This or that game


Sweet or savory snack?

Sweet :yum:

2018 or 2019 year?

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Pictures or videos?

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1st or 2nd worldwide war? (You are free to say none :eyes:)

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None, but if I really have to choose first I think, since less people died but it’s still horrible

History or geography?

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hISTORYY :star_struck:

School or work?

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Hmm, I think school :thinking:

Coffee or tea (or none :upside_down_face:)

sksks coffee!

Glasses or contacts? (or none/both)

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Good choice!

I have both but I prefer glasses cause it’s easier

1 close friend or 5 not that close friends?


1 close friend is enough for me

Walmart or chanel? :rofl:

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Hmm, can I say neither… Haha, Walmart doesn’t exist here and I would never buy chanel

Regular TV or a streaming service like Netflix?

Regular TV imma classic :sweat_smile:

Car or bike?

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As a Dutchy I feel obligated to say bike :upside_down_face:

Bus or train?


All-nighters or sleeping all day?

Animals :zipper_mouth_face:

:crown: or :sparkles:?


Food or drink


Trees or flowers?

Elephants :elephant:
City or town?

Languages even tho I like both!

Beach or cultural holiday?


Unicorns :unicorn:

Morning or evening?