The Shizposting Thread

That’s- that’s deep, bro.

Gymnast cat!

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Hehe yup, he’s being athletic

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Donnie is now a DJ


When you have that itch but you in public.

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My head hurts :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::expressionless:

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O_O :skull:

I do be confessing

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dan tdm is my new crush
forget irl men
forget laws
forget girl code
it is the forbidden fruit that always tastes the sweetest or something i dont remember the fact expression

my ma made arroz con leche and im v happy bout et

I love this! :sunflower: :sparkles: :coffee:

Me trying to cure a simp:

From the streets did she emerge;
And to the street she will return.
And I say unto you, “she is for the streets.”
So be not weary when she must return from whence she came.

(Yes this actually was a Snapchat or real life conversation I had with someone).


i love that this thread is a thing

it feels like ma safe place already

Not safe enough. If this was in the restriction section it would be safer. I’m holding myself back :rofl::joy:

although yall are mostly strangers and im being annoying so ima go back to thinking about how everyone hates me as i do my spanish homework-

uh oh :joy:
what would you confess on there


weird conversation

When your guy friend finally admits the reason why he hates you.

:star: Me: than why am I here

Guy: Because deep down in that thing I call a heart I love you. And I would be sad if you left and if anything happened to you. But I don’t tell you this because why would I? Feelings are mine to keep secret.


if you are a taurus and you are not my mom, i automatically do not like you, get out

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Am I a simp cuz…