What do you struggle with most as an Artist?

Well, it looks odd when I do some hairstyles. but you don’t put much hair on your characters so I figure it’ll be easy for you. My characters have to have poofy hair :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh look I found another thing!

When you get so worried about messing up that it stops you from doing it in the first place :no_mouth:

Or when you sketch it out and it doesn’t look like how you wanted it to, so you just give up :sweat_smile:



Everything xD

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For me I get frustrated when I see other people doing so great and then I seem to get nowhere. I used to actively practice art and now I don’t because I just don’t have enough passion to constantly practice and just get nowhere. With writing, it’s much more natural which is why writing is my passion and not art.


I think that I’m fairly good at sketching but I really struggle with everything else. I’m not very patient and get tired of the drawing after I’ve sketched it out. I guess I’ve never really got to practice other aspects of drawing/painting because of that. Drawing outlines can still be quite fun, but I dread coloring. I think I’m using one color but when I look at the drawing at a later time the colors look completely different.


Small Bump!

Finding my art style and inspiration. For some reason it’s harder for me to draw digitally than with a pencil and paper.

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Proportions!!! I literally- don’t even get me started lmao. :joy: but I’m practicing. (And trying time use the method you told me in that Pm.)

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Proportions are very difficult to get the hang of, so no worries there :smile:


Self-doubt and drawing organic poses . Most things I draw are usually end up pretty stiff looking.

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Not getting angry at the flashy ads in ibis… It’s really annoying when I’m trying to draw some details on my drawing but something keeps flashing in the corner :expressionless::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


When your sketch seems legit and then you do the lineart and…oh god


From head to toe, there isn’t a part which I’m not struggling with.

And sometimes struggling for a long time makes me want to puke.


Currently I kinda struggle with starting to draw something… I’ll sit here all day and think “I should draw something” but I just can’t bring myself to open an art program or to get a piece of paper and a pen… :no_mouth::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Recently, I’ve been struggling with not having anything that I want to draw.

I haven’t actually drawn much for a while, so it’s also harder for me to remember where things are and how I like to do things…

Also, composition is definitely something I struggle a lot with from a more technical perspective.


Composition can definitely be rough. I don’t draw scenes very often so I rarely come across it as an issue, but with covers and such that I’ve done in the past I ended up sticking to very basic composition because the complex stuff was throwing my actual art off :sweat:


Right now? Not wasting countless hours on adding details no one will ever notice… If you zoom in on some of my more recent digital animal art, you’ll notice small colour differences which I spent a lot time on to make the fur/feathers look better although no one will ever notice them because the colour is only different by 1%, so I’m kinda the only person who notices it because I usually notice small colour differences easily… :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::no_mouth:

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Everyone be talking about how hard hands are but what about shoulders huh.
These things are like necks but stretched and they suck because if you can’t get the shoulders right then the arms just look weird and then at that point you might as well yeet it in the trash because of these stupid frickin shoulders god why do we have shoulders they suck, THEY SUCK!


YES! preach

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Honestly, I struggle being creative with anatomical positioning :)) woah that sounds fancy when i read it :joy:

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inhales I’M GARBAGE! ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE! bangs fist on ground (please get the reference…)

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