Therapy Opinions?

i made this thread on episode forums as well, i wanted to get more opinions than just there.

i feel kind of weird making a topic abt this but i have a lot of thoughts on it & i’m just wondering abt some stuff i guess haha

long story short, both of my parents agree that i should try it another time. i tried it once when something happened but i hate talking abt my feelings & we just never went again.

but now some stuff is coming up. i mean… i guess it’s been happening for awhile but since i’m older it shows more??? idk.

i get mad very easily, & it’s not just a “oops, i’m upset!” it’s like i want to throw stuff & yell & i have really mean thoughts. i get jealous at almost everything, other peoples success, friendships, jobs, family, money, personalities, etc. i hate saying i love you & i guess i’m getting better but i don’t say it often, & it’s only when someone says it back. i constantly feel like i’m being used & if i get a compliment i automatically assume it’s a joke or a prank. i have low self esteem & i can’t trust anyone without feeling like i’m going to lose them. i feel like a failure of a daughter compared to my siblings & i’m constantly rude & hostile (mostly irl) & i just feel so unmotivated to do anything.

my parents really want me to get therapy but i don’t know if it’ll help or if i even have something to fix?? does this sound like any specific illness or disorder or is it just a phase i’ve been going through for years… i’m confused

it probably seems like i’m making this up since young teenagers try to get attention by this but i’m really not ://

ok thank u <3


I posted on that one too.

getting angry easy shows you need therapy. do you like to be mean and hurt people around? I doubt that.

People often dont think they need therapy. I didn’t despite the fact I literally had been in the hospital for trying to kill myself with pills. at the therapy I thought it was a waste of time. but it worked for me. it took time. and it will for you too. you dont get better in one day.

Honeslty you sound a lot like me before my theropy. I also did not like myself. I could not talk to people without getting angry.

and you say you dont think you have anything to fix. well you said your self you get easy angry are jelous and have low self-esteem. they are clear signs you need some form of help.

You could try group therapy too. I was in that and honestly, it was what helped me most. been around people like me


I can relate to some of that stuff but for me personally, I really don’t think therapy would work for me (and I don’t need it tbh) but everyone is different so, by all means, give it another try.

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