The Polls Thread 💜

:sparkles: :cookie: Cookies! :cookie: :sparkles: How do you like them?

  • Crispy
  • Soft

0 voters

  • Milk first
  • Cereals first

0 voters

  • Toothpaste first
  • Water first

0 voters

In which order do you put your socks and shoes on?

  • Sock>shoe>sock>shoe
  • Sock>sock>shoe>shoe

0 voters

What do you call them?

  • Crisps
  • Chips

0 voters

  • Fries
  • Chips

0 voters



Crispy on the edge, but still goey and warm inside :heart_eyes_cat:


Yesss :heart::cookie:

  • Hanna’s polls
  • Hanna1’s polls
  • Uniswan’s polls

0 voters


Did you sign up for the gladiator game already? :eyes::sparkles:

  • Yes! :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:
  • No, but I will now :eyes::sparkles::blush:
  • No, I’m not interested, sorry :eyes::sparkles::sweat_smile:

0 voters

~ :sparkles:


2 questions…

Should I open an Instagram for my photography?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If I am opening it, how should I name it?

  • Jass_photos
  • Jass_photography
  • JdWPhotograpy
  • JdWPhotos

0 voters

1 Like

When should I publish my story?

  • This weekend :yellow_heart:
  • Next week :heart:

0 voters


Do you miss @LHT’s polls?

  • Yes :crying_cat_face:
  • No :no_mouth:
  • Who’s that? :eyes::sweat_smile:

0 voters

Are you happy with your life right now?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Idk

0 voters

Am I sorry for not posting a lot of polls lately?

  • Yes
  • I’m sorry
  • Humans and not humans :crying_cat_face::eyes::sparkles:

0 voters

Did you ever do a face reveal on the forums?

  • Yes and it’s still there
  • Yes but I deleted it
  • No and I don’t plan to
  • No but I want to

0 voters

Which emoji is better?

  • :thought_balloon:
  • :speech_balloon:
  • :right_anger_bubble:

0 voters

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20

0 voters

  • Picky eaters cult :eyes:
  • Star cult :sparkles:
  • Both! :eyes::sparkles:
  • Neither… :no_mouth:

0 voters

  • £
  • ¥
  • $
  • ¢

0 voters

  • Trees :deciduous_tree:
  • Flowers :sunflower:

0 voters

How many polls did I post already? :thinking:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20

0 voters

Should I create a 50 polls challenge because the poll battle was a huge fail?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Do you hate P.E.?

  • Yes
  • No
  • What’s that?

0 voters

  • Goodnight
  • Humans
  • And
  • Not humans

0 voters

~ :sparkles:

1 Like

Did you ever remember something really funny but it would be really inappropriate, so you just try not to laugh?

  • Yes… :face_with_hand_over_mouth::new_moon_with_face:
  • No :flushed:
  • Maybe? :thinking:

0 voters

Did you like my emojis?

  • No. (ur too cruel :pleading_face:)
  • Yes :relaxed:

0 voters


I posted this poll on the Episode Forums…
Let’s see which option wins here!


Which weird food combo would you try?

  • Cheetos and milk
  • Melted chocolate on a cheese pizza
  • Oreos dipped in orange juice
  • Hot sauce and ice cream

0 voters


Actually, I’d try both of these. Melted chocolate on a cheese pizza doesn’t sound too bad, and Domino’s already sells chocolate pizza so they might as well have cheesey chocolate :eyes:

  • Be a teacher
  • Be a student

0 voters


I think I might be able to make one soon, but I’ll see what I can do this weekend👀


Would you rather situational questions

Guess who’s back, back again? LHT’s back tell your non-exisiting friends :tipping_hand_woman:

Weird questions :crazy_face:

Would you rather wake up as the opposite sex once a month or wake up in strange place once a year?

  • Wake up as the opposite sex once a month
  • Wake up in strange place once a year

0 voters

Would you rather have to say all your sentences backwards or have to communicate through charades for a week?

  • Say all your sentences backwards
  • Communicate through charades for a week

0 voters

Would you rather take a 50/50 chance at €10.000.000 or a guaranteed €1.000.000?

  • Take a 50/50 chance at €10.000.000
  • Take a a guaranteed €1.000.000?

0 voters

Moral dilemmas :thinking:

Crash the plane and prevent the death of several passengers or let the hijackers take control and hope they lend the plane safely

Situation: You are on a plane containing 150 people, currently flying over barren desert. Hijackers take over, killing the pilot and co-pilot, and sealing themselves in the cockpit. There is no way for you to open the door, but you could damage the ventilation system causing poisonous fumes to fill the cockpit. If you do this the hijackers will die, but with no-one able to enter the cockpit and fly the plane, it will crash in the desert killing everyone on board. If you do nothing, the hijackers might land the plane safely and take everyone for ransom or they might crash it into a civilian target killing even more people.

  • Poison the cockpit and let everyone including the hijackers.
  • Don’t poison the cockpit and hope they do not crash the plane into a civilian target.

0 voters

Edit: Poison the cockpit and let everyone including the hijackers die.I kind of forget the die part :woman_shrugging:

Leave the other survivors to die or try to save them and endanger yourself and others?

**Situation:**You are on a cruise ship when there is a fire on board, and the ship has to be abandoned. The lifeboats are carrying many more people than they were designed to carry. The lifeboat he’s in is sitting dangerously low in the water – a few inches lower and it will sink. The seas start to get rough, and the boat begins to fill with water. A group of old people are in the water and ask you to throw them a rope so they can come aboard the lifeboat. It seems to you that the boat will most likely sink if it takes on any more passengers.

Would you refuse to throw the rope in order to save yourself and the other lifeboat passengers or throw the rope and have your likelihood of living be decreased by atleast 85%?

  • Refuse to throw the rope in order to save yourself and the other lifeboat passengers
  • Throw the rope and have your likelihood of living be decreased by atleast 85%

0 voters

Shout-out to @Duckling for reminding me to do this again !


I wanted to edit this after spotting a mistake in my post , but then I saw people already voted :upside_down_face:

Still edited it anways, but rip answers :woman_shrugging:

edit: Spotted another mistake , but now I can’t edit my poll :pensive:Unless I re-write it again.Oh well :tipping_hand_woman:



  • TV
  • Video games
  • Phone

0 voters

  • Tik Tok
  • Musically
  • lol… CANCELLED

0 voters

  • Christmas :christmas_tree:
  • Halloween :jack_o_lantern:
  • BOTH :christmas_tree::jack_o_lantern::partying_face:
  • ehh… prefer Valentine’s day :sparkling_heart::eyes: (Really? Ok…)

0 voters

  • Trick
  • Or
  • Treat
  • …Merry Christmas? :eyes:

0 voters

  • Introvert
  • Extrovert

0 voters

  • Sports :heart_eyes:
  • Sports :expressionless:
  • Sports :anguished:

0 voters

  • Showers daily
  • Doesn’t shower daily

0 voters


Honestly in my case it’s not a very smart idea too shower daily . Showering too often can, in some cases, cause more troubles than it prevents.

The biggest problem with too frequent showering is that it strips your skin of natural oils. Human skin is covered with a fine layer of oil called sebum. This oil is meant to protect the skin and keep the skin moisturized. Frequent cleansing removes this oil and can make your skin dry and itchy. It can also irritate sensitive skin and eczema.Showering too often can also result in the break down of the skin’s natural barrier, called the acid mantle. The acid mantle is slightly acidic. Showering too often, especially with alkaline soap or washes, can change the pH of your skin and leave your skin more susceptible to bacterial and viral invasion.

There are exceptions to this, of course. If you work out daily, live in an especially hot or humid area, work a somewhere where you get dirty/sweaty, or are prone to body odor, you will want to shower every day to rinse away sweat and dirt.So in those cases showering on a daily bases is fine.


I probably need to go to the hairdresser soon, but I am not sure yet what I like better, short or long hair. So that’s why I need some advice.

Me with short hair

Me with long hair

  • Long hair
  • Short hair

0 voters