Weekly poll 8/12/19 - FIRST WEEKLY FORUM THEME ๐ŸŽ‰

Hello again humans and not humans :wave::smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:

Itโ€™s time for the third ~ weekly poll ~ on the shanniiwrites forums! :partying_face::eyes::sparkles:

Thanks to everyone who voted on last weekโ€™s poll :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

Turns out that most of us just like to drink hot drinks and stay at home in winter :eyes::sparkles::green_heart: :coffee:

I donโ€™t know why this creature is drinking tea with a straw but anyway, itโ€™s time for the new poll :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat::tada:

And this weekโ€™s poll will be about deciding the firstโ€ฆ


So what should our first themed week be about? :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat:

  • Robots/AI/gaming (technology) :robot:
  • Nature/Wildlife :herb: :lion:
  • Tourism :camera:
  • Climate Change :ocean::sunny:
  • Art :art: and/or Film :movie_camera:
  • Culture/Language :speaking_head: (+oriental east asia? :eyes:)
  • Emotions/Feelings :smiley: :pensive:
  • Education and careers :man_farmer: :woman_factory_worker: :man_student: :woman_student:
  • Childhood Media :girl: :boy: :baby:
  • Weather/winter :partly_sunny: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
  • Broad Politics :woman_office_worker: :man_office_worker:
  • Capitalism/Communism :moneybag:
  • Colours :purple_heart::green_heart:
  • Astronomy/Astrology :star::comet:
  • Diversity :woman_with_headscarf:t4: :older_woman:t2::adult:t6:
  • Holidays (Kinda culture) :christmas_tree: :menorah::tada:
  • Comedy :joy:
  • The Wild West :cowboy_hat_face:
  • Darkness and Light :last_quarter_moon:
  • Other (comment!) :eyes::sparkles:

0 voters

We have a tie, so please vote on this poll to decide the final theme :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smiley_cat:

Feel free to create polls and suggest and discuss weekly forum themes :smiley_cat::eyes::sparkles:
~ H :sparkles:


I donโ€™t really get the question but ok. :purple_heart: :butterfly:


The poll is about deciding the first weekly theme on the forums :eyes::sparkles: just pick the themes that you like the most :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


โ€ฆ but I like more than 3โ€ฆ

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Me too, but we can only have one theme :pleading_face::crying_cat_face::eyes::sparkles:

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Aww manโ€ฆ

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Donโ€™t worry, we can still use some of them in the future :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

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Looks like emotions is in the lead

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O I get it now. :purple_heart: :butterfly:

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Wow but Art and film have shot ahead

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Finally ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For the purpose of the fact we need a theme by the end of the day and itโ€™s a tie :eyes:

Please pick

  • Art and/or film
  • Emotions/feelings

0 voters

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Well emotions/feelings won the poll so the them of the week will be emotions/feelings

There will be an official announcement thread at some point today but just as long as you know what won :joy:

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Closed since this thread has served is purpose