OH yes! I didn’t know if you meant outside of the forums. Definitely know you are active in here. :+1::+1:

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Dares for you

•join the star cult if you didn’t already
•create a thread about how much you love to pee in pools (you’re only allowed to close it close it after at least 15 replies from different users)
•create an appreciation thread about mafia bad boys (you’re only allowed close it after at least 15 replies from different users)

Pick at least one :eyes::sparkles:

I’m just a weird nerdy girl outside of the forums :eyes::sparkles::sweat_smile:

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What’s the star cult?
I’ve never made a thread before. I’d need help.

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Dare :eyes: (no pfp change)

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The star cult :eyes::sparkles:
Just tap on the new thread button in the top right corner of the page (open “latest”, “new” or “unread” to see it) to create a thread :eyes::sparkles:


•annoy Secretz until he agrees to join the star cult
•spam ChaoticDeluges’ questio thread with dumb questions until he replies to one of them


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Why are her dares easier than mine?!


You call these easy? :joy:

Secretz will never agree to join the star cult so like that one’s a no. And for the other one, I have to use my brain to think of questions :fearful::sob:


I wonder why…

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Can I get a truth?

Because I try to make the dares suitable for the person, I don’t know you that much, so I didn’t know what exactly would be the best dare for you
Kiwi already accepted a few dares before so I knew what would be a hard dare for her :eyes::sparkles: (dares are slowly becoming my next obsession… :eyes::sparkles::joy::sweat_smile:)


•create a thread about how much you hate cakes, especially chocolate & caramel ones :eyes::sparkles:
•PM a poem about your love for chocolate & caramel cakes to 5 different users and send us reaction screenshots
•create 25 separate replies with questions about chocolate & caramel cakes on ChaoticDeluge’s question thread and tag him in each one of them

Pick at least one :eyes::sparkles:

If you had to marry a forum user, who would it be and why? :eyes::sparkles:

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Are you trying to become a matchmaker Hanna ? :joy:


Maybe? :eyes::sparkles::joy:
Do you want me to find you a partner? :eyes::sparkles::smirk::joy:

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I don’t know anyone well enough to choose by character :joy: But based on her username, pfp and profile, I’d say @liyahsdiamond
I mean, music junkie? food lover? we have a lot in common there! :joy:


Can I hire you as a matchmaker for my real life? :thinking:


Omg, this reminds me of a Bachelor thread on the Episode forum :joy:
Where every contestant could win a date with the bachelor which was basically a private PM with the owner watching you.

I remembered the original bachelor leaving because he discovered he still had feelings for this girl. He soon got replaced with a guy who apparently was forum related with 1/3 of the contestants so quite a few girls dropped out again.

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