So, What's the Deal with Ludonarrative Dissonance?

Every game has a ludonarrative of some sort! When it comes to games that cuase dissonance, I’d need to think of it a little harder personally :smile:


Have you had the chance to think harder yet? :eyes:

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Somewhat :thinking:

It’s actually rarer than you might think. I recently replayed Detroit: Become Human and it didn’t quite feel right to me, but I wouldn’t say it was due to ludonarrative dissonance though. Detroit doesn’t have a ludonarrative because it doesn’t have gameplay :joy:

I think one of the biggest for me was actually games like Crash Bandicoot. Games with really lighthearted saturday morning cartoon style main storylines that would then proceed to mercilessly destroy you in gameplay. So you get this clashing aesthetic of a fun adventure in cartoon land with the difficult, hard fought struggle of some kind of dark fantasy teen novel in the gameplay

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