After many, many months of being a wonderful moderator, the staff team have to say goodbye to @Badass_Saasha
As much as I hate to see her go, life has unfortunately gotten in the way and Saasha has decided to step down! As far as I know, she’s still going to be around to chat to and join in with activities, so this is much more of a goodbye from the staff team than from the whole forum!
Saasha, you have been an amazing staff member and a real asset to the team! You’re fun, approachable, enthusiastic, dedicated and extremely intelligent and I loved every moment working with you!
Please feel free to apply again if life ever stops being a douche. We’d be lucky to have you again!
Thank you, guys! It was super amazing being a mod! Maybe one day if I can manage it, I’ll try again! But thank you so much to the @ForumStaff and everyone else for making it such a wonderful experience!
It is sad to see you go as mod, sometimes life gets in between stuff tho and you have to choose priorities. I hope I will still keep you as a friend (even tho we haven’t really talked since I came here ) and that I will still see you around here
Yeah. It does. I had real fun but then there were other things that just couldn’t be compromised with so I had to do it. Sucks a little tbh but hey, it’s not like I am going anywhere.
Awwwwww @Badass_Saasha you’re such a great mod and I really do hope you’ll get a lot done in life too! You’re amazing! Thank you for your forum service
Thank you so much, Choco! Happy to serve. It was more fun than anything else tbh. And you’re so amazing too. You literally are a major part of the reason why I love the forums so much!