Help me forum friends, I believe I’ve been poisoned and I know who by, and it was…
I believe the symptom was hinted along with the scene, right?
her only symptom was coughing up blood
what good does finding the murder weapon do for us at this point, though?
I’ve helped on that front…
Where are we with motive, she obviously knew the killer… any notes, broken glass, physical evidence?
There was thistickling of the throat.
A few things actually
a Discord message saying, “Goodnight, Ellie Bellie.” It was from Deluge.
very suspicious
It was morning when she died
Is it weird that I searched up what Ellie Bellie means? hahah
I saw that… People are much more likely to be killed by friends…
it’s a nickname for her
(I know how much you writers like your descriptions…)
Ok, morning, do we have a time frame or time of death? Has a coroner examined the body?
Goodnight could mean she’s going to sleep permanently.
Thought so
ALSO, since we are detectives… are we allowed to interrogate people?
Ooh, yes, smart!
It’s also very early, so whh would Deluge greet her a good night? Unless they live in different timezones, but hardly
The main suspect here is Deluge at the moment
well he might have sent it after she went to sleep
I’ve seen where someone knocks someone out and says “goodnight.”
It was the last thing she saw before dying, creepy timing