It was your turn with Brex and Jasper, right?
The essay is done so I’ll write the post
Ok i think it is ill reply to that today.
Oooh, I absolutely love the post you wrote!
Awe i was hopinh so !!!
I’m really looking forward to writing Jasper’s reply. It’ll be so interesting.
In general Jasper pretends to come across as this super confident guy, but especially when it comes to feelings and romance he’s quite an insecure guy. Curious to see how what Brex said affects this
@ChayChay05, I’ll be honest. I’m a little stuck on the Lila X Owen conversation. Honestly, you didn’t give me too much to work with, any ideas what I can have Owen bring in?
I really am excited to see how that goes especially because Brex was so nervous to even tell him and whem Brex gets nervous he either iust stops talking or cant sgop talkimg and just keeps goimg well after he knows he should have shut up
I don’t think Jasper will mind that tho in this case that he’s talking a lot. But I’m planning on writing rn in the bus to campus, so you won’t have to wait a long time to see
Hope you like it @bpalmer, I think Brex words and rambling actually made Jasper feel much more comfortable.
Also, @idiot.exe, expect a reply later today. I’m sorry I’m taking a little while with it…
No worries! I’ve been pretty busy with my exams
I need to respond to you in NH
No rush or need to feel bad about that, as you might have noticed, the last days my mind hasn’t really been here either way
Maybe sports. Sorry about that. Not feeling well still but didn’t want to make yall wait forever. So I did kind of feel like my posts sucked that round. Or the movie? Asking her what she thought of it. Or they could talk about the next break in school and Chicago again
Ooh, this gives me enough inspiration!!
Somehow the AI wants to go way too mountainous
All of these give a Slavic vibe
I can see that yes