Weekly poll battle 8/4/20 👀✨🎉

Hello again humans and not humans :wave::eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat:
It’s time for the next weekly poll battle on the shanniiwrites forums :partying_face::eyes::sparkles::smile_cat::green_heart:

How will this work?

•There will be a weekly theme and a poll to decide on the minimum number of polls for the next competition
• you have five days to create your polls and one day to vote for the best polls, I will announce the winner and the next theme on the next thread
•The winner will get a badge and can pick the next theme if they want
•You don’t have to sign up, just create enough polls and have fun :smile_cat:

The rules

•At least one of your polls has to be related to the weekly theme
•You have to create at least one number rating, multiple choice and single choice poll
•You are allowed to chat on the thread but please don’t spam it with off topic posts or random emojis
•You can still participate if you’ve won the contest before.
•Don’t copy others!
•No double entries! You can only enter each week’s contest once.
•No inappropriate polls! If you have too many swear words or 18+ content I’ll message you and give you 24h to change it, if you don’t change it by then, you’ll automatically be disqualified for the current and the following week

And most importantly…


This week’s eyemazing theme was picked by last week’s poll battle champion @TL_DR :smile_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:
And the theme is…
(This gif is so small :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:)
You have to create at least 6 polls to participate this week :eyes::sparkles:

Side note: This isn’t a rule, but it would be nice if you could post all your polls in one post to keep the thread organized and make it easier for me to check if you have all needed polls to qualify for this week :sweat_smile::smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

I’ll post the poll for next week’s minimum poll number in the next post, so please wait a second if you see this thread before the poll is posted :eyes::sparkles::sweat_smile::green_heart:

I hope that we’ll see some eyemazing polls this week! Be creative and have fun humans and not humans :eyes::sparkles::smile_cat::green_heart:

~ H :sparkles:

( @PollBattle :eyes:)


What should be the minimum number of polls for next week? :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Would you like to be tagged in the poll for deciding the poll battle champion at the end of the week? :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat::green_heart:

  • Yes, please :smiley_cat::green_heart:
  • No, but thank you :sweat_smile::green_heart:

0 voters


If you had superpowers, would you rather be a superhero or a super villain?

  • Superhero
  • Super villain

0 voters

Who’s your favorite superhero?

I had to Google all of these lmao

  • Spider Man
  • Ant Man
  • Iron Man
  • Thor
  • Hulk
  • Captain America
  • Wasp
  • Hercules
  • Captain Marvel
  • Wolverine
  • Black Panther
  • Doctor Strange
  • Superman
  • Wonder Woman
  • Batman
  • The Flash
  • Green Lantern
  • Aquaman
  • I don’t have one
  • Other

0 voters

Which superpowers would you like to have?

  • Teleportation
  • Invisibility
  • Shapeshifting
  • Time travel
  • Super speed
  • Super strength
  • Telepathy
  • Telekinesis
  • Elemental control
  • Flight
  • Other

0 voters

Do you read comic books?

  • Yes!
  • Sometimes.
  • Nope.

0 voters

On a scale from one to ten, how much do you want superpowers?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Do you prefer Marvel or DC?

  • Marvel
  • DC

0 voters

1 Like

If you had the power of invisibility, what would you do with it?

  • Spy on people to learn their secrets
  • Hide from people who were trying to hurt me or get me to do stuff
  • Prank people
  • Stalk my crush without being seen
  • Go into a store and take whatever I want without getting caught
  • Something else

0 voters

Do you think most supervillains have a good motive for doing evil deeds?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes

0 voters

How many times have you dressed up as a superhero, whether it be for Halloween, cosplay, or a special event?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15

0 voters

A supervillain approaches you and tells you that if you tell him where his enemy is, he will do you a favor. You know where his enemy, the superhero that rescued your beloved pet is. What favor do you ask from him?

  • The answer key to all the exams you’ll have that year
  • For your crush to like you back
  • A superpower
  • Money
  • To repair a broken relationship with a loved one
  • Something else
  • Nothing! I refuse to betray the hero that saved my pet!

0 voters

When was the last time you saw a superhero or supervillain movie in theatres?

  • This week
  • A few weeks ago
  • Last month
  • A few months ago
  • Six months ago
  • Over a year

0 voters

And... which of these songs from a superhero movie do you like the best?

  • Venom - Eminem (Venom)
  • Ashes - Celine Dion (Deadpool 2)
  • Ocean to Ocean - Pitbull (Aquaman)
  • All the Stars - Kendrick Lamar (Black Panther)
  • Sunflower - Post Malone (Into the Spider-Verse)
  • I haven’t heard any of them

0 voters

If you haven’t heard any of these songs, I’d like to recommend the last one — it’s the best!


I don’t have a pet, so I would gladly betray the superhero :eyes::black_heart::new_moon::dizzy:


Only a few hours left until I post the final poll :eyes::eyes::eyes::green_heart:

(@Dying_Dreams join :eyes::eyes::eyes:)

1 Like

What’s the most useless super poweR?

  • Throwing Toast
  • Toasting Toast
  • Being able to form a toaster at will
  • Teleport to anywhere with toasters
  • Burn toast every time
  • Be able to never burn toast
  • Unbutter toast
  • Automatically butter toast without doing it
  • The power to chuck toasters at people

0 voters

Should you read the Emancipation Proclamation?

  • Yes!
  • Yes.
  • YES

0 voters

What’s better?

  • Telepathy
  • Teleportation

0 voters

Rate Toast:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Which is better for making the crumb?

  • Toast
  • Bread
  • Baguettes.

0 voters

Who started the fire?

  • Ryan.
  • Billy Joel.
  • We.
  • Dwight.
  • not I

0 voters

Is this whole thing just a meme so I can see who’d actually vote for me with this terrible, terrible entry?

  • Yes.
  • Yes**.**
  • Yes*.*
  • no

0 voters

1 Like

Okay, new buzzfeed quiz time!

:zap: :fire: What kind of superpower should you have? :ocean: :dash:

(I’m not done yet lmao pls dont do it)

It works basically the same as last time, but there’s more kinds of points ^^ (I reccomend keeping a tally sheet)

What element are you most attracted to?

  • 1 - Fire :fire:
  • 2 - Water :ocean:
  • 3 - Nature :seedling:
  • 3 - Air :dash:
  • 5 - Shadow :new_moon:
  • 6 - Light :sunny:

0 voters


1 - +2 Red points, -2 Blue points, -1 White point

2 - +2 Blue points, +1 Gold point, +1 Orange point, -2 Red points, -1 Teal point

3 - +1 White point, +1 Blue point, +1 Gold point

4 - +2 Teal points, -1 Blue point

5 - +2 Black points, +1 Orange points, -2 White points

6 - +2 White points, -2 Black points, -1 Red point

What’s your best trait?

  • 1 - My humor
  • 2 - My intelligence
  • 3 - My charisma
  • 4 - My cunning
  • 5 - My bravery
  • 6 - My kindness
  • 7 - My ability to multitask
  • 8 - My patience
  • 9 - I don’t have one/I don’t know

0 voters


1 - +2 Teal points, -1 Black point

2 - +3 Gold points, +2 Blue points, +1 Orange point, +1 White point

3 - +2 Orange points, +1 Teal point, +1 Gold point, -2 Black points

4 - +3 Orange points, +1 Gold point, +1 Black point

5 - +3 Red points, +1 White point, +1 Teal point

6 - +3 White points, -1 Orange point, -1 Black point

7 - +3 Teal points, -1 Red point, -1 Orange point

8 - +2 Blue points, +2 White points, -1 Red points, -3 Teal points

9 - -1 of all points

What’s your worst trait?

  • 1 - I’m too trusting
  • 2 - I get angry easily
  • 3 - I’m manipulative
  • 4 - I’m a know-it-all
  • 5 - I’m a procrastinator
  • 6 - I’m shy

0 voters


1 - +3 White points, +1 Teal point, -1 Red point, -2 Black points

2 - +3 Red points, +2 Black points, +1 Gold point, +1 Teal point, -1 Blue points, -2 White points

3 - +3 Orange points, +1 Black point, -1 Teal point, -3 White points

4 - +3 Gold points, +2 Orange points, +1 Teal point, +1 Blue point, -2 White points

5 - +3 Teal points, +1 Red point, -1 Gold point, -1 White points, -2 Blue points

6 - +3 Black points, +1 White point, -1 Gold point, -3 Orange points

What’s your favorite out of these animals?

  • 1 - Lion :lion:
  • 2 - Dove :dove:
  • 3 - Dolphin :dolphin:
  • 4 - Monkey :monkey_face:
  • 5 - Cheetah :leopard:
  • 6 - Fox :fox_face:
  • 7 - Bat :bat:

0 voters


1 - +2 Red points, +1 Black point, -1 Blue point, -2 White points
2 - +2 White points, +1 Blue point, -1 Teal point, -2 Red points
3 - +2 Blue points, +1 Gold point, -1 Black point
4 - +2 Gold points, +1 Blue points, -1 Black point
5 - +2 Teal points, +1
6 - +2 Orange points, +1 Gold point
7 - +2 Black points, -1 White point

Red points

You got:


Gold points

You got:
Hyper Intelligence

source (4)

Did I include this just to put an Iron Man gif? …Yes

Orange points

You got:
Mind Control


Teal points

You got:
Super Speed


Blue points

You got:

White points

You got:


Black points

You got:


> of all points or two tying points

You got:


What did you get?

  • Pyrokinesis
  • Hyper Intelligence
  • Mind Control
  • Super Speed
  • Healing
  • Umbrakinesis

0 voters

Which would you have rather gotten?

  • Pyrokinesis
  • Hyper Intelligence
  • Mind Control
  • Super Speed
  • Healing
  • Umbrakinesis
  • I’m happy with the one I got

0 voters

Okay, now some random questions

Marvel vs. DC: Who would win in a fight?

  • Captain America
  • Wonder Woman

0 voters

  • Iron Man
  • Batman

0 voters

  • Hawkeye
  • Green Arrow

0 voters

  • Superman
  • Captain Marvel

0 voters

  • Ant-Man
  • The Atom

0 voters

  • Thor
  • Shazam/Captain Marvel

0 voters

  • Black Widow
  • Black Canary

0 voters

  • Quicksilver
  • The Flash

0 voters

Marvel vs. DC: Which movie is better?

  • Captain Marvel
  • Wonder Woman

0 voters

  • The Avengers
  • Justice League

0 voters

  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

0 voters

  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Suicide Squad

0 voters

  • Iron Man
  • Man of Steel

0 voters

  • Spiderman: Homecoming
  • Shazam!

0 voters

  • Black Panther
  • Aquaman

0 voters

  • The Avengers
  • The Justice League

0 voters

General Movie Questions

Who’s team were you on when Civil War came out?

  • Team Iron Man
  • Team Cap
  • Neither
  • What’s Civil War? :sweat_smile:

0 voters

Worst movie?

  • Iron Man 2
  • Thor: The Dark World
  • Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice
  • Suicide Squad

0 voters

Best movie?

  • Thor: Ragnarok
  • Iron Man
  • Captain America: The Winter Soilder
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Shazam!
  • Man of Steel

0 voters

Who’s death in Infinity War/Endgame was the saddest?

  • Iron Man
  • Gamora
  • Black Widow
  • Thanos

0 voters

Best universe?

  • MCU
  • Marvel TV (The Defenders, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
  • DCEU
  • Arrowverse

0 voters

Most epic crossover?

  • The Avengers
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Justice League
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths
  • Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel

0 voters

And now, for no reason at all, I shall bless your eyes upon this scene from Captain America: Civil War, my favorite movie scene :DD

Did you know it was based off a comic panel?

  • Seriously!?
  • Cool!
  • I literally do not care
  • What’s a Marvel

0 voters


It’s time to vote for your favourite polls now :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:
So who created the best polls this week? :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

tags 💚

@Kiwi @nessie @Rose @Eccentric @Caticorn @MG_789 @phnx

You can vote for yourself if you want :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


And the winners are

@Rose and @anon80318563 :tada:

Congrats! :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles::tada:
You’ll get your badge soon and you can decide the next theme together :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

tags 💚

@Kiwi @nessie @Rose @Eccentric @Caticorn @MG_789 @phnx @anon68003072


Cool!! :sunflower: :coffee: :sparkles:

@Rose, any suggestions for the next poll battle?


I don’t know…maybe Disney? Or the lockdown? :sweat_smile::thinking::rose::two_hearts:


So have you decided on a theme @Rose and @anon80318563? :sweat_smile::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

1 Like

CoffeeAunt, ypu like BvS? Dishonor

This poll battle is over, you can join the next one here :eyes::sparkles::green_heart: