What are some animes you reccomend?

Hey, welcome to the forums!! I’m Tina :wave:

Ngl, I’ve never watched jojo, are you into any other anime’s as well? :sweat_smile:

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Yeah I watch my hero academia and Komi can’t communicate


bumpp just to say that ive watched tons of animes since i made this thread <3 moderators can close this thread @moderators


Apothecary Diary :heart_hands:
So good, a little cat and mouse like, loookve our strong female lead in this

My Love Story!
Oh my. I put it off for yearsssss and wish I hadn’t :sob: the main character guy is SO SWEET :face_holding_back_tears:
Protect him at all costs!! :heart:

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Not me responding even after you said close :sob::sweat_smile:
My bad my bad!

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Closed at OP’s request