This is a thread to talk about a show I love alot, it’s on Netflix and if you can’t tell by the title it’s called The Umbrella Academy.
It started out as a comic book series written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. If you want to also discuss the comics in this thread then by all means do I have read them myself. So I would be interested to hear your opinions on the netflix adaptation.
Personally, I really enjoyed it I feel like they did a good job with the plot line and obviously it was different to the comics but they couldn’t keep everything the same. I’ll share more of my opinions as the thread progresses.
Honestly when I first saw it I thought I wouldn’t be a fan but then I was like watching it and I got so hooked on it. My fav character by far is Clause (probably didn’t spell his name right) but he just had so much stuff going on and he was just always dancing tho at the same time I’ll admit I love him so much! And I love five because I’m just all for violence and I love his style
Liked it a lot but haaaaated being left on a cliffhanger!
Loved Klaus, obviously. I also loved Ellen Page’s performance and didn’t see that coming.
The sibling romance was a bit weird but they aren’t biologically related? But still, bizarre.
Off topic but way for not getting flagged: Haven’t read the comic version of UA but OMG the best graphic novel of all time is also illustrated by Gabriel Bá (and written by his twin Fábio Moon) called Daytripper
The only thing I questioned in that show but like you’re right but at the same time in a way they’re siblings. That’s like me adopting two kids and they fall in love like why?
A while back a had a rant about the people who critisize Luther. I’m still pretty defensive of him tbh. I’m defensive of all of them though because they are all flawed, none of them are perfect. So it frustrates me when people just pick on a particular character.
I remember that! That’s why I have my likes and dislikes but I really do believe you on that with them not being perfect I feel like that’s the main center of it all as well.
They’re a dysfunctional family, they all have flaws.
I know somebody who said that Vanya is the equivalent of Professor Umbridge on Harry Potter.
how on earth would Vanya ever equivilate to that woman?
Like yeah she makes some pretty awful mistakes (spoiler) slitting her sisters throat but she still has feelings. She still does her best to be a nice person despite her severe lack of social skills.
Right and after she did that (spoiler) she was crying and saying sorry and even admitted her mistakes and went to her siblings for help that’s what made me honestly see that she still had feelings. She was just hurt that her powers had to be concealed all her life and she felt so unimportant. Like even her room it was so sad like she had a small one with just her violin and even their father would refer to her as just not special enough.
Also I think the father did care about Vanya (there was an element of fear to it) but he gave her the violin (the special violin) plus when Vanya did slit Allisons throat she was having trouble controlling her emotions which are linked to her powers, effectively she lost control and needed help. Whereas Umbridge in Harry Potter was completely in control of her actions and didn’t feel bad about it, there is no comparison.
Huge spoiler That does make sense he’s honestly like other parents that just do things for the good of their kids. So I don’t blame him. But I’m excited for season 2 and seeing what’ll happen when they go ahead back in the past. I wonder how much things will change.
honestly considering the fact that the father isn’t human it’s likely he doesn’t actually know how to act around them, he does make them a mother though so clearly he knows that they do need a level of care even if he did just create her to look after Vanya. Season 2 should be amazing I’m curious to see how much they’ll follow the comic