What do people think of “bad boy” characters in episode stories?

My opinion is that the stories where the love interests aren’t bad boy/girls or someone who is like a gangster get classed as boring whereas the ones that promote that kind of stuff get thousands of reads (especially on episode) so I’m just wondering what people think about those kind of characters

Also link to the blog post


If they are very likable, I have no problem with bad boys. I just can’t stand the ones who think they can get any girl they want when in reality they just pump & dump. When I meant reality, I meant in the Episode stories. But yeah, there are jerks out there in real life.


Most of the time, I despise bad boys, or they just seem to get on my nerves. I find them to be irritating, especially the ones that treat others awfully, yet everyone thinks they’re cool. It takes an extremely good author and a well-written story to make me like a bad boy. “Like” as in not wanting to flush their rotten-egg head down a toilet.

It gets worse when the author uses excuses for the bad boy’s behaviour. I don’t care if he has issues at home, that doesn’t give him the right to treat the MC like sh*t.

What’s worse about the way authors write bad boys is the glorification of smoking. In most episode stories I’ve read, the bad boy often, if not almost always, smokes. This shouldn’t be glorified, nor should it be considered something “cool and bad”.

The worst type of these characters are the abusive ones, who are either gang leaders, vampires or plain old @ssholes. He treats the MC terribly, yet the author forces him as the love interest. Again, this should not be glorified. It’s abuse, and it’s a toxic relationship.

Overall, bad boys range from a scale of “irritating jerk” to “abusive monster”. :white_heart:


I think bad boys can be done well, but often Episode writers base their bad boy off another story bad boy. That’s bad because it creates a situation of what Americans call “Telephone”. Every time a person bases their bad boy off another bad boy in another story, they’re diluting the good sides of the original bad boys and turning the trope more and more into an unhealthy caricature.

I’ll elaborate once I get the time :joy:



…I hate them to the point where i can’t explain my undying hatred for them.


I sweat to God, they play it so extra, they be like ‘ugh im not talking to you coz my dad hates me and abuses me sksksk’ or he abuses the MC coz of the ‘dArK pAsT’

Ughhhh im mad as hell, i hate themm


I always see people saying that they can be amazing if they are portrayed correctly, but I haven’t read a story yet where I wasn’t annoyed or bored by the bad boy character after 2 episodes :eyes::sparkles:


Bad boys can absolutely be done well, but no matter the trauma a person has been through, it doesn’t excuse them if they are just an abuser or an *sshole.

That’s the difference, bad boys can be interesting, *ssholes aren’t attractive :man_shrugging:


That’s one of the big things, I think. Just because a dude has a few run-ins with the law, is dark and mysterious and sleeps around, it doesn’t mean he has to treat the MC badly

A bad boy doesn’t need to be emotionally abusive


I’m putting one in my Wattpad story as a love interest, and I have every intention of making it seem like he is the only one

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I hate bad boys, they’re so irritating. Ain’t nothing funny about a leather-clad dude who rides a motorcycle and smokes.


I’ll tell James Dean

you are right though as much as I love leather jackets and motorcycles I also love nice people


At least he was cute.


One of the only bad boy stories I actually like on Episode is Rebounding with Bad.


‘Bad boys’ are overrated in my opinion. Like what are you doing? Lol that ‘dEsIgNeR’ leather jacket ain’t real. :v:t4:


I like leather jackets and motorcycles , but I don’t see why that’s always taken as them being the bad/villain character.

Without the smoking stereotype, I’d just say they were interesting characters


Most of the guys I know who wear leather jackets and ride motorbikes are the nicest dudes ever! :eyes:


I don’t know many but 1 of them is the worst person I know,

But the rest are alright humans

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  • I like bad boys.
  • I don’t mind them.
  • I don’t like bad boys.

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