Weekly User Quiz - @eclipseis

Weekly User Quiz

Heyy there. Welcome to another weekly user quiz. This week’s user is drum roll@novella!!

I assume you know the drill. You have all week to make polls about yourself and by the end of the week, you reveal the answers.


Have fun!

Weekly User Quiz - Sign Up Thread


Ahh okay hey! I’m going to try and ask about things I have mentioned on the forums, so it isn’t all just guesswork haha.


Finally someone does that!


What is my first name?

  • Ella
  • Eclipseis
  • Lily
  • Elle

0 voters

When did I start roleplaying?

  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018

0 voters

What is my star sign?

  • Capricorn
  • Aries
  • Libra
  • Gemini

0 voters

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What Hogwarts house am I in?

  • Hufflepuff
  • Gryffindor
  • Ravenclaw
  • Slytherin

0 voters

Which of these movies do I hate?

  • The Kissing Booth
  • Mamma Mia
  • The Incredibles
  • After

0 voters

Which of these shows do I hate?

  • Glee
  • Riverdale
  • The Vampire Diaries
  • Stranger Things

0 voters

possibly a bit unusual to ask what I hate however I talk WAY MORE about things that I hate than things that I like… call me weird


When is my birthday?

  • 8th October
  • 30th September
  • 15th May
  • 24th January

0 voters

What was the first RP I joined?

  • Gossip Girl
  • Beyond The Kingdom
  • Fairytaled
  • Galileo

0 voters

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I know nothing except for the first question :sweat_smile:

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You could probably find a few from searching my posts! :wink:

Sorry there weren’t that many questions, I wanted to ask things that you could easily find the answer of!

Okay, so the answers (and where you could find them!)

  1. What is my first name?
    Ella – can be found from clicking my profile!

  2. When did I start roleplaying?

  1. What is my star sign?
  1. What Hogwarts house am I in?
    Ravenclaw – also found from clicking profile!

  2. Which of these movies to I hate?
    Find below my extensive rant about The Kissing Booth

  1. Which of these shows do I hate?
  1. When is my birthday?
  1. What was the first RP I joined?
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Will the new one be announced? :pleading_face:

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Yes :+1:

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Closed due to inactivity

Delayed Results (Cali’s edit):

@CerealKiller 5
@Kiwi 5
@Ouijaloveletters 5
@Rose 5
@astxrism 4
@elixr 4
@TheDancingFryer 4
@anon80318563 3
@Eccentric 3
@Eliza 3
@glxwingAngel 3
@StarMaryGoth 3
@ethereal 2
@passionfruit 2
@Spes 2
@JoannaKRain 1