Aright, I’m getting older and I have a sibling. I want to make sure I’m doing the best I can as a big sister to my bro! Give me some tips on what to do and not to do. Like I know I have to baby sit and watch my bro, and in the future I want him to be careful and not experience the things ive experience during my childhood days.
Hey as long as you’re there for your lil siblings and you’re just trying your best to protect them and show them what they need to learn you’re good. Also done even feel bad either if you make a mistake. I mean you’re still human but you’re a big sister and they’re gonna look up at you the most so don’t even worry.
Very true.
I have a big sister ~ time to pull out my points
- My sister likes to boss me around like she’s my mom and that makes me not want to tell her anything because I need a sister not someone to act like my caretaker. With that being said she did have my back sometimes when I was younger and gave great advice, I’d say you have to tell them when they’re going down the wrong path but if you want your sibling to be able to trust/open up to you then you’ve got to find a balance?
- spending time together but also getting your on space. my sister used to ditch me for her friends when I was in primary so now I’m not really dying to spend time with her whenever. Whether it’s watching movies or playing games, I think some quality time can create a strong relationship.
- taking your anger out on your sibling. my sister does this all the time and quite frankly it made lose a lot of respect for her. I’m not too sure what kind of person you are but she never thought before she spoke and has said some horrible things. I’d say think before you speak. Like think of what impact/effect your words would have on your sibling and whether you’d like someone to say that to you.
- siblings fight, a LOT. the biggest problem is my sister and I never apologise. I never want to apologise to her because she never apologises to me but she could probably say the same. I think you should encourage your sibling to recognise when they are in the wrong and apologise for it as well.
- remind your sibling that you love them. my sister and I aren’t affectionate at all. sometimes I wish we were closer but we’re both legally adults now and will be living apart from each other. when your parents make you upset, it’s your sibling who is usually the first person you vent to because they’ve experienced something similar as well or at least witnessed it.
Well, I’ve been a big brother for 15 years now, and to be honest it’s quite simple.
You need to accept that the bad things that happened to you growing up may happen to them too. In fact, they very well may go through worse than you. I know my sister did.
The important part is to be there for them, listen to them, be someone that they can open up to. This means treating them with dignity and respect rather than discipline. Leave that to the parents.
You’ll be golden, I’m sure
I’m a big sister, and I try not to treat them like I am one- like we see each other as equals but they do come to me for stuff they don’t know about yet and I tell my sister girly stuff so she knows what to expect cuz my parents don’t really do that. I also talk openly about that sort of stuff in front of my younger brother so he doesn’t see it as, “Ew gross” or that kind of thing, like I want him to be used to it and not see it as an awkward thing.
I don’t try to be “the older sister” but I know that it does come with some responsibility. But they trust me enough to come talk to me when they have problems (well that’s more my sister) so yeah. I think the best thing to do is try to see each other as equals, but help them out if they have problems and give them advice so they know what to expect later in life.
I find I’m a great mediator between my siblings and my parents. As the eldest, I get the older generation the most, but I can sit down and listen to my siblings complaints and sort things out by getting on their level.
I get how annoying parents can be, but I can also convince my brothers that our parents don’t hate them.
It’s all about listening before even trying to speak. Let them come to you if they have complaints, even if they’re unreasonable
Maybe I don’t have young siblings, but I’ll try my best to give you good tips on being a good big sister:
So, I believe you would like to set an example for your sibling, which is improtant. And you’d like him to learn from you. Yes, it’s not only your parents’ responsibility to educate him, but it is also yours as his big sister, and he can learn from any action you take.
So, how can you set an example for him? Do those things:
Be respectful - of course, you should be respectful not only to him, but also to your parents, your friends, your teachers, even to strangers.
If he learns it from someone he really respects, I know that it will become a lifelong habit. -
Be responsible - it’s also very important for your sibling to learn how to be responsible. When I say “responsible”, I mean in many terms: housework, schooling (be humble about your grades ), even getting a job (if your schedule allows). It helps you, but also can set him an example for how to work hard.
Use good language - definitely don’t teach him every bad word and avoid using strong language in front of him. But, using good language doesn’t mean only that, but also speaking well. By the way, if he’s so young, try to speak correctly with the best vocabulary you can manage and try to speak with some high language . You know, young siblings will choose their older brother or sister’s language and learn.
Believe me, good speech is always helpful and essential. -
Be yourself - it is super important to show them that it’s always okay to be themselves, even if they have some flaws - after all, no one is perfect. Being yourself is the best way to teach them how to respect themselves by always being themselves. Be youe own individual and pursue the things that you love and do not let any popular opinion sway you. By doing them, your sibling will learn to be confident in their own. And communicate more with him so you become really close. Communcation helps build trust between you and your sibling.
Protect others - show him that he should always stick up for the little kid who needs protection and protect people who deserve protection by doing it yourself without recompense. You can never know, little kid getting beat up at school may not have a brother that’s able to protect him. Doing it will teach your sibling how to be a good person (and will make him even respect you more ).
Do the right thing - especially when it’s hard. This also means apologizing or admitting your mistake.
I believe you want him to be able to do the same, to always do the right thing.
This will make both of you better people -
Avoid violance - try your best not to be violent towards your sibling, and not being violent towards anyone else either will be an extra great example for him.
In addition, I believe there may be times when you’ll have to get angry with your brother to educate him, so if you get angry with him, do it outward - I mean, don’t be from those who gets angry easliy, and know how to forgive right away.
Extra tips on how to build a great relationship with him :
Let’s start with you spending time with him. This is the best way to start having a great relationship with young siblings. Do nice things with him - play with him, hang out, go to places… do it in your ways. Also, if you both are at home alone, then take advantage of it to have a good time with him . Besides, this will definitely give you great memories together and also build a friendship beyond the sibling relationship.
Build and keep their trust - having a lot of trust between you both is super important if you want to have a good relationship. So, if he tells you something, don’t go and tell your parents. Keep things just between you both, unless he asks you to tell them.
In order to build his trust on you, you should create a safe place for him to come and feel free to talk about their problems. Never laugh at him or judge him for the thing he tells you, so that he can know he can always come to you with no fear of how you’ll react. -
Let him be himself - as I said, no one is perfect. So, don’t try to make him into you and don’t be angry if he doesn’t always make the decision you wish he would. Respect the fact that he is his own individual, meaning that he has his own personality, even though you both share the same DNA. Try your best to do his some of his hobbies with him or at least talk with him or ask about it from time to time.
Try to see things from his point of view - I am sure there will be some things that you both may disagree sometimes. But when you argue or when he does something you disagree with, try to see things from his point of view sometimes. Sympathize with him and understand that he’s probably trying his best. This will help cut down on fights.
Appreciating his struggles in life and respecting him for what he faces will give you bot a better mutual respect. -
Help him with his problems - help him if you see he has a problem. Don’t just do it for him, but also show him how to deal with it. However, if he sometimes refuses your help, you need to respect his wishes. All you can do for him is to be there for him if he fails or needs help although he told you that he doesn’t need help.
When you talk to him, talk to him as if he’s a grown person.
In short, be there for him. Look out for him, comfort him when he needs it. Let him be a kid, teach him that it’s okay to do mistakes sometimes , because that’s how he can learn and grow, and more important - show him that you truly love him .
That’s all I can advice you.
(Sorry for that long paragraph )
To be honest, i am a bad role model for my younger sister, i am a real trouble and she shouldn’t listen to me. But i love her with all my heart even if she can be annoying
Believe it or not, I’m a big sister. And one of the things that I’ve learned is to be mature while in an argument. Walk away and ignore the sibling.
Some other tips:
- Treat them as your equal
- Talk to them, actually talk to them. They could be going through some stuff too
- Let them be themselves
- Build/hold on to their trust
- Establish boundaries with confidentiality
- Spend time with them
- Be a good example
- Be yourself
- Be responsible
- Don’t take your anger out on them
- Support them and let them know that you care for them. I’m not super affectionate
I’m a terrible older sister
You think if I sent this to my big sister she’d want to kill me
yes. the answer is yes
I’m not sure, but I thought of a few
• Respect your siblings privacy.
• Be a good role model.
• Give him alone time.
• Don’t be afraid to mess up. Never be perfect.
What not to do
• Be selfish.
• Have no respect of privacy.
• Feel like you are more important because you’re older.
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