What’s the most risky thing you have ever done?

I skipped school with my classmates and went downtown lol :rofl:

…oh and the assistant manager found out about it and called our parents :joy:

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My friend and I sneaked into a construction site.
And bump!




Guys, I am bored :yawning_face:

We rode down a mountain on one ski in a small snow storm because of a dare between our skiing teachers :new_moon::dizzy::no_mouth::joy:
It took over an hour and we were all exhausted at the end but we survived :smiley_cat::new_moon::dizzy:

Staying out late to be with a boy I liked.

He kissed my cheek and brought me home in the rain.

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I wish I had that much courage. :joy:

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I lied about it too!

To this day I wasn’t caught…

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I got a guy’s number.

I know y’all think it’s not risky but I got strict parents.


Did you get in trouble? I have strict parents as well lol. :purple_heart: :butterfly:

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Nope, I ended up blocking him cuz he turned out to be a total creep.

I hope they don’t find the screenshots of our convo though…

In 5th grade, we had a three day presentation on how you shouldn’t do drugs, just say no, don’t drink alcohol, stuff like that. At the end of the presentation, the guy gave us candy. My computer classroom was down the hall from the presentation room, so when we were walking back to class together, this popular-ish kid convinced me to stick my hand in the candy jar and steal some candy on our way back to class. Any smart child would’ve said no, but I did it anyway because when a popular kid asks you to steal candy in 5th grade, you do it. I didn’t end up bringing the goods home though because the guy had sealed the lid shut, and it never occured to me to unscrew the lid.

TL;DR I tried to steal candy for a popular kid, but I couldn’t get the candy because the jar was closed. :man_shrugging:

I’ve also forged my parents signature a couple times because I forgot to get my permission slip signed :pensive:




I still stay out a little late, but I cover it up by saying I’m going to work (I have two jobs)

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Added a discussion tag! :white_heart:

Get into my first relationship. I got yelled at and it wasn’t good at all :joy:

Closed due to inactivity :heart: