What's lunch like at your school? šŸŒ½

How? Why? Do you always end early or do you get to eat at home?

Oh! I was talking about my high school and before that. I rarely eat at uni :laughing:

But yeah, youā€™re correct :wink: We could say that Iā€™m homeschooled.

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:skull: :skull: :skull:


I eat at home :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

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Cool! My it took 20-30 minutes for me to get to my school so I never ate at home. :laughing: My parents werenā€™t home either, so I couldnā€™t when I was younger.

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I usually eat a snack for lunch because I have to almost immediately leave the house again :eyes::eyes::green_heart:


Awā€¦ That seems stressful. But as long as you like it :wink:

  • Do you have packed lunch or school dinner?
  • What do you usually eat? Is it good? Is it free?
    After 2 classes we have break thatā€™s about 15 minutes long and there are like 4 different bakeries around my school so usually I just eat there with friends.
  • Where do you eat? Can you sit wherever you want?
    I eat at bakery and I either sit there or I just eat while walking to my next class.
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That sounds amazing! :heart_eyes:

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It is! If only we had more than 15 minutes to eat. :joy:

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Yeah, 15 isnā€™t a lot heh. :sweat_smile: Our shortest lunch was 30 minutes and everyone complained a lot. Our average lunch was an hour long.

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I wish we had at least 30 minutes, but at least I learned how to eat while running up the stairs. :joy::sob:

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If I ever bring lunch to school, I eat it before the actual lunch period. Lunch is the second to last thing I have on a school day and Iā€™m not waiting that long. :joy:

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Thatā€™s funny and sad at the same time :joy: :sob:

Hahahah :laughing:


We have economic rice, a bunch of noodles, snacks, drinksā€¦ It gets boring after a year of eating the same things, sadly, and no itā€™s not free. Thereā€™s a lot of tables so yeah, wherever, unless itā€™s really packed.




It sounds good though! :yum: But maybe a bit boring? :laughing:

We had about 10 dishes they switched between or so. I remember that it was fish every Wednesday.

Awā€¦ not free? :cry:

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I go to a but of a rich kid school (I go there for the academics, not to show off or anything) so we have a huge selection for lunch

we have sandwich, salad, pasta and soup bars along with some daily main and some sort of dessert :joy:


I usually bring packed lunch to school

I usually eat a sandwich of some sort with some snack, maybe apples or peanut butter crackers, itā€™s good
If I get food at my school, I usually get pizza, chips or fries, and maybe an m&m cookie, itā€™s good to me but some people donā€™t like the food
The food at the school is not free

I eat in the choir room since I have choir during lunch every day except Tuesday. In choir, I have to sit in a specific section for my voice part, but in that section, I can sit anywhere although people sit in the same place every day
Then on Tuesdays, I eat in the cafeteria and I can sit wherever, I just sit wherever my friends are

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Wait, I thought you meant you never buy school lunch. Iā€™m dumb :joy::rose::two_hearts:

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Whaaat?!!! :drooling_face: Thatā€™s sounds very luxurious and tastyyy :heart_eyes:

Nice! :yum:

Doesnā€™t sounds very healthy but tasty!

Aw :sneezing_face:

True :joy:

Nooo! Not allowed to spread lies on my thread :japanese_ogre: