What’s your favourite sport/s?

Let’s chat sport everyone!

I’ll start: I play netball (either goal attack or goal shoot cause I’m a good shot if I do say so myself :sunglasses::robot::revolving_hearts:

And hockey, meh. I don’t really like playing in winter.

Swimming. I do loads of this and compete on a national level and I do like it, I prefer my swim squad to my class at school if I’m being honest. At let’s their not privileged rich kids. :green_heart:


I really like Basketball and volleyball, i play at school in PE with my classmates and it’s so entertaining as we don’t take it too seriously and have fun.


I love basketball and I used to be really good at rounders but I hated running. :joy:


My favorite is badminton! I’m okay at it, I guess? :thinking: :badminton:

I also like soccer, tennis, and American football; I don’t like to play them though, I just like to watch them haha.


I like watching football. GO PATS! :football:

My favorite sport to play would be Badminton. It’s one of the rare gym class sports that I’m good at. :badminton:

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Basketball and dodgeball.

I do like a good game of dodgeball

I luv throwing the balls at people.

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Lol samee


I like badminton :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat:
And tennis :eyes::sparkles::smiley_cat:

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I hate sports. :white_heart:

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I quite like basketball, personally. I’m very bad at it and very short though :joy:

Also if kendo counts, I’m a black belt, lol


Do plank and push-ups count?

I like soccer. When the weather is nice, I sometimes play with my nephews and a couple of kids that live in our apartment complex. I don’t usually watch professional games alone unless it’s the World Cup, but sometimes I watch games when I’m with other people who want to watch them.

I also like swimming, but not so much as a competitive sport because I haven’t taken classes or anything. More as a recreational activity.

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Bump ump ummity!

I still love tennis :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smile_cat:

Do you like tennis? :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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I do, it’s together with volleybal my favorite sport to do! :tennis::volleyball:

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I play a lot of sports…
Not an order

  1. Volleyball
  2. Basketball
  3. Track and field
  4. Cross country
  5. Dodgeball
  6. Hockey
  7. Kickball

Though my favorite would be Basketball, Volleyball, and Track (I ran the 100m)

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Water polo