Things going on in America right now

Oh no he posted something the guys back again
It’s some two minute video

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REALLYYY!!?? :exploding_head:

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I mean
I’m just saying I have no power or anything :joy: but America is for sure one of canada’s greatest allies so if they bomb we bomb probably idk how war works but yes

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Imagine locking Trumps twitter- THE PRESIDENT. Lmao


I’m not even gonna watch it even tho :kissing::v:t5:

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Lmaoooo fr fr
That’s just so messed up :joy:

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I’m just glad we still have allies. Trump kinda messed everything up.

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It was warranted a long time ago tho tbhhh

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it wasn’t too crazy just regular trump saying

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The saddest part of all this is that once a president, always a president. All previous presidents keep their title of president.



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So, I know my opinion might not be popular, but I’ve heard different things about how it all went down. People were peacefully protesting the election because of supposed election fraud, and a small group of unarmed extremists (as there are in either political party) got into the capitol building. Also, Twitter was censoring people’s posts about the event, Trump did not actually encourage people to break into the capitol building, Twitter took down his posts and banned him. I don’t know much, but I did have an hour long discussion about it for class today, so I’m just relating what I heard there.

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Yeah I agree! He never said to storm the capital, but he did say (apparently, I talked about this in class as well lol) to go to the capital. I need to look up more stuff about this tho- that’s the only thing I can really say so far. (want to clarify that I never said that he told them to go break into the capital building, but apparently he said to go to the capital building)

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lol nobody sees him as a president tbh he’s just a clown who’s visiting the oval office for too long


I mean like Trump called all his supporters to uhm like fight and called his people ‘to arms’ so like :clown_face: this what happened.

Now lemme tell y’all if this was some BLM stuff they would’ve all been dead by now


bruh did you see all those police-y (idk their official names) people lined on the capitol steps when they had that blm march-


I did ;-; So when do I get my free Canadian citizenship again

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I actually told my mom I want to go to Canada. We used to live pretty close.

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Okay, thank you for clarifying. Yes, I think he was encouraging the peaceful protests against what looked like election fraud. I’m not saying there was, but I do think there might be a possibility. Peaceful protesting is completely within the legal rights of the American people.

Unfortunately, you’re completely wrong. I and many others see him as president. I’m sorry you feel that he’s a clown. It’s very easy to overlook the good people do when you purposefully ignore it.

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