RP Character Questions Thread - France & Ethan


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Sound like Valerie and Daniel when they don’t remember why they hate eachother :joy: @benitz786




How was prom?
Are you excited for the camping trip?

why did you move to beryl?
How was london?
How did you meet Jessica Pierce?
Is Daniel’s anger towards you justified?
General opinion about Valerie?
General opinion about yara?
How did you react when Yara and Daniel broke up?
Do you ever feel guilty about it in a way?

Who’s your favorite out of your sisters?
Is living with no parents hard?
Why don’t you like Andy?
Opinion about Valerie?
Opinion about Gio?
Opinion about yara?
How did you react when Yara and Daniel started dating?
How did you react when they broke up?

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He’s not wrong tho



Sip tea or spill it?
Does it take a lot for someone to earn your trust?
Does it take much for someone to lose it?
Do you forgive and forget?
Is your short term memory better than your long term one?
Do you hold grudges?
Do you follow any celebrities on social media?
Do any celebrities follow you on social media?
Do you have any friendships/relationships with any celebrities ?
Do you take things seriously or is everything a joke?
Do you laugh when you’re mad?
How do you like your toast?

Have you had any near-death experiences?
Have you ever broken a bone?
What do you to to keep yourself motivated?
Would you prefer living in a big city or a small town?
What color are your bedsheets?
Do you like your name?
What would you do if you had only one month left to live?
If you could transform into any magical creature, which would it be?
Who was the last person to send you a text message?
Are you a picky eater?

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To both
Are there any bad habits that you have, but can’t seem to break?
Favorite movie genre?

To France
Thoughts on Maverick?
Maverick certainly wasn’t much of a good prom date, but would you accept if he asked for a do over?

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[I can’t think of any-]

France: I liked eating crepes as a child.
Ethan: Chocolate wafers?

France: I don’t use them. At least not so much.
Ethan: The laughing one with tears, definitely.

France: Don’t rush, everything will come to you.
Ethan: Hmm… uh… I actually don’t know. Maybe… oh, ‘don’t trust what you see’ or something.

France: Mathematics.
Ethan: I’m gonna go with English.

France: History.
Ethan: History.

France: Je parle français
Ethan: I wish-

France: The way to get started is to quit talking and begin talking.

France: Can I say everything? If you don’t allow me, then my confidence.
Ethan: Uh… my surname?

France: I’m gonna say how I’m prepared to face anything in the future.
Ethan: Having the best parents around.

France: Either graduating college or achieving my biggest dream.
Ethan: Graduatimg college, of course!

France: The fault in our stars. It’s a good book, they were right.
Ethan: My mathematics textbook-

France: laughs
Ethan: I… don’t think so?

France: Zero.
Ethan: I like to think I’m funny… maybe six.

France: If I’m just gonna rate myself, I’m gonna say ten, because why not?
Ethan: Seven? Eight? Or maybe I’m just being assuming and I’m actually a four…

France: Six or seven?
Ethan: Nine?

France: I’d like to see what the hype is in Japan, maybe Venice. I really would want to see the Grand Canal… for the third, perhaps Hawaii?
Ethan: Ohh—Canada’s number one, definitely! For second and third, I actually don’t know… maybe some nice places here in America?

France: Living?
Ethan: Being taken by a pair of awesome parents.

France: My mother or father.

France: That’s terrible and will never happen to our house… but probably my dog.
Ethan: My phone?

Do you believe in god?

France: Is that really a necessary question here?
Ethan: Yes.

And astrology?

France: No.
Ethan: A little bit.

What about heaven and hell?

France: I’d like to believe in hell because I would definitely like to see someone rotting there.
Ethan: Yes, that’s what I was taught.

Do you have any tattoos? Would you ever want to get a tattoo? If yes, what would it be?

France: I don’t. Lesedi doesn’t allow me, at least.
Ethan: No, I’d like to try though I don’t know what.

List the top 3 qualities that you think are important in a partner?

France: One has to match me as a person, I guess, then he must be… persevering and independent. I don’t want my beau to be dependent on me.
Ethan: Kind, loving, just true.

Do you have a “type”? If you do, what is your “type”?

France: I don’t think so?
Ethan: A good person always is a type!

Hallo I’m so sorry I really thpught I answered :sob:


France: The events that night didn’t really turn so well, so I’m gonna say it’s fine. As for the camping trip, yes of course.
Ethan: I really don’t know, but I’m excited for the camping trip!

Why did you move to beryl?

I heard someone lives here, so… shrugs

How was london?

London is great, you should come by!

How did you meet Jessica Pierce?

I met her in our farm when they were taking photos with hays… um… and yeah, you know what, I’m just gonna say she took the virginity from my eyes.

Is Daniel’s anger towards you justified?

God, no. I don’t even want to think about that.

General opinion about Valerie?

She’s a really great woman, really strong. I admire her so much.

General opinion about yara?

I mean… she’s brilliant.

How did you react when Yara and Daniel broke up? Do you ever feel guilty about it in a way?

To be honest, I feel guilty…

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Who’s your favorite out of your sisters?

Favorites are a no-no laughs Actually, Lesedi, I have to be honest… even though she’s very… strict at times.

Is living with no parents hard?

I get envious when I see people with their parents, but it really isn’t. My sisters and I are able to stand on our own feet.

Why don’t you like Andy?

Have you seen his attitude?

Opinion about Valerie?

There are things I’ve heard about her, espcially with that one episode of secret revealing from Daniel, but from what I’ve seen when we happened to bump to each other in France, she actually is a good one. She’s an interesting individual, that’s for sure.

Opinion about Gio?

Gio is good. I kind of have something from him but, eh.

Opinion about yara?

Yara is one of the people I acknowledge. Though she’s a close competitor of mine, we are actually fine.

How did you react when Yara and Daniel started dating?

Surprised because it’s Daniel. Who would’ve thought?

How did you react when they broke up?

It’s unfortunate for them, really… sad. On the bright side, I’m happy because no one’s ganging up on me anymore.



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Poor Ethan



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France: who’s your favorite out of the rad cousin trio :star_struck: yourself not included


Sip tea or spill it?

Sip, of course.

Does it take a lot for someone to earn your trust?

Yes. Trust is very valuable, and I don’t want to turn out like one of those people.
To be honest, I make friends easily… or at least I treat them as such, and I trust anyone that’s my friend.

Does it take much for someone to lose it?

It really depends on why the person would lose it.
It depends.

Do you forgive and forget?

Again, it depends on the situation. I never forget, though.

Is your short term memory better than your long term one?

I believe long term ones are better.
Always the latter.

Do you hold grudges?

I don’t normally do, but if I do, it’s definitely because you’re a fool.
No. No way, grudges are bad.

Do you follow any celebrities on social media?

I do.
Yes I do, of course. I follow RDJ, especially.

Do any celebrities follow you on social media?

Yes, mostly models close to my family.
Uh… I don’t think so?

Do you have any friendships/relationships with any celebrities ?

I have a good acquaintanceships with some. I wouldn’t say they’re my friends; they’re actually just my sisters’ friends.
Oh, my childhood friend’s cousin is Adele… and yeah, that’s just it. So… no.

Do you take things seriously or is everything a joke?

I’m known for taking things seriously, but I know the difference between that and a joke.
Uh, both.

Do you laugh when you’re mad?

I keep my sanity in check.
No, I cry.

How do you like your toast?


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Have you had any near-death experiences?

When I rode a horse without anything or anyone with me, I almost fell off.

Have you ever broken a bone?


What do you to to keep yourself motivated?

I think about my dream—what I want to reach. That’s enough.
I don’t really know,

Would you prefer living in a big city or a small town?

I actually prefer living in a small town, but not far away from the big city where everything happens.
A peaceful farm in a small town.

What color are your bedsheets?

… why are you asking? Well, anyway, it’s a mix of a dark magenta and white.
White, why?

Do you like your name?

I have no problems with it, except why it’s literally named after the country I was born.
Yes, a lot. It’s simple, but it’s nice I think.

If you could transform into any magical creature, which would it be?

A phoenix, so that I can be reborn every time I fall. I still have a lot of things to do, and I can’t be at peace if I don’t finish them.
Um… a merman? Because, you know, I want to swim.

Who was the last person to send you a text message?

Kaya asking why I didn’t wear the dress she bought me.
I don’t remember, but I remember texting my mom.

Are you a picky eater?

You have to be careful with what you eat, they say.
Not really, though there are some I refuse to eat.

Are there any bad habits that you have, but can’t seem to break?

I tend to bite my pens when I’m answering questions that need me to actually think.
No? Is being on phone bad?

Favorite movie genre?


Thoughts on Maverick?

I haven’t gotten to actually know him well, but I’m gonna say he… is fine. I guess.

Maverick certainly wasn’t much of a good prom date, but would you accept if he asked for a do over?

Yes, he clearly isn’t. That sounds nice, I might, but it still depends on if he interests me enough.



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That is not toast :triumph:

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No toast for him :triumph:

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