The Hermione Granger Curse: Misplaced Good Intentions

This has been one of my favourite blog posts of yours for a while Shannii! When I was reading the book I had pretty similar thoughts but I didn’t apply them to real life the same way you did! It really is true that Hermione (while meaning well) didn’t approach S.P.E.W very well.

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It’s that time again, @Bloggers. Time for Shani’s fourth blog post. Whether you’ve read the books or not, this blog will give you an interesting insight into Harry Potter’s fictional universe and values, and real life. Has it changed the way you see SJWs now?

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.


ooh this will be interesting! I might reccomend it to my sister because she likes harry potter!

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It really is, in my opinion, but I’m a total fan of these blogs and reread them all the time. HAHAHA. … Yes, please do, would love to hear what she thinks. (wink)

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omg goals!!! these blogs are awesomeee
I definitely will!!

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okay this is gonna be short because… quite frankly? i simply dislike rowling
i agree with the article, thought i gotta mention that Hermione’s attitude is… pretty typical white savior complex (and no don’t come telling me she’s black in the plays or whatever, rowling casted a white girl to play her originally)
i think, further than reading into this particular situation, it’s important to understand white savior-ism in media and how damaging it can be


Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure many of us agree with you about disliking Rowling now and what she’s been saying. Particularly Shannii, I know she finds what Rowling has been saying appalling too.


lmao i could rant about her for hours but well
this is not the place
and also i can focus my energy on better things


I think there is a blog post about JK Rowling Cancel Culture and why she is just plain wrong but I don’t know :thinking::wink:


yeeee i’ve read it ^-^


Also since this is in the blog post I would just like to rienforce that making house elves “slaves who wanna be slaves” is pretty problematic like, come on Rowling


:skull: who even says that smhhh

@Cam I agree I REALLY dislike Jk Rowling

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to put it plainly, it disgusts me


Honestly, I never even considered this before you brought it up. I always saw the house elves as some throw away thing JK added to reinforce her world building and add some random plot thread so she could really prolong the books. Seriously, she killed the only likable character in that story
This blog, however, shows a very good comparison between two cultures.
Generally speaking though, Hermione was a pain. And a hypocrite. She got so annoying. She didn’t really get along well with anyone except Ron, who was probably the only person that actually liked her. Except maybe Krum but he didn’t even understand what she was saying half the time.

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I actually liked Hermione. She was the voice of reason in Harry and Ron’s ideas.

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This is true - and she was kind of the voice of reason for the two in the beginning, but as it went on she just started getting whiny and doubtful. At least that’s how I remember it.

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She was also a strong female character in my opinion.

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She was definitely stronger than some of the female characters. She was just outshined compared to Ginny and Luna. Like, Luna was really philosophical , open-minded, and brave whereas Hermione only accepted her opinion.

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Exactly. Luna was awesome.

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