The most frequent poster wins 👀✨💚

ShanniiWrites Forum party


Quit spamming the thread you humans

Aiaiwsuhrabwiudkbakj ui yao iaw rnf

And that is how you beg for your life in lion language

spins and does a split
whoa- oooh…
odoroyo fish, fish

RainbowCatWriter of the Month



I got this idea by scrolling through
@fcukforcookies’s anonymous confessions thread :sweat_smile:

Sometimes you have questions that you don’t want to ask because you’re afraid what others will think.
(at least this often happens to me :sweat_smile:)
Although there are no wrong questions, it’s sometimes easier to ask without others knowing that you were the one to ask. For that, I made this anonymous questions thread :smile:

How it works:
You can submit your questions in this form :
I’ll post the questions here and everyone can answer them! :grinning:

Info: I won’t post confessions or statements here, there are other threads for that! This thread is for asking questions.

I’ll try to post the questions at least once a week, but sometimes I’ll be busy and forget about it, so please remind me if I haven’t posted questions for some time


We still have another seven days

RainbowCatWriter of the Month.



I got this idea by scrolling through
@fcukforcookies’s anonymous confessions thread :sweat_smile:

Sometimes you have questions that you don’t want to ask because you’re afraid what others will think.
(at least this often happens to me :sweat_smile:)
Although there are no wrong questions, it’s sometimes easier to ask without others knowing that you were the one to ask. For that, I made this anonymous questions thread :smile:

How it works:
You can submit your questions in this form :
I’ll post the questions here and everyone can answer them! :grinning:

Info: I won’t post confessions or statements here, there are other threads for that! This thread is for asking questions.

I’ll try to post the questions at least once a week, but sometimes I’ll be busy and forget about it, so please remind me if I haven’t posted questions for some time

1 Like



To do the danceeinge


Don’t do that


Dancing Queen, broke her spleen, only seventy

1 Like

Idc lol

Sad face

