What Holidays Does Your Country Celebrate?

So it’s currently the 4th of July in America and now I’m just wondering about the other holidays in your country. What holidays does your country celebrate?


In India, we celebrate so many festivals that I can’t begin naming them and hope to cover all the festivals we have but I’ll name the really really main ones here.

These are the main Religious holidays.

Maker Sankranti
Vasant Panchami
Holi (my personal favourite!)
Rakshabandhan (sisters get gifts on this one which is amazing! :joy:)
Ganesh Chaturthi
Diwali (second favourite!)
Bhai duj

These are the most important ones that we are given holidays for throughout the country. There are other regional festivals too.

Then the three national holidays :

Republic Day (26 January)
Independence Day (15 August)
Gandhi Jayanti (2 October)

And these are only the ones I can remember at the moment or the ones I know about. There’s still a lot more. :relieved:


We don’t have too many in the UK. We don’t have an Independence Day (for obvious reasons. Most independence days in the world are celebrating the day they got independence from us).

Apart from the main Christian and Pagan ones celebrated around the world (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Day), we have one of the Queen’s birthdays, but I think I see more people from America there than people from the UK. Most of us don’t care about that – myself included.

We do have the 5th November, though: Guy Fawkes Night/Bonfire Night. The day we celebrate torturing Catholics until they confess to trying to blow up Parliament. You can tell I’m a little more than bitter about that one. I still celebrate it, though, because the fireworks are pretty.

In terms of what we do, well most people eat Turkey for a Christmas meal. We don’t have Thanksgiving, after all. We do have Black Friday sales, though. I have no clue why. But hey! It prepares me for Christmas!


I mostly used google translate so something might be translated wrong


in january we have fastlavn. that is the Danish Halloween. the date is diffrent each year. but its always sunday and monday. sunday we go from we trick or treat. but instead of candy we get coins. you can also get a fastlavn bun. but I have never tried that

monday with hit the cat in the barriel. which is like a pinjata. execkt its a barrel. reaason its called cat i a barrael is because in old days they did not put candy but a black cat (because witches ) those poor cats

  1. april 2019 Queen birthday

then its Påske (Easter)
store bededag (Great day of bed)
Pinse (Whitsun)

Constitution Day

June 5 is the Constitution Day. On that day, one celebrates that the first free constitution * was introduced on June 5, 1849. Meetings are held all over the country (constitutional meetings), where talks are held on democracy and popular rule. Constitution Day is not an official day off, but public offices and many shops have closed.

May 1, since 1889, has been the workers’ international demonstration and celebration day. May 1 is organized by trade unions and political organizations and by leftist * groups. It is different from workplace to workplace, whether one is free that day. Many school children are free on May 1st.

On May 5, 1945, Denmark was liberated after five years of German occupation * during World War II. When the announcement of the German surrender * came on May 4 in the evening, * many people removed * the blackout curtains * to be used during the war. And you let the light shine through all the windows. Many still remember this evening by putting candles in the windows.

Sankt hans
On the 23rd of June in the evening celebrations are celebrated. The background for the Sunday evening is a mixture of pagan * popular tradition and Christianity. The halloween evening is gathered and lit bonfire and burns dolls that depict witches. In the popular tradition, the party marks the midsummer. In the Christian tradition, it marks the birth of John the Baptist on June 24.

In most cities, sanitary feasts are organized, where you gather for a bonfire. When the bonfire is lit, you sing midsummer wise *, and sometimes there is also a bonfire speech by eg a local politician. Sundays are also celebrated privately, where friends and / or families gather to enjoy themselves around the fire. You do not have free work or school in connection with maternity leave.

Morten Evening
There is a tradition of eating goose or duck on the night of November 10th. It is in memory of the bishop Martin of Tours who hid among geese to avoid becoming a bishop

Luciaday is December 13th. Lucia comes from the Latin lux which means light. Saint Lucia was an Italian saint who suffered martyrdom and has a weekend of December 13, which, according to the Julian calendar of the 14th century, was the shortest day of the year, today it is December 21, which is the year’s shortest day.

Fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, Advent Time begins. Advent means coming, and is preparing and expecting Christmas, where we celebrate Jesus coming into the world. we alwa

Christmas marks the birth of Jesus in the Christian tradition. Christmas Eve, 24 December, Christmas services are held, and on that day many children and adults attend church.

In Denmark, you are usually free from work and school on 24, 25 and 26 December. These three days are called Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Christmas Day. In many families, several generations celebrate Christmas Eve together. You have a Christmas tree, eat a traditional Christmas dinner, dance about the Christmas tree *, sing Christmas hymns and Christmas songs and give each other Christmas presents. In families where there are children from several marriages, Christmas is often held several times so that the children both celebrate Christmas with their father and their mother.

Christmas Day and Christmas Day are gathered in many families for Christmas.

In most workplaces and among friends, in December, Christmas parties are also held. There are different traditions for Christmas fare, but common to most people is that you eat a lot of food and drink beer and snaps.

New Year

The New Year is celebrated in Denmark on December 31 in the evening, where many celebrate with their friends and shoot fireworks. Many have the tradition of having the New Year’s party begin with the Queen’s New Year’s speech, which is shown on the television at 18.00.

New Year’s Day, January 1, the Prime Minister and the Queen holds a New Year’s speech, which will be broadcast on television.

And usally people watch the 90 birthday .

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In Romania, other than the Religious holidays we have:

Unification Day (24th of January) - On that day we celebrate the union of modern Romania

Dragobetele (24th of February) - Similar to Valentine’s day

Mărțișor (1st of March) - The name is kind of a diminutive for Martie, the Romanian word for March. On that day people give girls the so-called Mărțișoare (usually guys give them, but girls also offer them to each other). On that day we celebrate the victory of spring over winter

Sanziene (June 24th) - A pretty cool pagan holiday

National Flag Day (26th of June)

National Anthem Day (29th of July) - On that day in 1848 the National Anthem was performed for the first time

Liberation from Fascist Occupation Day (23rd of August) - Was considered national holiday between 1949 and 1990

National Day/Great Union (1st of December)

Constitution Day (December 8th) - The day the referendum on the Romanian Constitution was held in 1991 thus establishing the first democratic republic

Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Communism in Romania (December 21st) - Commemorates the victims who fell in the violent street confrontations between 16 and 27 December, during the Romanian Revolution

its was pride day last Sunday. here in Denmark

also, I made a meme about it(also I am not gay I am pansexual. but thought it sounded better)


Ahhh so my favourite holiday/festival is almost so close and I am so happy. Diwali is like, 20+ days later but I am still so excited. It’s like, my most favourite festival ever.


And my country celebrate Jewish holidays. Now we celebrated: Sukkot, Hoshaana Raba and Simchat Torah. Today is Isru Hag (translation: last day of the holiday).

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Bump :yawning_face:

today is Mortens aften(night) kinda lide Danish thanksgiving. exept its to celebrate a chrisitian figure. though honestly kinda like chrsitmas was stolen from a pagan holiday this is too.

and we eat duck instead of Turkey

Small-Large bump


Medium Bump

NEW YEARS!!! :partying_face:

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