dare please? :grin:

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I can dare you :star_struck:

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please do :pensive::call_me_hand:

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PM a rickroll to 5 people you’ve never talked to before :star_struck:

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Do you dislike someone that has posted in this thread? tea :eyes:

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Yeah :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Have you ever broken a promise?
What’s your biggest regret?


Yes (and I’m not proud of it)

I have plenty of regrets, but one of my biggest regret ever is that I didn’t try out in other big universities here in my country. I only tried out in one big university here, but I didn’t make it (though I was already so close but my best still wasn’t enough). And now, I’m currently studying in a nearby university. Not that I hate my current uni, but I still regret not trying out in other schools due to potential financial concerns.

Can I get a dare :star_struck:

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PM 5 new users and ask them their opinion on fries :star_struck:

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okay :heart_eyes:

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Truth? :eyes:

P.S. I won’t tell my name, address or the link to my zoom classes :joy:

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Do you have old friends in the Episode Forums that you want to talk to again?

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Hmm, yes. A lot of them (I can count like 9-10 right now, there might be more). I wish they could join this forum but I understand and respect their decision not to :pensive:
Some of them have even left and not even reply on Insta. That’s okay, everyone deserves some space when they want :slightly_smiling_face:

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Truth? :eyes::rose::two_hearts:

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Who’s your favorite Disney character?

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Silvermist or Periwinkle :eyes::heart::rose::two_hearts: