What would you do if.... (game)

Well…Flyyy awayyy

WWYDI you woke up looking like donald duck?

Quack :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

WWYDI a cat flew in through your window and started meowing at you? :eyes::sparkles:

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Try to get the cat to go away, I don’t like cats

WWYDI someone stole your identity

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Get annoyed and say “not again” :eyes::sparkles:

WWYDI a spider crawled into your bed?

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Get gloves and throw it outside then disinfect my bed

WWYDI you went to the store and someone threw cheese at you?

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Throw more cheese back at them :eyes::eyes::eyes:

WWYDI you turned into a mermaid? :eyes::sparkles:

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Scare fish and told them I ate their family

WWYDI the food in your fridge could talk?

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Record it talking, post it online and get rich :eyes::eyes::eyes::green_heart:

WWYDI a serial killer was chasing after you? :eyes::sparkles:

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Get the gun from the purse and shoot him.

WWYDI someone on the forums used your signature emojis and say you stole it from them?

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Find some new and cooler emojis :eyes::sparkles:

WWYDI if the internet stopped working forever? :eyes::eyes::eyes:

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Fix the internet or make a better version of it

WWYDI a homeless person put a rat on your face?

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Scream bloody murder, yeet that nasty rat away from me, and wash my face furiously.

WWYDI someone pretending to be you called your family, saying you had been kidnapped?

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Find them and beat their butt

WWYDI some set all your clothes on fire?

Set theirs on fire and see how they like it! :joy::joy: in all honesty I’d probably call the police

Reminds me of when someone was messaging my friends telling them that I had passed away… which had a lot of people freaked out due to the fact I hadn’t been online for a day (I had a migraine) :woman_facepalming:t2: No one thought of messaging my family at all!!

Wwyd if you saw a child/ teen on their own and they were crying

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Sit down next to them and cry too :pleading_face:

WWYDI someone you’ve never met hugged you and acted like your best friend? :eyes::sparkles:

I would be confused and ask them why they’re doing that :eyes::rose::two_hearts:

WWYDI someone ate your food? :rose::two_hearts:

It goes either way, accept the fate and smile as my insides cry or scream
That’s mine!!" :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile:

WWYD if your favorite item/clothing is on an affordable sale?

Buy it! :sunflower: :sparkles: :coffee:

WWYD if you woke up with a really bad headache?

Sleep and cry from the pain (if it is too painful ofc :joy:)

WWYD if you were a part of the suspects in a murder?

Uhm, try everything to prove my innocence

Wwyd if it’s 5 AM and your neighbors suddenly start playing loud music that woke you up?