The best episode featured story

Me too! I love both shows so when I found those stories I was so excited for them! The Dolan Twin’s and Summer Share are my two all time favorites that are not based on tv shows.

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Super Secret Cedar Hill (WHAT happened at the end… like, I wanted a real ending) Hunted, that story with the coding girl…

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This one too!

I also liked Clueless but I couldn’t get past the gem choices. Like, Cher’s dad was going to give me a car if I helped her study for her driving test, but my options were:
Accept the car for 25 gems
Nah, I like public transport.

NO I don’t like public transport!!! I just don’t want to spend gems for a gift!

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I really loved “The Enchantress” because it has an unique plot and at the end they give you a choice if you want to be with LL or end up single and that’s what I did. :joy:

I really like the Demi stories, although the gem choices were just unnecessary. Maybe that’s just because it was the first story I’ve read on Episode, but I even read it twice (without spending any gems) :joy:

I loved Joseph Evans’ Holy Trinity Classic Stories (The Phoenix Prophecy, The Ember Effect, Soulbound)

Here are the other featured stories that I liked:
• Demi Lovato Series
• What Happens In Vegas
• Bad Boy Bachelor Classic
• Party Girls
• The Enchantress

I can’t stand most of Episode’s recent featured stories. I just can’t.


I thought several of the original classic stories were really entertaining.

  • The Enchantress
  • Ember Effect
  • Phoenix Prophecy
  • Secret of Rain
  • Soulbound
  • Hunted

(It’s been a while, so I don’t remember a lot of them. I enjoyed it much more when they hired authors to write a full story over all of these 8 episode stories that are overly dramatic and cheesily trying to force you to buy premium choices)


My favorite featured story is Confessions of a Teenage Detective :smiley::rose::two_hearts:


I loved that story!

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