no

Ice cream

Sweet :blush:

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No but I feel like one sometimes

Because I don’t drink blood to survive


I donut

Nope :sunglasses:

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  • How come thaw and unthaw mean the same thing?
  • Why do overlook and oversee mean opposite things?
  • How do mermaids make babies?
  • If you only have one eye, are you blinking or winking?
  • Why don’t they call moustaches “mouthbrows?”
  • If rabbits’ feet are so lucky, then what happened to the rabbit?
  • Why are they called stairs inside but steps outside?
  • If one synchronised swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?
  • Why do you give your two cents worth when it’s only a penny for your thoughts?
  • Why is the word “dictionary” in the dictionary?
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I didn’t know unthaw was a word

Because language :sunglasses:

The same way fish do! :eyes:


Because people have no imagination

Poor bunny

I have no idea :thinking:

It’s a sport not a suicide cult

Because my thoughts are 2 cents if I say them without being asked and only a penny if you ask me my thoughts

Because you gotta know what it is :eyes: it’s a word like any other

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What do you spend way too much money on?

How do you calm yourself when you’re angry?

Favorite animated movie?

Do you believe in god?

And astrology?

What book influenced you the most?

Are more of a morning or night person?

Favorite season?

Favorite thing to do in your free time?

Do you tan or just automatically burn?

What are you most passionate about?

Best childhood memory?

What did you want to be growing up when you were smol?

Do you like camping?

Are you good at Tetris?

Would you rather live in Europe or Asia?

Why time do you finish work?

Do you procrastinate often?

Have you ever felt a generation gap with your friends?

If you could give one important message to the next generation, what would it be?

Who has had the most influence in your life?

Do you like to gossip?

Has someone ever spread a rumor about you?

Do you like to flirt?

Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?

On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your conversation (conversational?) skills?

What is your best birthday memory?

Do you like change?

Would you ever want to get a tattoo? If yes, what would it be?

Have you ever donated blood?

Have you ever donated to charity?

Tell us about your first date ?

Do you usually make an effort to make a good first impression on dates? And in general?

What was the most boring date you’ve ever been on?

What was the most interesting date you’ve ever been on?

Do you ever see yourself getting married? Do you want to?

If not, why not?

What would you consider as a perfect date ?

How many serious relationships have you had?

When was the last time you had feelings for someone?

Did you have a high school crush?

Are you a heart breaker?

List the top 3 qualities that you think are important in a partner?

Do you have a “type”? If you do, what is your “type”?

Would you keep seeing someone even if your parents didn’t like them?

Do you ever see yourself having children?

What do you think about childbirth?

Would you ever consider adoption?

Do you have any baby names you like in mind?

What is your definition of love?

Would you rather be a toilet paper zombie or a white sheet ghost?

Did you ever slip on a banana peel?

Toilet paper, over or under?

Would you rather eat a stick of butter or snort a tablespoon of salt?

Have you ever been to a close relative’s wedding?

What Crocs do you want for Christmas?

Trick or treat?

If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?

What crazy name would you give your child if you were a celebrity?

Cookies or cake?

Cat or dog?

Computer games or video games?

Pop music or Rock music?

Stuffed animals or dolls?

Pancakes or waffles?

Hot chocolate or Tea?

Day or night?

Text message or call?

Library or museums?

French or Spanish?

Summer or winter?

Theater or cinema?

Love or money?

Book or movie?

Chocolate or vanilla?

Spotify or Apple Music? (Or Amazon or YouTube or idk what)

Rain or snow?

Comedy or horror?

Hamburgers or hot dogs?

Shrek 2 or Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

Bra or no bra?

Stay up at night and sleep during the day or be a normal person lol?

Shower or bath?

Shampoo first or soap first?

Who’s your favorite singer?

Whats your favorite snack?

What’s your favorite emoji?

What advice do you think a younger version of yourself needed to hear?

What’s your greatest accomplishment as of now?

What’s your favorite subject in school?

What’s your least favorite subject in school?

Can you speak any languages other than English?

What song would you say best sums you up?

Favorite quote?

Favorite thing about yourself?

Favorite thing about your life?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

What was the last book you read?

Any weird and unreasonable fears?

On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?

On a scale of 1-10 how smart would you say you are?

On a scale of 1-10 how creative would you say you are?

Top 3 places on your bucket list?

What in your life are you most Grateful for?

If you could have lunch with one person (any person, dead or alive) who would it be?

What’s the first thing you’d save if your house caught fire?

Ideal coffee order?

If you could have a song play every time you enter a room, what would it be?

Do you believe in god?

And astrology?

What about heaven and hell?

Do you have any tattoos? Would you ever want to get a tattoo? If yes, what would it be?

List the top 3 qualities that you think are important in a partner?

Do you have a “type”? If you do, what is your “type”?

Sip tea or spill it?

Does it take a lot for someone to earn your trust?

Does it take much for someone to lose it?

Do you forgive and forget?

Is your short term memory better than your long term one?

Do you hold grudges?

Do you follow any celebrities on social media?

Do any celebrities follow you on social media?

Do you have any friendships/relationships with any celebrities ?

Do you take things seriously or is everything a joke?

Do you laugh when you’re mad?


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ME :smiley:

Currently? Games, the moment I can afford one I get it and they’re usually expensive af :joy:

I play Animal Crossing: New Horizons (or any game I’m in the mood for) :sunglasses:

Spirited Away!!

I’m open to the idea


:thinking: I’ll say Harry Potter actually, that was kinda my opening to the fantasy genre and influenced most of my childhood

Night :sunglasses:

Autumn for sure

Playing on my switch

I burn then tan usually

Definitely music

Probably my brother’s 5th birthday party, what a time

An artist I think :joy: or a princess who knows

Never been tbh

Yes :eyes::eyes:

Technically where I live is in Europe lol but I’ll go with Asia because Japan

I don’t work :sunglasses:

Nahhh I barely have much to do in the first place

Not really tbh :thinking:

“The treasure is buried east west north south of dies

Probably everybody on here, you all make me think about everything

I am partial to a bit of tea but I don’t share peoples secrets or anything :joy:


Depends on my mood but yeahhh

I super have

5 but if I really like talking to the person then 8

Last year on the VC :pleading_face:

Change for the better yes, change for no reason, no

Yes! Goth fairy



Uhhh I was 13, it was in a park, I don’t really count it

Yes :eyes:

The park one

The park one

Eh maybe

Movie night

Well I’ve had 3 but 1 was when I was a younggg teen so I don’t count it all the time

lol when was the last time I didn’t

Yes :joy:

Maybe, depends :thinking:

Common interests
Ability to think for themselves

resists urge to put lyrics here
Nah I don’t have a type if we vibe we vibe


Honestly? Yeah

Looks a bit painful innit


Nope :thinking:

A bittersweet inconvenience :blush: (jk edgy answer of the day) it’s just really strong and sometimes feels good but sometimes also feels bad


Actually yes


Lol my ex snorted salt, I’d do that

No :sob:

bad butter



Kitty cat but dogs are rad too

Video games

Rock music

Stuffed animals




Depends what for hehe






Extremely depends


Amazon music




Shrek 2


Normie :sunglasses:



Amy Lee



Calm down, when you feel bad leave the room

Beating Jeanne 3 in Bayonetta



Not fluently

Joyriding by Frank Iero and the Cellebration

I have far too many but due to the meaning I’ll go simple “I am here” - All Might (mha)

The fact I like stuff without any guilt

Rad stuff in it

Eating ice cream somewhere

Ferris Wheels




Japan, LA and :thinking: a volcano

A close friend of mine :joy:


Caramel frappucino with a coffee base or a cream base depending on my mood

Kuja’s theme from FF9

Ehhhh meh not exactly


Kinda :thinking: doesn’t take as much to lose it but it can be gained back

I forgive, I don’t forget

Absolutely not :joy:


Shannii does :eyes:

One of my wives is Shannii

90% of the things I say are not serious


Hello hi

What does your perfect day look like?
What does your normal day look like?
What’s your favourite sleeping position?
What’s your favourite quote?
If you could have any exotic animal as a pet, which would it be?
What personality traits do you share with your relatives?
Which of your personality traits are you most proud of?
Would you rather make more money doing a job you hate or less doing one you love?
Who was your favourite cartoon character when you were a kid?
Do you believe in giving people second chances, and why?
If you could shop for free at one store, which one would you choose?
If you could buy one thing for free for the rest of your life what would that thing be?

Just chillin, playing my switch, sleepin

Just chillin while trying to decide what to do

On my sideee

“I am here” - All Might

I don’t know what makes an animal exotic :joy:

Literally none that’s why we don’t get along

:thinking: my humour I guess

As long as the one that pays less pays me enough to live, that one

Scooby Doo

It just depends on the circumstance but yes if they were in a bad place at the time they hurt me, if they kept using that excuse I’d just distance myself but not cut myself off



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A lemon slice and a mini paper umbrella on top


Ahh yes
Sounds like a gecko

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Hell yeah

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What’s something you never leave the house without?
Favourite MCR song?
Favourite BVB song?

My phone!

Always a hard tie between Sleep and Helena

Saints of the blood

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Hey @QuestionsThread people, I need to choose (randomly spin) the new star for next week soon, so if you want to be it then please ask questions!

Guys, you haven’t had a thread yet, please ask @anon68003072 a question!

@angelic, @Cadborosa, @Daya, @Konix, @Oofalumpa, @Quinn, @Sk_Supernatural, @Sophia1233

For those of you who want to be the question star again, please ask @anon68003072 a question!

@aesthetic, @AnnSza, @AS007, @katabasis, @benitz786, @Bonswayout, @liyahsdiamond, @courtana, @Divcp, @Edelgard, @Eliza, @ethereal, @idiot.exe, @lamecast88, @Madilnel, @Meekepeek, @Megan, @Nil, @OhSumana, @Ouijaloveletters, @phlegmatic, @raviola, @Rxttenx, @ShanniiWrites, @Skyler2, @SnowyStar, @Soleil, @TheDancingFryer, @unsungcheerio, @Yomama

  • Where are the germs that cause ‘good’ breath?
  • Why are SOFTballs hard?
  • Can you blow a balloon up under water?
  • If you decide that you’re indecisive, which one are you?
  • If a teacher were to teach a younger grade than they were teaching before, would they be “degraded”?

:thinking: opposite land

If you’re referring to the ball used in the game then I believe they’re called that because they’re bigger which makes them easier to hit and therefore the game is “softer” or easier

Nope :joy:

You’re neither

Hehehe sure :joy:

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  • What is the happiest memory you have?
  • What is your backpack talent? (a skill or talent you didn’t know you had until others told you (you couldn’t see because it is on your back))
  • When was the last time you helped a stranger and how?
  • Last time you complimented a stranger?
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What is the fandom you strongly follow?
Your favorite planet?
Your ultimate survival weapon?