Samaritans (helpline)

Since I am put on the waiting list for my eating disorders, PTSD, etc. there was this organisation I have been recommended to contact since they really do listen to you, venting.

Samaritans are one of these helplines where they listen to your problems and all that. I’m good at explaining it but you get what I mean, it’s these suicide hotlines and they are actually very useful.

Not sure if the non-Brits can use it but they do have an e-mail address.


I dont know if we have any for adults (properly) but here in Denmark we have børnetelefonen . which is a hot line for kids. to talk about what is bad in your life. I called them a lot when I was in my teens and got bullied. and was sucidel. and had an I wont say abusive but a bad step dad.

I actually also helped collect money for the phone ones. at a charity auction