The Writer's Ranting Thread 🖊 📝

Exactly this. I decided to go write something that I inow a lot about and love researching about which isthe Regency era. I thpught I’d be making somethong like Bridgerton and then I realized that out of the planned 100 chapters only few involved spicy stuff while most involved the war and ghosts.Tbf it did start as a Regency ghist story but I kept adding to it.


Being a perfectionist and a writer is THE WORST!


Oooh, a period drama? How’s that going?

Girl, tell me about it! Especially when you have been working on the story for a looooooooooooooooooooong time. Honestly, it’s not easy being proud of your work and then go changing everything. I hate being a perfectionist!


It’s eternally in my head, changing all the time, but I did write everything that is going to happen in the story, in a word document before deciding to kill off one of the main characters. (there being a ton of them) You can take a look if you want.


ALL OF THIS. I’m planning a potential political thriller and I’ve been agonizing about it for WEEKS! :sob:

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Same, or I just end up having several new ideas that I didn’t fully start


This is soooo true :sob:

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Sure, feel free to DM me the word document or e-mail

Oh damn, I’ll look forward to reading it

OMG SAME!! I’m like “Oooh, I’ll write a story about this and that” but then throw the idea away cause I worry that someone might have written a story about that. Like, I wasn’t having it when someone assumed that I plagiarised a story based on a TV series when it has no relation to that story.


That’s funny, because most of stories in my head are just plagiarized pieces smushed all up together into one big mess of a story. Whenever I like a plot or a story or think a character is handsome or whenever I need something to occupy my thoughts, I just take random microbsessions and put them all together.
For instance, I’ve been making a whole universe in my head that in my head started as a fanfiction on Dirty Dancing somehow turned into a fanfiction of everything that I was obsessed with even for a few days, all in one.
Like it started with Michael who lives in 50s America (later established it’s 1957) and he’s a young high schooler who meets this cool English guy from Yorkshire (at least his accent was from Yorkshire) and together they go out to parties and dance. The cool english guy is called Carl Smallwood (which is literally the same name of the guy I was obsessed with because of his accent) and the main storyline back then was that these two met somewhere at a party, one of them was introduced to dancing (like artictically, jazz, everything) and loved it so much they kept on partying together. That was the whole storyline. Somehow, in my years of obsession, the character of Carl Smallwood disscopated and became irrelevant, and since he was the coolest character who was friends with everyone, his place was taken over by Lord John Crowley who was a fanfiction of a mix between Tom Hiddleston and the demon Crowley.
Somehow this story turned from American kid in the 50s dancing away his life, to him becoming an FBI agent, being friends with not one, not two, but three titled families (lairds, lords and baronets). The story has sooo many people and it’s soo convoluted now, it has like a dozen love stories, a few deaths and a bunch of kids who grow up to be friends. The last addition to the story was a Sean Bean fanfiction lol, and they life his wife and 3 children have in Manchester, with their neighbors being The Lord John Crowley, his son Lord John Crowley the second and HIS son Lord John Crowley the 3rd.

For each of my micro obsessions I have a story just like it somewhere in my head, except in the same story there might be a dozen different micro obsessions.

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I don’t even get that far, I just end up having a brain fart

That sounds fun

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It is!

The kicker is when you add another fanfiction in there, then something already established doesn’t make sense, so you go back in time and change some facts so the story has no plot holes lol


The writing AI app helped me out luckily. Now, I just need to do a run through the episode to see if anything else needs to be changed or added.


That’s good.

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Lol yep! Sorry, I had forgotten to answer the question when you first sent it.

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It’s fine!

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Short? rant: I’m slowing down on my current story and planning another one. Idk when I’ll publish new episodes for my current one, OR when I’ll publish/write the new story. Help.

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