Share the last thing you googled

Because of me? :joy:

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Lol yea

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“Where to print documents near me”

“enter the tiger tiger jk”

“De mol Belgie”
Might not say a lot to most of you, but you might heard of the show Netflix Recommendation: Who is the Mole?. That’s based on a Belgian TV show called De Mol, and yesterday a new season started so I watched it last night. It’s a great tv-show!

netgear px3700 wifi extention instalation :joy:

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Lol, did you manage to make it work? :eyes:

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I think so, but not entirely sure yet

“Shadow and Bone Nadia”

‘height comparison’

(i was making a character edit and wanted to get their height different correct)

“Ffxiv goldsmithing bench”

‘trans wrongs book recommendations’

didn’t find any :frowning:

‘Restaurants downtown (My city)’

I was looking for a particular restaurant near work that my co-workers recommended, but couldn’t remember the name of it :joy:

“lake como anakin and padme wedding”

My boyfriend got me into watching the Star Wars movies and now I’m obsessed. Very tragic love story though :sob::sob:.

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“Kingdom Hearts Synthesis Guide”

“Nihon Shoki”

“diem meaning”

“Where to stay in Hawaii”

“Coin flip”
Very indecisive :sweat_smile: