St. Andrew's Academy Signups & Chat

Killian yeah but he is with Leo thats why i said give me a minute and see if I have anyone better

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Sadie is so short compared to Lav lol, when listening to him she has to crane her neck all the way up lol, and she has to listen to him from a half crouching position lol


My thoughts exactly :eyes::heart:

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I will be responding again tomorrow. Sorry for my delay. Just been going through a lot guys. We will give everyone a few more responses before going to the afternoon classes and after school activities


Hey everyone! Hope everyone is good and having a good day/night


Sorry guys. I hurt my shoulder so I haven’t been on. However I’ll be trying to respond later today.


I responded in main. I will be responding in Misc later today since its now 1:50am. I got a pretty busy day ahead of me . Hope you all are doing well. @eunoia are you back from vcay? I miss Rping with you. lol


yes, ill slowly be slithering back into the rp :sweat_smile:


im so sorry, but she did :sweat_smile:

but either way, I can continue it with her not doing something :woman_shrugging:

I feel like this kinda throws it off, rereading your early post it sounds like he was holding it loosely and somehow i skipped right over that fact writing this one :skull:
but when she starts talking, its more of a humor “imma distract you, because im obviously failing” kinda vibe… I think? :sob:

but mmm, loved this :sob: :heart:

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How should I change it then? Because if I say she struggled it goes against the first post I made and if I say she didnt it goes against what you wrote

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hmm, idk :sweat_smile:
maybe I could edit mine, make it flow more? :thinking:

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Would you?

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for sure, but It’s gonna be later tonight or tomorrow

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Did you want any of our characters to interact? I know I have Jade, Rodney. Not sure who else tbh. Lol

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Jade :eyes:
and Kendrie :pray:

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Yes… sounds good

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That’s definitely fine

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Want to start the post?

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