The Polls Thread 💜

Should the first poll battle have a theme? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes, a theme would be great! :smiley_cat: (Feel free to send me suggestions :eyes::sparkles::blush:)
  • No, let us be creative :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

0 voters

Should I tag you when the first poll battle starts? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes! :smiley_cat:
  • No :sweat_smile:

0 voters

~ :sparkles:

1 Like
  • Silly polls
  • Serious polls
  • Both :upside_down_face:
  • Neither, I hate polls :rage:

0 voters

  • Give me five.
  • Issa vibe.
  • In the hood like drivebys.
  • mOvE LiKe a sNaKe, LiKe a sNaKe.

0 voters

  • What’s this?
  • :eyes::sparkles:

0 voters

Should I go to sleep

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Will you join the poll battle? :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes! :smile_cat:
  • No :sweat_smile:
  • Maybe? :eyes::sparkles:

0 voters

~ :sparkles:

  • VSCO
  • No VSCO

0 voters

Are you currently reading a book?

  • Nope. :no_good_woman:
  • Yep! :blush:
  • I just finished one.
  • I don’t like to read…

0 voters

How much do you like Christmas?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Do you have a diary/journal? where you write down your thoughts, or things you’d never confide in another person.

  • Yes.
  • No.
  • I’ll never tell.

0 voters

1 Like

I wish I had one :disappointed:

1 Like

Nah cause I’m scared someone will read it


Will you join the emoji contest? :pleading_face::rose::two_hearts:

  • Yes! :smiley:
  • Maybe… :thinking:
  • No, sorry.
  • I already joined! :blush:

0 voters

I’m back :eyes::eyes::eyes:
Did you miss my polls? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes!
  • Not really… :sweat_smile:
  • Who are you? :eyes::eyes::eyes:

0 voters

Are you excited for Christmas? :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:

  • YESSS :smile_cat::eyes::sparkles:
  • not really :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:
  • I don’t celebrate Christmas :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

0 voters

How was your day so far on a scale from 1-10? :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Did you ever get in trouble at school? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes :smiling_imp:
  • No :innocent:
  • Maybe? :eyes:

0 voters

When was the last time you ate something today? :eyes::sparkles:

  • A few hours ago
  • One hour ago
  • Less than an hour ago
  • A few minutes ago
  • I just finished eating
  • I’m eating right now :eyes::eyes::eyes:
  • I didn’t eat anything today :no_mouth:

0 voters

Are you hungry right now? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes :crying_cat_face:
  • No :smile_cat:

0 voters

Will you join the poll battle? :pleading_face::eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes! :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:
  • No, sorry :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:
  • Maybe? :eyes::sparkles:

0 voters

Should I stop advertising the poll battle everywhere? :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes, but you won’t… :crying_cat_face:
  • Nope :smile_cat:
  • Maybe? :eyes:

0 voters

Should I post some more polls later? :sweat_smile::eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes :smiley_cat:
  • No :no_mouth:

0 voters

~ :sparkles:

  • Water.
  • Ice.

0 voters

I am obsessed with icee

Ice. For many reasons

  1. it’s a good murder weapon
  2. you can always melt it if you are thirsty
  3. it’s solid so isn’t soggy like water
  4. you can carve it

I luv ice.

Do you like cats? :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat:

  • Yes :smiley_cat::green_heart:
  • No :sweat_smile:
  • Kinda? :eyes:

0 voters

Do you like it when other people hug you?

  • Yes :green_heart:
  • No, don’t touch me :eyes::eyes::eyes:
  • Depends on who it is :sweat_smile:

0 voters

Are you excited for the next question thread? :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes :smiley_cat:
  • No :sweat_smile:
  • What?

0 voters

Did you water your houseplants already?

  • Yes, but thanks for the reminder :smile_cat::green_heart:
  • No, thanks for the reminder :grimacing:
  • I don’t have any houseplants :sweat_smile:

0 voters

Do you have school tomorrow (Friday)? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes :crying_cat_face:
  • No :smile_cat:
  • I don’t go to school anymore :smirk:

0 voters


  • Goodnight
  • Humans
  • And
  • Not humans

0 voters



Advertising is always great! :rofl::white_heart:


Favorite color of the rainbow?

  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Indigo
  • Violet
  • I don’t like any of them!
  • I love all of them!

0 voters