Thoughts on home-schooling

Since this topic hasn’t been discussed on the forums, let’s talk about home-schooling. I never been home-schooled so I’d like to heard about your thoughts on home-schooling.

  • Have you ever been home-schooled before? If so, what was it like to be home-schooled and how did you feel about being home-schooled?
  • Is it any different than going to school?
  • Are you for or against home-schooling? Please explain why.

I guess some celebrities were home-schooled before because they may be bombarded with so many questions from other students.

But I guess in every country, it’s the law for the children age 4 to go to school for a full time education.

To be honest, I am very neutral on this topic like I have my pros and cons for homeschooling.


  • School can be expensive (like private schools)
  • Celebrities
  • What if their children are getting bullied by other students and teachers
  • It could be convenient for both parents & children


  • Most likely isolating your children
  • It can be boring
  • Children may be distracted by things like video games, computers and TV as this can cause them to not focus on their work
  • Sheltering your children is a very bad idea
  • Timing can be very difficult

I kinda think homescooling is bad. it shelter the kid from the real world. and understanding of other people. yes school suck and need improvement in many places. but home school dont teach many values you need in life. like understanding people around. been in a work evirement.

also who is to say the home schooling is good. like they can say the earth is flat. and the kid will properly belive it because they have no real person telling them other wise.

American here, so I speak with the American grading/school system in mind for those who are unaware/confused.

As someone who was homeschooled from 3rd through 8th grade, I know what it’s like. All of my class work was an online program. For me it was great. I was able to do things at my own pace, even being able to do two grades of school in a single year.

Homeschool is very different from regular school. In my case, I wasn’t around anybody my age except my neighbors. But for me the social aspect wasn’t the important part. Yeah, before I was homeschooled I had a lot of friends, but I had enemies as well (yeah even as a 5-8 year old I had people who I considered my enemies). That was before kids in school got to an age where drama occurred. Then in high school, I didn’t know anybody and I hadn’t really been around other teenagers or anything, but I still made friends. I was shy as a kid anyway, so it just took longer for me to talk to them and let them in. I’m still kinda antisocial, but it’s partly because I have little tolerance for immaturity, stupidity, and drama.
Some benefits of homeschooling include, no peer pressure, no drama, no worries about dating or popularity, you get to stay in your pajamas all day, eat whatever you want to for lunch, a much more flexible schedule, and if you have pets you can spend time with them while you work on schoolwork.

I’m definitely for homeschooling. It doesn’t work for all students, but homeschooling can be the best choice for some students. Homeschooling just requires the student to hold themselves more accountable.

Yes it can shelter the child and make it harder for them to be used to other people, but that’s not a guarantee. It depends on the kid.

Some schools can be great, I will admit that. Some aren’t.

In the area I live many children who are homeschooled end up doing projects/extra curriculars together. It depends on the homeschool program. For example in extra curriculars like mock trial or science Olympiad the public school teams hate when they Are against the homeschool teams, because the homeschool teams do so much better. My homeschooling was not one of those types, everything was solely online for me.

Homeschooling can teach those skills as well. With homeschooling there is more freedom. The student can learn accountability, independence (not having to rely on others), and even time management with less of the stress of the social requirements of normal school.

I went to public school before being homeschooled. Then I went to a normal high school. I still say homeschooling can be a great thing. Before I was homeschooled I was such a good student where the teachers would often make me help the other students who were not as good. I was basically being used as a teacher’s aid without receiving any benefit for it at all. I was not being challenged in anything with school. Even then, when my family pulled me out of school to go on vacation for a week, they were basically called bad parents.

I’m not saying homeschooling is great for all students, but for some it can be a very good thing. Others may not do well in a homeschool setting. It depends on the child’s learning style, and their learning environment.


homeschool can be fine it its temporary. if your entire school time is at home its not. which is just what I am thinking about

also a thing I forgot to mention. a bad home envirement can be hidden . the kids home school may not even know there abusive parents are wrong because they never had anyone who could tell them diffrent.

For some students though being only homeschooled can still be the best for them. It truly depends on the individual and their situation. Everyone functions and learns differently.

True… but that could even still be the case if they are in normal school. A kid may think things will get better, or its not that bad, or just still think that it’s not that abnormal. Or the kid might still know it’s wrong. The kid would still be able to do the same things as they would be if they were in normal school. The kid may even try to hide their Homelife when they are in regular school, not telling anyone or letting anyone in. The situation can be the exact same whether they are in normal school or homeschool.


Yeah, I’ve been homeschooled my entire life. Being homeschooled is… Weird. In so many ways its good, but at the same time it can be awful. Let me put it this way: I’m glad I’m not public schooled.

Definitely (From what I can tell). My mom is my teacher, so its hard to hide bad grades or whatever. I can sleep in later though, and can go whenever once I’ve finished school. (But hearing my mom comparing me to public schoolers is inevitable) There’s obviously less social interaction, but I manage some form of it through CO-OPS and Youth Groups. (And through going places)

I’m not against it at all. It’s not for everyone, but has helped my family. My dad is in the military, so that helped with moving around. And I’m also homeschooled for religious purposes, so talking about God is open. I think it can be perfectly fine under the right circumstances.

I have a lot to say on this, but I’m on my phone now, which is awkward to use for a long answer. So imma just put this on tracking :eyes:

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So I haven’t been homeschooled, cuz from what I know parents teach it. But I did study at home then enter the exams in a government institution, basically a random school.

I went to a public school for freshmen year. In the end, I just couldn’t take it anymore and I dipped. Because at my time, the education system sucked (and it still does ahaha) and you’d go to a school that your score fit. Mine wasn’t that high, but it wasn’t low either… (is 400 out of 500 low? :skull:) The year I was going to high school, all the school requirement points skyrocketed and I had to go to my last option… which is the furthest one.

I’d have to wake up at 6am everyday when the class started at 8:30am. I’m an easily annoyed person so obviously this was the worst. :skull:

I switched to the “homeschool” option in sophomore and it was better, because I didn’t have to cry about my homework while I was studying for exams. Unfortunately, this takes a toll on your social life. I couldn’t talk to my old friends because in the groupchat they would talk about what happened today in school.

I never hated education, I love learning things, I’ve never hated the people in school, even when people would just give me looks for talking about my hobbies aka anime. (And those pretty mean girls…) I hated the monotonous life and I hated how no one would’ve give a damn about you if you were having problems with your mental health. But the minute you forgot the do your homework! Oh Lord, the teachers go mad.

In conclusion education system sucks so do try to homeschool your children or try to find a high school that doesn’t burn out students every day :kissing::v:t2:

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Just this topic from my point of view. Living in the Netherlands where homeschooling isn’t a common thing at all… I mean I don’t know anyone who has been homeschooled even tho I know people many different ways, like through sports, job… I feel like here in the Netherlands homeschooling isn’t that good if it happens, since it’s basically a solution if normal school isn’t possible for whatever reason cause schools here are really good. The level of education is probably less than a regular school in a lot of cases since parents don’t always are the best teachers even if they think they are. Besides that I think school is important for social reasons as well, it learns so many skills that are harder to learn being homeschooled like working together. Don’t take this as being negative towards homeschooling in every case, I am only talking about the Netherlands and possibly issues there can be while being homeschooled here. It definitely can have positive effects as well like being independent and a great planner


My mom homeschools my siblings but honestly I couldn’t stick with being in this house 24/7 with this family so I decided to keep going to my public school. But it seems nice and my siblings like it I just don’t know about it I mean by the way my mom is doing it they’re just always in the house and not even learning any other social things or just getting out the house I mean IK the world is dangerous but dang!


I’ve seen a lot of people say homeschool is taught by the students parents. In some cases it is. But not all. For me, everything was online and I had actual teachers but my only contact with them was email. Not all homeschooling is the same . There are many different homeschool programs/methods.


Bump :yawning_face: (I really hope that someone here will open an interesting discussion soon. Maybe even one that could provoke a good debate so I could sit by side and watch it)

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I have only ever spoken to people who were home schooled and there was no denying the lack of social skills they had. Even so that really does depend on the child after all, I lack social skills and I’ve only ever been sent to a regular school. So it varies from person to person. Sometimes I think that being homeschooled would have been a good idea for me because no bullies at home but then again that would mean I would never leave the house, for a very long time going to school was the only time I would ever leave the house. I wouldn’t meet anybody or anything. So I think it does depend on the actual child as to whether or not social skills will be affected.

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I think that home-schooling is a good idea as long as it’s done correctly. Especially when a kid is being bullied or struggles with keeping up with his classes because they move on too quickly and the teacher has no time to explain everything again. A kid with problems could get more attention and help when it’s home-schooled. :eyes::sparkles:

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