Questions Thread - _Snowflake

That place is getting boring as hell lately. :roll_eyes::joy:


How would you improve the forums? :eyes::sparkles:
Are you excited for the new activity challenge on here? :eyes::sparkles:

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I think it would be better if the Episode forums was more open to criticism. I don’t think they’re even listening to their users. I don’t see the harm in accepting user suggestions. Plus, they’ve banned most of their interesting users there for petty reasons.

What makes this place more interesting are the challenges and activities managed by the mods and the admins. If the admins there can also do something like that, then I think the Episode forums would’ve been a better place. But, nah. It won’t ever be the same because they banned their interesting users. And I also kinda dislike the mods there.

Wait, what’s this new activity challenge? :thinking:


I’ll post it later today :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smiley_cat:

What’s your favourite forum event? :eyes::sparkles:

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I like voting on the poll entries in the Weekly Poll Battles :smile:


Will you join the poll battle? :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

And do you like the 100 threads challenge? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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I might. But I prefer voting on polls rather than making one. :grin::sparkles:

Wow. This one sounds interesting! Might consider joining this one.

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Please join? :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Yay :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles::tada:
Do you think that there’s something we could still improve on here? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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I’ll consider joining in the next poll battle :star2::grin:

I can’t think of anything right now. But I’d like to see more interactive activities here such as more fun quizzes, lecture threads and such :smile:



Sounds like a good idea :eyes::sparkles::+1::green_heart:

Did you have any weird thoughts today? :eyes::sparkles:
How are your dogs? :eyes::sparkles:
Do you own a houseplant? :eyes::sparkles:

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I haven’t had one yet, so far. :eyes::thinking::joy:

They’re doing great! :dog:
Oh damn, I forgot to take a picture of them. I’m already in bed now. :tired_face:

We used to, but it already died. We have plenty of plants in our garden, though. :seedling::deciduous_tree::tulip:


Oh no :crying_cat_face::green_heart: Will you take some pictures tomorrow? :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:
And goodnight :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

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Sure! But I have to go to sleep now. Good night :sparkles::relaxed:


Do you enjoy being spammed with questions? :eyes:

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Oh yes, I do enjoy getting spammed with questions :laughing::star_struck:

Give me more more questions, please :eyes:


Here are our doggos :dog:

Bow 🐕

This doggo here is Jerry. He seems happy today :smile:

Wow 🐕

While this doggo here is Hayley. She doesn’t seem to be in the mood right now. :sweat_smile:


I love both of them :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

How often do you go outside with them? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smiley_cat:

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I don’t go outside a lot lately because I’ve been busy doing homework. When I go out, I just usually walk them and pet them.


Do they know any tricks? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smiley_cat:

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Lol they’re not really good with that. The only thing I can do with them is play catch. :joy: