i made this thread on episode forums as well, i wanted to get more opinions than just there.
i feel kind of weird making a topic abt this but i have a lot of thoughts on it & i’m just wondering abt some stuff i guess haha
long story short, both of my parents agree that i should try it another time. i tried it once when something happened but i hate talking abt my feelings & we just never went again.
but now some stuff is coming up. i mean… i guess it’s been happening for awhile but since i’m older it shows more??? idk.
i get mad very easily, & it’s not just a “oops, i’m upset!” it’s like i want to throw stuff & yell & i have really mean thoughts. i get jealous at almost everything, other peoples success, friendships, jobs, family, money, personalities, etc. i hate saying i love you & i guess i’m getting better but i don’t say it often, & it’s only when someone says it back. i constantly feel like i’m being used & if i get a compliment i automatically assume it’s a joke or a prank. i have low self esteem & i can’t trust anyone without feeling like i’m going to lose them. i feel like a failure of a daughter compared to my siblings & i’m constantly rude & hostile (mostly irl) & i just feel so unmotivated to do anything.
my parents really want me to get therapy but i don’t know if it’ll help or if i even have something to fix?? does this sound like any specific illness or disorder or is it just a phase i’ve been going through for years… i’m confused
it probably seems like i’m making this up since young teenagers try to get attention by this but i’m really not ://
ok thank u <3